Would bottle caps be relatively easy to find?
Wouldn't a lot of that stuff have been destroyed or wouldn't they be pretty easily damaged and degraded over the years?
Not to mention how bulky they would all get depending on how much you were carrying.
I guess there might be bottling plants active or remnants of them. But then would creating new bottle caps like that
be like creating counterfeit money? Or would it be regulated somehow even though bottle caps do have a primary function
not related to money systems/bartering?
I can't think of anything else in the series that would have been a good use for currency. Currency was needed.
You cant use Tulips, Sticks, or grain of sand as currency, obviously. Also, F1 was at a stage of early rebuilding. Theres not much machinery, active machinery, requiring tinkering etc etc. I thought it was a well thought, logical use of currency.
Talking about regulations etc etc was to early in the archaic build up of the world. The other alternative was a trade basis, where they discuss and find a middle ground on perceived values of the item (rather than currency), but i am not sure how that could have been implemented during that time.
Actually by Fallout 2, the money are NCR dollars "$" that appear to be gold coins or something.
And there's even an in-game joke quest about it with bottle caps in it. I checked the wiki and the description for the item is given:
"These are worthless bottle caps. You've heard that at one time they were used as money, though you suspect its only a story."
New Vegas also has caps, but mostly because Fallout 3 did. And even then, the NCR and the Legion were minting their own money. The NCR had paper bills while the Legion had gold and silver coins. And there's a side quest where one of the merchant companies ask you to shut down the Sunset Sarsaparilla's bottle cap press because they don't want the currency to devalue any further.
Even so, it's a notably silly piece of lore. The NCR has had the technology to produce their own AR-15 looking service rifles for quite some by the events of New Vegas. So using caps as money sounds incredibly unwise.
Cheers for the post. I totally forgot about NCR own form of currency. But why is Caps still silly.
I am sure i am not the only one that thinks Currency and its evolution in-game in F1, F2 and FNV shows a form of growth of its world and its society.
I mean when i can imagine loosely how the NCR is becoming a Nation, and building its own currency control. Its still logical.
If currency couldnt be created, controlled and distribute, you are really only left with whats available in the world, or the most archaic, bartering on goods vs goods level.
Lastly, there is no standard dominations of the currency used in the states. You do not use US dollar in Singapore and vice versa. Until it is controlled, caps will still be used as a primary to anything that is not NCR, Legion, Institure, Enclave related. And it might not be caps, but obviously fallout has not explored beyond that. I also dont think all non governed societies will automatically rely on caps as a currency, and you got me there.