Bethesda's Fallout 3 forums opened

Starwars said:
Sometimes I think that the best method of discussion there would be writing a few posts with arguments in notepad and then copy-pasting them into discussion

Haha, I think you're on to something here. That's actually a pretty good idea.
Heh :D .
I have another idea, we can make a Fallout Fan's Weapons Cache topic on NMA - we would put there unbeatable arguments in code tags with quotes of developers so that they could be easily copy-pasted to official Fallout 3 for... err... chat...

Starwars said:
Though if there's one thing I would like the moderators there to do, it's clean away the short, annoying posts that just serve as flamebait. Whether it's from the TES people or Fallouters, I would really like for them remove posts that are basically just 'Fallout must get with the times, 1st person is the obvious choice' or 'Oblivion was stupid, therefore Fallout 3 will be awful'.
I agree. The worsest thing is that one can post there an uneducated opinion without suffering any consequences...
Sorrow said:
Starwars said:
Sometimes I think that the best method of discussion there would be writing a few posts with arguments in notepad and then copy-pasting them into discussion

Haha, I think you're on to something here. That's actually a pretty good idea.
Heh :D .
I have another idea, we can make a Fallout Fan's Weapons Cache topic on NMA - we would put there unbeatable arguments in code tags with quotes of developers so that they could be easily copy-pasted to official Fallout 3 for... err... chat...

Ohhhh... I like I like!

I have also noticed the forums have been slowing down there a wee bit as well.
Maphusio said:
I have also noticed the forums have been slowing down there a wee bit as well.

That's only natural. Most of the threads that are being opened now are more or less copying the ones that are buried a few pages earlier.

I'll bet things will pick up the pace twicefold as soon as some info about the actual game will start leaking.


Is it just me, or did the "Open Letter" thread got deleted? >_> Roflers, and i think it was the first one in which Gstaff posted. o_O


Yeah, it was confirmed. I must say, a very bad decision from the mod, to delete the whole thread, even if there was some fighting later on in it...
Does anybody know what happened to the thread "An Open Letter"?

Edit: My bad madbringer;-) Maybe the Mod didn't like the fact that he was accused of flamebaiting?

I hope the author has a saved it in Word...

Whooops there it is again.
Yeah, I was just about to post that here. Was there even a reason for it to be deleted except for the mods very own comment about 'mod for Fallout'?

How great, it was nice to see a post from a Bethsoft employee, and it gets deleted (not just locked even.)
There was a small debate with the mod. Some foolish flames and accusations of trolling from some users, but those could've been split or deleted individually, while some others, like me, were just discussing with CCNA how we thought he was mistaken.

It is odd because the original post was pretty good, and Gstaff was complimentary about it.

I think Bradylama still has a copy of the posts. Brady?
Tintin already re-posted E_G's original post here.

Still, it's a bummer the original one got deleted. I think the mod just got pissed off and lost his head.

:roll: ;/
Well, hopefully there will be more posts from Gstaff. It was kind of a bad move to flat out delete the thread, especially when they know how much the fanbase values communication with the Bethsoft employees.

Do you save everything on those boards Bradylama?
Starwars said:
Do you save everything on those boards Bradylama?

Cache everything, obviously, he just had to pluck it from his cache.

And as you can tell, it's not a bad idea to do so. Save all posts that you want to save, they will get "cleaned" out.
I've already asked you guys to do just that, since everything but the stickies gets deleted after a while.

I'm not pleased with CCNA either, although I'm surprised that the majority of the other moderators are actually doing their best and not being too one sided. That I was not expecting, but more power to them, while I remain very concerned about CCNA.

What is he up to?
He probably just couldn't take the heat and tried covering things up with some good old fashioned Mod Abuus.

G Staff hasn't posted much at all in the Fallout 3 forum as it is, though.
Hmmm, from a Codex user:

CCNA said:
If they had responded that would have been one thing, but I ask a simple question and get flamed for it? And then get flamed again when I clarify it? And, now I have to explain my actions. Fallout fans make my teeth ache.

I used to like the game, I even ordered the collection again so I could play it again. Nope, when it shows up, I will probably use it for a coaster for an oil can in my garage.

I hope you guys get the game you want, whatever that is. I for one, no longer care.

That is slightly unnerving.
Briosafreak said:
I'm not pleased with CCNA either, although I'm surprised that the majority of the other moderators are actually doing their best and not being too one sided. That I was not expecting, but more power to them, while I remain very concerned about CCNA.

What is he up to?
He's relatively new (as a mod) and seemingly a bit overzealous.

Brother None said:
Dunno, but I doubt deleting his boss's message is a good career move
It's not like he works for Beth. He's just a forum mod that gets a free copy of each game those forums are about. And not even in advance.
CCNA finally allowed a report of the original. my guess is, he simply wanted his own screwup erased while claiming it was for other reasons.
I saw that thread, you guys pretty much called him out on the snarky comment in a calm, rational way and suddenly *poof* the thread mysteriously dissappeared.
Francis said:
He's relatively new (as a mod) and seemingly a bit overzealous.
A bit more than that, I think. His first comment, and accusations of flames seem completely unwarranted (unless the topic descended into utter anarchy after Bradylama's saved copy ends). Really the only responses that could be considered flaming would be from _Mismatch_ and perhaps TinTin. Here is a copy of all the replies generated by CCNA's addition to the thread.

CCNA said:
So, basically you guys just want a big mod for Fallout?
In response:
Fahrplan said:
You know, actually all I want is to see some creativity, You know?
Ralod said:
That line can go both ways.

I would expect a bit more then a one line snide remark from a forum mod to be honest. He is trying to help, trying to be postive. No reason to be hostile.
Kharn said:
Oh, yay, I've never heard that one before!

Seriously, CCNA, as a mod you should try to avoid logical fallacies and even moreso avoid using arguments that have been rehashed and adressed ages ago. This classic "you just want a mod" has been adressed in NMA's "Glittering Gems of Hatred" article.

To sum it up; considering the Fallout fans were more than excited about the development of the 3D RT/TB co-op Van Buren, it is safe to say that the accusation that we just want 1998 all over again is pretty ridiculous.

The problem? It takes a lot of talent and intelligence to take Fallout's difficult setting not to mention the pretty complex concept of transition from pen and paper games to a cRPG. These are very basic design ideas that many Fallout fans would like to see return, and while it was clear that Van Buren would honour them, no such thing is clear for Fallout 3. The straw man that this is nothing other than wanting a big mod is just that...a straw man.
Korusus said:
I don't understand this is staying true to Black Isle's development of the series a "big mod for Fallout?"
_Mismatch_ said:
You don't see mods flame baiting every day, go ban yourself.
Leinadi said:
That's not very fair. Fallout 2, Knights of the old Republic 2, Civilization, Sim City, Baldurs Gate 2 etc are games that kept the basis of the gameplay, while trying to improve it (and of course present a new story). Obviously there will be a bigger change now since Fallout 2 was 9 years ago, but I think the principle still stands.
TinTin said:
You're supposed to be a mod? This was a highly respectful letter written by someone who clearly has respect for both Fallout and Bethesda Softworks? What's with the trolling for flame wars? Isn't that something that people are banned for?

I'm sure you feel silly considering that a Bethesda developer posted a respectful response not soon after your comment. Clearly the people you seem to be "defending" don't even agree with your methods or ideas.

Jeez, I think you need to grow up and stop acting so childish. Well, at least the Beth devs are a bit more mature and can accept well-reasoned critique and suggestions.
CCNA's eventual response:
CCNA said:
Ralod said:
That line can go both ways.

I would expect a bit more then a one line snide remark from a forum mod to be honest. He is trying to help, trying to be postive. No reason to be hostile.
I have never said Oblivion and Fallout should be the same game.

Mismatch said:
You don't see mods flame baiting every day, go ban yourself.
It is not a flame, but a clarification. I see the FO folks asking for the same game that they had, but just new quests and stories. That is what the OP is asking for. That is what other posts I have seen are stating. Same game, new things to do. That is a mod to an existing game. Or, an Expansion. There is nothing wrong with that, if that is what you want for your sequel.
Kharn said:
CCNA: "a mod for Fallout" does indicate using the same engine, graphics, technology, gameplay, etc. As I said, van Buren wasn't poised to do that, and a majority was happy with it. I can understand where you got the impression from, but it's the wrong one. I think it'd really help if you read up one the several articles spread on Duck and Cover and NMA, Glittering Gems in particular, so you are more informed and don't repeat arguments that have been dealt with a long time ago. Knowledge is power.
Ralod said:
I am sorry but that is not what he is asking for. He is asking for consideration. Something it seems you have predetermined not to give.

He is in essence asking that what we know of fallout be used in fallout 3. He is not talking in absolutes, and he is trying to get people to see what we need to do to get that point across.

I do feel that post was a flame, and was very uncalled for in a discussion such as this.
And here is where Bradylama's copy ends.
Bradylama didn't pick up his reply to my post, then, he quoted my "knowledge is power" and, of the top of my head, said something like "The irony of that remark is not lost on me." and then asked for more clarification. I typed out a reply, only to be snubbed with a "thread deleted"