Stanislao Moulinsky
Vault Fossil

The whole point of the vault experiments was to test these things out on people so The Enclave would know if they worked.
For non-sociological experiments you don't need to use the Vaults though. Just use POWs in secret facilities, like Mariposa.
However, those short term tests would not give them the data they needed to be sure it would last for hundreds of years, aka the hundreds of years needed to reach another world, until they did it in the vault experiment and got the data of them surviving for such a long term.
The Vault 111 experiment was supposed to last only for 6 months.
To be fair though, Fallout's vault lore has been broken since day 1.
Fallout 1
>Lets built all these vaults to save humanity!
>Proceeds to put Vault 13 and 15 so far from any major population center that no one would realistically have the ability to reach them before the bombs fell.
>Vault 8 is built even FURTHER away from any major population center then Vaults 13 and 15 were, making one wonder how anyone managed to reach it in time in the first place.
Maybe the governemnt built small towns around the Vaults just for the vault dwellers. Can you imagine the chaos if the 1000 Vault Dwellers had to reach the Vaults amidst the frightened doomed citizens? Not to mention that by being in the middle of nowhere there would be less risk of nukes targeting the area.
>Despite spending billions of dollars to build all these vaults, The Enclave didn't spend any money making sure the communication lines stayed intact, thus meaning they lost contact with all the vaults, rendering the whole thing pointless.
Didn't Vault 8 receive the all-clear signal from the Enclave or I'm remebering it wrong?