Hardboiled Android
Vault Fossil

Hey, if Johnny Appleseed could do it...
Hey, if Johnny Appleseed could do it...
Don't know why'd they would force Obsidian to do that. Bethesda focuses on the East coast, Obsidian can probably do what they want with the West as long as it doesn't interfere with the East coast so Obsidian could make one of the endings canon if they wanted.They'll force Obsidian to write a certain way like that.
Don't know why'd they would force Obsidian to do that. Bethesda focuses on the East coast, Obsidian can probably do what they want with the West as long as it doesn't interfere with the East coast so Obsidian could make one of the endings canon if they wanted.They'll force Obsidian to write a certain way like that.
Well I don't think Bethesda cares which NV ending is canon, it has no effect on the East so it probably wouldn't matter much.
I have to agree with this.Well I don't think Bethesda cares which NV ending is canon, it has no effect on the East so it probably wouldn't matter much.
No, the idea that the NCR ending for NV is canon is because people are misinterpreting Kellogg's memories, which take place between Fallout 1-2, and theres a radio talking about the NCR forming, with people saying "we are all NCR citizens now". This is a memory of his childhood, but Kellogg is over 100 years old, which makes it being about NV impossible.I heard that caravan dialog makes the NCR ending canon in New Vegas. That limits the options on potential future West Coat games, albeit I guess they could always retcon that out too, or have the NCR collapse or somesuch.
What bugs me is this; wasn't the Vertibird a post-war innovation by the Enclave? The Brotherhood having them is fine since they swiped them from Adams Air Force Base, but there are pre-war Vertibirds, including the one on top of Concord. Pretty sure that's a retcon.
I heard that caravan dialog makes the NCR ending canon in New Vegas. That limits the options on potential future West Coat games, albeit I guess they could always retcon that out too, or have the NCR collapse or somesuch.
What bugs me is this; wasn't the Vertibird a post-war innovation by the Enclave? The Brotherhood having them is fine since they swiped them from Adams Air Force Base, but there are pre-war Vertibirds, including the one on top of Concord. Pretty sure that's a retcon.
No, the idea that the NCR ending for NV is canon is because people are misinterpreting Kellogg's memories, which take place between Fallout 1-2, and theres a radio talking about the NCR forming, with people saying "we are all NCR citizens now". This is a memory of his childhood, but Kellogg is over 100 years old.I heard that caravan dialog makes the NCR ending canon in New Vegas. That limits the options on potential future West Coat games, albeit I guess they could always retcon that out too, or have the NCR collapse or somesuch.
What bugs me is this; wasn't the Vertibird a post-war innovation by the Enclave? The Brotherhood having them is fine since they swiped them from Adams Air Force Base, but there are pre-war Vertibirds, including the one on top of Concord. Pretty sure that's a retcon.
And no, the vertibird was a pre-war invention, that was only finished post-war. What we see pre-war in Fallout 4 were the testing prototype models.
Bethesda should not ignore Obsidian from a gameplay and characterization (maybe even writing) standpoint because despite the fact that NV was crippled by an unstable piece of outdated garbage, they added more personality to companions, they balanced out level system, and difficulty levels were more punishing (mainly Hardcore mode).I don't really know where to stand on Bethesda acknowledging New Vegas. If they were to acknowledge it, then some might complain they're messing with the West Coast. But if they don't, there might be complaints of them ignoring Obsidians' contribution to the franchise. I personally don't know which to agree with.
No one said veribirds were in general use. It also wasn't top secret either.No, Vertibirds weren't in general use at all in the preWar World, that is basically canon since forever ago, the only ones that you would find crashed before would be Enclave vehicles. But that has changed now, so to Bethesda a top secret Military prototype no equals them just being everywhere in the prewar world.
Would bottle caps be relatively easy to find?
Wouldn't a lot of that stuff have been destroyed or wouldn't they be pretty easily damaged and degraded over the years?
Not to mention how bulky they would all get depending on how much you were carrying.
I guess there might be bottling plants active or remnants of them. But then would creating new bottle caps like that
be like creating counterfeit money? Or would it be regulated somehow even though bottle caps do have a primary function
not related to money systems/bartering?
I can't think of anything else in the series that would have been a good use for currency. Currency was needed.
You cant use Tulips, Sticks, or grain of sand as currency, obviously. Also, F1 was at a stage of early rebuilding. Theres not much machinery, active machinery, requiring tinkering etc etc. I thought it was a well thought, logical use of currency.
Talking about regulations etc etc was to early in the archaic build up of the world. The other alternative was a trade basis, where they discuss and find a middle ground on perceived values of the item (rather than currency), but i am not sure how that could have been implemented during that time.
>They didn't send out an incomplete, and potentially deadly, flying vehicle, hooked up with a nuclear reactor, into a large scale battlezone, where it could get easily shot up and destroyed, probably killing tons of soldiers when the core detonated due to not having enough armor plating, or some other fault they may not know about, and instead did a few test runs in Boston, a place as far from the Chinese as possible.snip
It wasn't, actually playing the game before you talk about it would help. There are at least two other nuclear detonation sites, one in Boston proper, in the Cambridge area.Also if Boston held so many Military Prototypes why was it only targeted by a single Nuke?