Bethesda to be at E3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Bethesda has bought in as an exhibitor for E3 this June. Obsidian is not listed but is likely showing off New Vegas at Bethesda's booth, as their presence has already been personally confirmed to me.

Thanks Duck and Cover.
radiatedheinz said:
I am not exactly a E3 Savvy, are developers and people from the studios in the booths too?

Every publisher has his own method. Many send leads in, some have PR people. In Bethesda's case it's usually Todd Howard and Pete Hines. I know Feargus Urquhart and Chris Avellone will/should be there for Obsidian, not sure about JE Sawyer.
Cool, will you be there to report for us? I expect no less than a live feed.

Feargus Urquhart and Chris Avellone at the Bethesda booth on the E3, to everyone that comes by

"Kill us, kill us!"
The Dutch Ghost said:

Feargus Urquhart and Chris Avellone at the Bethesda booth on the E3, to everyone that comes by

"Kill us, kill us!"


Seriously, though, anyone here who will be there and can bring back any pieces of solid info?
If there is a gaming expo somewhere in Europe with Bethesda attending, I vote that Brother None pulls off his ninja spy shit once again. That was absolutely glorious.
* imagine this scene at an European game convention *

This time the people at doors leading to the room where Bethesda's Fallout New Vegas presentation will be held are informed to keep Brother None out.

They have been given a basic description of BN by Pete Hines.

We see Brother None, wearing one of those plastic glasses, nose and mustache that makes him look like Groucho Marx but for the rest looking like the last time, coming to the door with a press pass.

One of the door guards looks closer to inspect BN, a drop of sweat slowly glides down the side of BN's face.

Guard "Hmmm... Okay, you can go inside. The snack table is next to the entrance and we have set up chairs for the presentation. We hope you enjoy it."
The Dutch Ghost said:
*Elaborate schiem*

All of that except the sweat part.

BN would slide in there and be as cool as Cucumber dressed up as Fonzie for Holloween.

moving on.

Didn't E3 die like a year ago? or became a shadow of it's former self. Were not the whole light show and elaborate booths discarded in favour for 12 inch tv with a looping video of some inept orangutan playing a game, failing to grasp the controls of the demo and making ever game seem harder then it is.

Which brings me to tonights Word.

"Sucky Gamers"

Why does every demo video always have some dingus who can't play at all. They always have some defect that prevents them from preforming some menial task designed for us to be awed by the game, yet this asshole can't even jump on a stationary platform 2 feet off the ground and a inch away.
G4 usually does live coverage of E3. Not sure if they will do it this year, but why wouldn't they.
E3 is a tradeshow, invite-only thing now. PAX took its place as biggest North-American public trade show. But E3 still has the tradition of being most prestigious.

I do have an invitation/possibility to get a press pass, it is a pretty RPG/MMO-heavy E3 so GameBanshee'll be there regardless, and I'd be reporting for them. Not sure yet if I'm interested, I don't really like gaming expos.
You can try to talk to Pete again. :P Or catch Chris or Feargus.
verevoof said:
G4 usually does live coverage of E3. Not sure if they will do it this year, but why wouldn't they.
Unfortunately that means you have to watch G4 and their retarded staff... Their coverage is horrible and their interview questions cookie cutter or retarded.
E3, while not the glamour/lights/hot chicks it once was, is still where some of the biggest news and newest demos are shown.

If New Vegas comes out in late August like I heard, expect a good lenght demo, big news, complete walkthrough of the first few missions, date announcement and so on.

If it's in November like I expected since I heard "somewhere in 2010" expect two to five new missions being shown, a brand new trailer and a promise that the game still need some polishing.

In any case, please, do NOT use G4 for your coverage. Seriously, open IGN and refresh every hour or so and you'll be overwhelmed with information.

Now I wonder if it will be Natal compatible on 360?
big brother said:
Now I wonder if it will be Natal compatible on 360?

I doubt it. Natal is unlikely to take off for real, at least anytime soon and with the 360's current userbase. I expect some 1st party stuff using it, but not much else.
I aint going, so you'll need to convince Kharn to go ninja. going to be a tough sell though.
The only known game to support Natal will be Fable 3 so this game is out of the question. What the hell are you gonna do in this game with Natal? Physically apply rad-aways and stimpacks?
Bethesda’s will be like crack dealers waiting for the suckers to roll up, pipes in hand…then shuffle them away into a dark corner to watch some lame big screen demo of their latest master piece. The industry is not dead, but it sure smells bad and E3 and its equivalents, is just the makeup on the scary corpse.
I hope Obsidian picks up some tips from Bethesda here. It was disappointing to see the first Alpha Protocol gameplay footage that came out of E3 last year. They need to get more control over the flow of information, and learn to put their best foot forward.
I hope they dont take the wrong lessons from them though like ... showing and praising content that you never see that way in the finished game *cough*radiant AI *cough*