Bethesda's Fallout 3 forums opened

Briosafreak said:
Killzig got him, those guys at DAC are craaaaazy.

Seriously now there is something that people are forgetting though, the fact that all the topics get to be locked after 200 posts, and all locked or non active topics get pruned after a month, so many posts are going into oblivion really soon. So if you want to participate you better backup your posts and those from others that you might find interesting.

Seriously? ...Can I help burn the books?
SimpleMinded said:
Sigh, I was reading about the forums being opened on kotaku ( and I just don't understand people. The commenters knock fallout fans as "ignorant asshats who just want to whine about everything." Is there no hypocrisy in these kinds of statements?
It is Kotaku, the gathering ground for many a console gamer, with an inbuilt bias when it comes to the subject of the Fallout community (notice how the comments follow the obvious lead of the news post). They established their opinions on ignorance and misconceptions long ago; now they won't budge on them come hell or high water. And of course they don't recognize the hypocrisy, they never do; on the Quarter to Three forums, Kotaku, or the radical part of the ESF membership.
What a pathetic bunch of fucktards is over at Bethesda's forums. They already started to lock topics for flaming reasons, although I'll be damned if there was any flaming in them.
Like always "Bethesda can't do Fallout 3" and "Fallout 3 will suck" are flames, while "Bethesda is the best company and can do a great Fallout" and "Fallout 3 will rock" are the only things acceptable.

Well, really, my patience has gone to zero. Thank you very much, Bethesda for opening the forums.. for your fans, not for the Fallout fans.

OMFG!!111 I gOtz a wanring!!!11

Accepting the truth is beyond their ability.
Going back on that forum is beyond my ability.
FeelTheRads said:
Well, really, my patience has gone to zero. Thank you very much, Bethesda for opening the forums.. for your fans, not for the Fallout fans.

Somehow I did expect something like that. This is kinda sad. I wonder when they really start to drive us away? I mean we could even critisize(or mock as they would say) their games...
Wouldn't that be funny if they did shut down the forums for awhile...

Its gonna get even more crazy when they release some hard info on the game!
The comments at Kotaku are more divided than I thought.

Many Fallout fans are getting warnings after being baited by guys from various places into flamewars or into a radicalization of the discussion, and the mods from Beth told me now that they are aware of the situation and will act with that into account. We'll see, people don't fall for the baits ok?

First report I got was that in general Fallout fans didn't misbehave much, instead they are being very critical but in general very correct about the situation, it's the cultural shock of having different fandoms on one place that is causing more problems.

Let's continue like that, we're not sheep, we want to be heard, but we can't fall for the traps layered in order to marginalize us.

Of course, I've heard about Oblivious fanboys in extensive detail; how could you not, on NMA? I guess it just didn't really sink in until I looked at the Beth forums. Wtf? These kids (and, despite the fact that many of them are likely older than me, I will continue to call them "kids," unless Jesus descends from the heavens and beats some sense into them) make some of the dumbest statements I've ever seen.

Also, how are we (NMA and, to a lesser extent, DAC) the ones considered rabid? Mutated, yes; skeptical, yes; untrusting, yes... and all with good reason. The fans of TES, from what I can see, are trolls/flamebait, flamers, and drooling idiots besides -- though, of course, there seem to be a vanishingly small number of exceptions.

I'm probably gonna register over there soon, and (like most of the Fallout fans I've seen) act like I have some sense -- like NMA, unlike NMA's rep, and unlike the Bethesda whores.

Edit: The poster at gives me a degree of (possibly irrational) hope.
7,247 hits yesterday, a one-year record.

Getting links from those forums en masse.

We'll see how they act, Briosa. If they *do* act on the worse behaviour from Oblivion fans by stopping them more regularly than our dudes, fine. If not, we know where we're at.
Just as quick reminder to yourself (us) and Bethesda: In a recent poll about 25% said that they have heard about Fallout 3 from NMA and just under 10% (or maybe more?) said that they have heard about Fallout 3 from DaC. And that's a pretty large fanbase to suddenly scare away.

As fort the warnings and the other things at Beth's forums, I have seen people getting warnings for saying things like Oblivion is the bestest game EVAR!! just as much as Oblivion Suckors!! and other stuff such oblivion fanboi is caught by the autocensor as much as other certain sentences about Oblivion.

I'm (almost) certain that if a poster just keeps saying Fallout 3 will rock without explaining why it will rock, he or she will, at some time, recieve a warning much like the poster who says that OMG!Fallout 3 will suck! without explaining why it will suck.

I know that I can say things here (on NMA) in a certain manner, (and on DaC and on the Codex as well), that I can't say in the same manner at Bethsoft's Game forums. I will there typically rephrase what I mean but without losing the content, the meaning of what I'm going to say, be it in regards to Oblivion or Fallout 3.

And yes, just because people are older, doesn't necessairly mean that they aren't (still) dumb-asses...

On a more general note, I think, we do have some great discussions & debates going, especially in Fallout general where, as Briosfreak mentioned, people are on their best behaviour. [As for people who would want to provoke you, I use a little trick my mother told me, and the trick is 'to let go into your one ear and out of the other ear' --- in other words - just ignore the flame baiters...].

And we have had, as I said, (and still do) some great & worthy debates about turnbased versus realtime combat, what kind of features people want to see or not see in Fallout 3. And many more.

And the acticity is really buzzing, which means, to me, at least, that there seems to have been a gap, a hole, to fill, among (general) gamers, to talk about and discuss things related to the Fallout franchise.

And actually, I'm glad that the fans from NMA and DaC is over there, since it means that the debate can be a qualified, yet critical one.
RPG of the year!! said:
Oh, mercy.
Bethesda bit off so much more than they could chew, my sides are still aching from laughter.
Although I had expected a lot of negative comments, I'm overwhelmed by the hailstorm of trashing Beth has to take.
Looks like the final stand of the victims of the "RPG of the Year" sometimes (which isn't related to your nick, Rosh. *g*).
Yeah. Actually, yesterday, i was sure the forums are going to hell, there were fires lighting up in nearly every thread, but now, it seems everything calmed down.

And while you can run into the occasional clueless people bouncing back and forth in random threads, most of rest is pretty coherent and intelligent. Moderators seem pretty much unbiased, and are just doing their stuff. I hope it all continues in the chilling laid-back way.
I have a thought about rhethorics - could all NMA people start explaining that Fallout is a recreation of the tabletop gaming experience on a computer?
(almost a direct quote from Chris Taylor).

I think that it's important to use arguments based on interviews with creators and history of Fallout.

I think that we could use some propaganda support to be ready for greater war effort.
Those thoughtless, rabid hordes of Fallout haters are tiring me quickly.
Indeed, you can get tired of these standard attacks against Fallout fans.

Bradylama has very fine way in presenting good arguments and staying calm, over there.
Beth's boards are designed by nitwits... And all those restrictions on what one can say doesn't help. Its hard for me to see the topics because I am on my sidekick II the only access to the internet I got at the moment.
They could use a decent moderator - Roshambo for example.
Their forum is drowning in clueless opinions and stupidity.

Once more into the breach my friends :| ...
That's because people tend to highlight only the most mind-numbing comments.

You'd have to admit though, that those are prevalent.

Only a few people there have common sense, and those are especially the people who didn't like Oblivion. Funny, isn't it?

I have a thought about rhethorics - could all NMA people start explaining that Fallout is a recreation of the tabletop gaming experience on a computer?
(almost a direct quote from Chris Taylor).

I think that it's important to use arguments based on interviews with creators and history of Fallout.

Pretty much useless as I've noticed. When confronted with the truth, they will go Christian-style and simply ignore it.