Still Mildly Glowing

The vertibird display in Fallout 3's Smithsonian said they weren't going to be rolled out until the 2080's. That could just be laziness on the part of Bethesda not wanting to make a helicopter or it could have been a prototype, honestly who cares about it.
In was also established that the East Coast had slightly more warning than the West Coast. The West Coast getting hit first and news broadcasts on the East Coast reporting about it. Also, it was mentioned that the sirens did go off when the bombs fell, its just that most people ignored them. Like I do when I have a shelter in place drill where I live.
In was also established that the East Coast had slightly more warning than the West Coast. The West Coast getting hit first and news broadcasts on the East Coast reporting about it. Also, it was mentioned that the sirens did go off when the bombs fell, its just that most people ignored them. Like I do when I have a shelter in place drill where I live.