Bethesda's Lore Recons

Ever played Fallout 1? No I don't think so, or you haven't played it in ages because I fail to see a lot of goofy and funny shit in Fallout 1. Fallout 2 yes, Fallout New Vegas a bit. And Fallout 3/4? Very much so.
Yes, and The Master, the super mutants, the BoS, using caps for money/trade equalizer, all of it was fairly goofy stuff.

Fallout 2 was the one that took it to its most extreme, and it suffered for it.
I don't care. I'm tired of having to deal with Fallout 3's lore and from what it looks like Fallout 4's is even worse. It complicates more than it adds to the series. You don't wanna write them off then don't. But saying that Bethesda decides lore just cause they hold the IP doesn't make much sense to me. They lost that right when they pulled the whole Cabot thing. That was the final straw for me. Is it really gonna require something bigger than that for you two write them off? What will it take before you say enough is enough? You don't have to accept it as canon just cause they hold the license. If they're too incompetent to take care of the lore then we can simply all choose to agree to not care for it. It can ride its zany-train into madness. I don't see why any of you would want to hitch a ride on that fucking thing. If that's what you want to do then go ahead.

It's so easy for any of you to --figuratively most of the time but literally some of the time-- say fuck bethesda (for some, in a less crude fashion) but it's too difficult for you to draw the line and say that enough is enough? Fuck that. Enough is enough. Bethesda don't decide canon for me any longer and I don't get why you would allow them to decide it for you.

Will 'anything' be the final straw for you? And if there is a final straw, then why can't Fallout 4 be it? Does it really have to turn into FBOS 2 before you decide that it's gone too far? Cause it's off the rails bananaz already, man.

I have a far better outlook on fallout's lore now when I don't have to acknowledge anything Bethesda added. It's easier on the heart and mind.

I meant that acknowledging the lore as stupid is fine, but saying 'lalaalala doesn't exist and it's wrong' is petty.

I just ignore the games and done, I'm happy and don't need to worry about it!
Strongly disagree. It makes no sense to accept their lore as canon when they do not even try to respect the lore that the original developers created. Call it petty and nonsensical as much as you like, I am still going to disregarded Bethesda's lore because their writing development is in desperate need of improvement, their worlds are either boring (Skyrim), inconsistent (Fallout 3), or just plain generic (Oblivion), and even you agree with me that they retcon their own lore, which is more of a reason to say "their lore does not exist to me".
Ever played Fallout 1? No I don't think so, or you haven't played it in ages because I fail to see a lot of goofy and funny shit in Fallout 1. Fallout 2 yes, Fallout New Vegas a bit. And Fallout 3/4? Very much so.
Yes, and The Master, the super mutants, the BoS, using caps for money/trade equalizer, all of it was fairly goofy stuff.

Fallout 2 was the one that took it to its most extreme, and it suffered for it.

Totally goofy!

Let's have a look! Bottle caps are relatively easy to find, and are supported by the major merchants in the Hub hence their use around all the major settlements. That's not goofy, it's well explained and handled in a realistic manner. It's the equivalent of saying we use worthless pieces of plastic is goofy.

The Master was basically insane with good intentions to unite Humanity and stop our bickering and warfare. How is that goofy I fail to see.

The Super mutants, now they were a bit weird so I can't argue there but Fallout 1 made them brutal and something to be feared.

The BOS were soldiers that had their original belief or keeping technology safe and ready corrupted to a religion type idea, and you saying that is like saying Christianity is goofy.
Would bottle caps be relatively easy to find?
Wouldn't a lot of that stuff have been destroyed or wouldn't they be pretty easily damaged and degraded over the years?
Not to mention how bulky they would all get depending on how much you were carrying.
I guess there might be bottling plants active or remnants of them. But then would creating new bottle caps like that
be like creating counterfeit money? Or would it be regulated somehow even though bottle caps do have a primary function
not related to money systems/bartering?
Would bottle caps be relatively easy to find?
Wouldn't a lot of that stuff have been destroyed or wouldn't they be pretty easily damaged and degraded over the years?
Not to mention how bulky they would all get depending on how much you were carrying.
I guess there might be bottling plants active or remnants of them. But then would creating new bottle caps like that
be like creating counterfeit money? Or would it be regulated somehow even though bottle caps do have a primary function
not related to money systems/bartering?

I can't think of anything else in the series that would have been a good use for currency. Currency was needed.
You cant use Tulips, Sticks, or grain of sand as currency, obviously. Also, F1 was at a stage of early rebuilding. Theres not much machinery, active machinery, requiring tinkering etc etc. I thought it was a well thought, logical use of currency.

Talking about regulations etc etc was to early in the archaic build up of the world. The other alternative was a trade basis, where they discuss and find a middle ground on perceived values of the item (rather than currency), but i am not sure how that could have been implemented during that time.
I don't care. I'm tired of having to deal with Fallout 3's lore and from what it looks like Fallout 4's is even worse. It complicates more than it adds to the series. You don't wanna write them off then don't. But saying that Bethesda decides lore just cause they hold the IP doesn't make much sense to me. They lost that right when they pulled the whole Cabot thing. That was the final straw for me. Is it really gonna require something bigger than that for you two write them off? What will it take before you say enough is enough? You don't have to accept it as canon just cause they hold the license. If they're too incompetent to take care of the lore then we can simply all choose to agree to not care for it. It can ride its zany-train into madness. I don't see why any of you would want to hitch a ride on that fucking thing. If that's what you want to do then go ahead.

It's so easy for any of you to --figuratively most of the time but literally some of the time-- say fuck bethesda (for some, in a less crude fashion) but it's too difficult for you to draw the line and say that enough is enough? Fuck that. Enough is enough. Bethesda don't decide canon for me any longer and I don't get why you would allow them to decide it for you.

Will 'anything' be the final straw for you? And if there is a final straw, then why can't Fallout 4 be it? Does it really have to turn into FBOS 2 before you decide that it's gone too far? Cause it's off the rails bananaz already, man.

I have a far better outlook on fallout's lore now when I don't have to acknowledge anything Bethesda added. It's easier on the heart and mind.

I meant that acknowledging the lore as stupid is fine, but saying 'lalaalala doesn't exist and it's wrong' is petty.

I just ignore the games and done, I'm happy and don't need to worry about it!
Strongly disagree. It makes no sense to accept their lore as canon when they do not even try to respect the lore that the original developers created. Call it petty and nonsensical as much as you like, I am still going to disregarded Bethesda's lore because their writing development is in desperate need of improvement, their worlds are either boring (Skyrim), inconsistent (Fallout 3), or just plain generic (Oblivion), and even you agree with me that they retcon their own lore, which is more of a reason to say "their lore does not exist to me".

It's fine to say the lore is dead to ME but to say it's totally wrong for everyone and it's just wrong is technically incorrect. Saying it's bad and all is fine, and saying that to yourself it's wrong is fine but just stating it's all wrong for ever and never will be right comes across... a bit of a tantrum (sorry Fish, no offence meant).
Would bottle caps be relatively easy to find?
Wouldn't a lot of that stuff have been destroyed or wouldn't they be pretty easily damaged and degraded over the years?
Not to mention how bulky they would all get depending on how much you were carrying.
I guess there might be bottling plants active or remnants of them. But then would creating new bottle caps like that
be like creating counterfeit money? Or would it be regulated somehow even though bottle caps do have a primary function
not related to money systems/bartering?

I can't think of anything else in the series that would have been a good use for currency. Currency was needed.
You cant use Tulips, Sticks, or grain of sand as currency, obviously. Also, F1 was at a stage of early rebuilding. Theres not much machinery, active machinery, requiring tinkering etc etc. I thought it was a well thought, logical use of currency.

Talking about regulations etc etc was to early in the archaic build up of the world. The other alternative was a trade basis, where they discuss and find a middle ground on perceived values of the item (rather than currency), but i am not sure how that could have been implemented during that time.
Well yeah, it is a game after all and I'm not disparaging their use of bottle caps in it. They could have chosen basically anything, and they kind of did,
and made it work since it's just a game. Bottle caps are basically coin sized, if not a little more bulky, so it was as good a choice as anything else.

Beyond that I guess they could have implemented some sort of banknote type system or iou type system. Or they could have even added some from of money from the start
and people probably would have accepted it without a second thought. Though I guess bottle caps did add a little more flavor to it.
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Everything you just said was such a terribly misguided comparison I honestly wonder if you were being serious.

-The Master was goofy because of the way he acted. He was Bond villain smug, threw out cheesy lines like
"So what shall it be? Do you join the Unity, or do you die here? Join! Die! Join! Die!"
"You think you can destroy me? Destroy! Me?"
"I am the Master. I don't have to answer to you."
and could die in what basically amounted to NOOOOOOO! *commits suicide*

-The super mutants were basically the hulk, but retarded outside a few like Lieutenant.
-The BoS were such overzealous techno cult played so far they basically became a parody of religious extremists.

You can make anything sound serious when you reduce it down to its most base level, and ignore all the actual details.
Everything you just said was such a terribly misguided comparison I honestly wonder if you were being serious.

-The Master was goofy because of the way he acted. He was Bond villain smug, threw out cheesy lines like
"So what shall it be? Do you join the Unity, or do you die here? Join! Die! Join! Die!"
"You think you can destroy me? Destroy! Me?"
"I am the Master. I don't have to answer to you."
and could die in what basically amounted to NOOOOOOO! *commits suicide*

-The super mutants were basically the hulk, but retarded outside a few like Lieutenant.
-The BoS were such overzealous techno cult played so far they basically became a parody of religious extremists.

You can make anything sound serious when you reduce it down to its most base level, and ignore all the actual details.

Hmm funny, I got you there with the bottle caps.

The Master was insane and unlike a James Bond villain he had good intentions, and making him commit suicide requires scientific proof.

Again, I agree the Super Mutants were pretty goofy.

So where exactly in Fallout 1 do they worship technology! Jesus, just talk to one of the guards in front of the bunker who explains they're heavily stereotyped. They're just a militaristic order that relies on technology.
Bethesda now has the final say and could easily had retconned a lot of stuff from Fallout New Vegas in Fallout 4. For example that the NCR since Hoover Dam has now completely expanded across the Mid West and now borders on the East Coast.
Or that the West Coast Brotherhood defeated the NCR and now rules it.

Oh god, don't say such things. Don't even think them. They might be heard and turned into reality. Really wish Bethesda would leave the west coast alone. Not using it in any way, not writing about it in any way. Just let them do their thing on the east coast.
Fallout retcons made by Bethesda?

Mothership Zeta Returns, I called it!


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Bethesda now has the final say and could easily had retconned a lot of stuff from Fallout New Vegas in Fallout 4. For example that the NCR since Hoover Dam has now completely expanded across the Mid West and now borders on the East Coast.
Or that the West Coast Brotherhood defeated the NCR and now rules it.

Oh god, don't say such things. Don't even think them. They might be heard and turned into reality. Really wish Bethesda would leave the west coast alone. Not using it in any way, not writing about it in any way. Just let them do their thing on the east coast.

As long as they leave it alone, the East Coast can become alien paradise for all I care.
I don't really know where to stand on Bethesda acknowledging New Vegas. If they were to acknowledge it, then some might complain they're messing with the West Coast. But if they don't, there might be complaints of them ignoring Obsidians' contribution to the franchise. I personally don't know which to agree with.
I don't think they should fully ignore it. Add some references here and there, mention that Hoover Dam was the site of a battle a few years previously but keep it vague what happened.
They really don't need to write about it. Man, just think about it- there is a dude in Fo4 who found his wife in the Hub, lived in Frisco and then showed up in Boston. Or Harold who walked from Gecko to Washington while becoming a tree. Did anyone at Bethesda ever look at a map of america? This country is god damn huge and we are in a post-apocalyptic environment without working train connection from east to west, without known cars that can travers such a huge distance, we know there are many threats in the mid-west, like the Legion or huge ass radioactive sand storms, and yet everyone and their mother is able to walk from west to east in a reasonable short time? Come on... what kind of shit is this.
They really don't need to write about it. Man, just think about it- there is a dude in Fo4 who found his wife in the Hub, lived in Frisco and then showed up in Boston. Or Harold who walked from Gecko to Washington while becoming a tree. Did anyone at Bethesda ever look at a map of america? This country is god damn huge and we are in a post-apocalyptic environment without working train connection from east to west, without known cars that can travers such a huge distance, we know there are many threads in the mid-west, like the Legion or huge ass radioactive sand storms, and yet everyone and their mother is able to walk from west to east in a reasonable short time? Come on... what kind of shit is this.

Bethesdian writing that's what.