Antediluvian as Feck

Why should the conflict be a fair one?Keeping civilization small means you dont have to make such large threats to make the conflict a fair one.
Why should the conflict be a fair one?Keeping civilization small means you dont have to make such large threats to make the conflict a fair one.
Because if it isn't, you just end up with a New Vegas scenario, where basically no one picked The Legion because of how hilariously one sided the game's content was in favor of the NCR. Which in turn ruins any sort of point one could make about the equal validity/grey morality of each side's stance, because, if all sides were equally grey, there would be an equal amount of people supporting them, and thus an equal amount of in universe power, and in-game content, for each. Instead of the interesting grey morality plotline the game should have had, The Legion is painted as the clear cut badguy, worse then any other option.Why should the conflict be a fair one?
Even if all of them were made to save people, that still wouldn't be enough to actually guarantee the survival of humanity.
120 000 people living is more than enough to ensure survival, on top of those lucky enough to not be killed by the bombs (especially if big cities like Boston somehow only get hit by 1 glancing nuke while there are 77 aimed at Las Vegas). And since the country would mostly be safe from lethal radiation after, what, a few years at most, it's not like the people who emerge would be clueless Vault Dwellers.
Not all options have to be equally appealing. You have 3 "good options" (NCR, House, Yes man) and one "bad option" legion. I would say it makes perfect sense for there to be unbalance in what appeals to the player, but that is in no way reflective upon the power of particular factions. Pretty much everywhere in the game you see or hear how corrupt and weak the NCR has become and that they are spread way too thin to effectively counteract Legion incursions into their territories.
If anything, Caesars Legion comes off as the stronger side, owing their first defeat at Hoover Dam only to their lack of operational flexibility without officers(Which they would surely correct before the rematch) and actions of the Rangers and 1st recon, and not the bulk of NCR army.
Even if all of them were made to save people, that still wouldn't be enough to actually guarantee the survival of humanity.
120 000 people living is more than enough to ensure survival, on top of those lucky enough to not be killed by the bombs (especially if big cities like Boston somehow only get hit by 1 glancing nuke while there are 77 aimed at Las Vegas). And since the country would mostly be safe from lethal radiation after, what, a few years at most, it's not like the people who emerge would be clueless Vault Dwellers.
You forgot that those 120 thousand people would be spread over almost 8 million square killometers, it's not like they were all focused in one location.
Even if all of them were made to save people, that still wouldn't be enough to actually guarantee the survival of humanity.
120 000 people living is more than enough to ensure survival, on top of those lucky enough to not be killed by the bombs (especially if big cities like Boston somehow only get hit by 1 glancing nuke while there are 77 aimed at Las Vegas). And since the country would mostly be safe from lethal radiation after, what, a few years at most, it's not like the people who emerge would be clueless Vault Dwellers.
You forgot that those 120 thousand people would be spread over almost 8 million square killometers, it's not like they were all focused in one location.
Also, about the Legion, I'm honestly not going to defend them. They are consistently portrayed as a bunch of murderers and rapists, with their leader being little more than a power-hungry, short-tempered manchild assisted by a complete sociopath and a brute that is smart but only cares about killing stuff. They tried to give them a good side with the ''oh, but they manage to keep 4 States peaceful despite being a roving army with machetes!'' BS, but I seriously never bought it.
Obviously the legion isn't nearly as fleshed out as it could have (or really should have) been and as it is it's definitely not a very good choice. For example I though the whole entire legion being misogynistic and basically treating women like slaves or breeders was completely unnecessary. What possible purpose does that serve? You're basically just denying 50% of your population the chance to contribute to society. On the other hand, I don't really doubt that the authoritarian, autocratic legion could keep the peace, after all for the vast majority of human civilization almost all governments were autocratic, and your average citizen had basically no rights.Also, about the Legion, I'm honestly not going to defend them. They are consistently portrayed as a bunch of murderers and rapists, with their leader being little more than a power-hungry, short-tempered manchild assisted by a complete sociopath and a brute that is smart but only cares about killing stuff. They tried to give them a good side with the ''oh, but they manage to keep 4 States peaceful despite being a roving army with machetes!'' BS, but I seriously never bought it.
Obviously the legion isn't nearly as fleshed out as it could have (or really should have) been and as it is it's definitely not a very good choice. For example I though the whole entire legion being misogynistic and basically treating women like slaves or breeders was completely unnecessary. What possible purpose does that serve? You're basically just denying 50% of your population the chance to contribute to society. On the other hand, I don't really doubt that the authoritarian, autocratic legion could keep the peace, after all for the vast majority of human civilization almost all governments were autocratic, and your average citizen had basically no rights.Also, about the Legion, I'm honestly not going to defend them. They are consistently portrayed as a bunch of murderers and rapists, with their leader being little more than a power-hungry, short-tempered manchild assisted by a complete sociopath and a brute that is smart but only cares about killing stuff. They tried to give them a good side with the ''oh, but they manage to keep 4 States peaceful despite being a roving army with machetes!'' BS, but I seriously never bought it.
Obviously the legion isn't nearly as fleshed out as it could have (or really should have) been and as it is it's definitely not a very good choice. For example I though the whole entire legion being misogynistic and basically treating women like slaves or breeders was completely unnecessary. What possible purpose does that serve? You're basically just denying 50% of your population the chance to contribute to society. On the other hand, I don't really doubt that the authoritarian, autocratic legion could keep the peace, after all for the vast majority of human civilization almost all governments were autocratic, and your average citizen had basically no rights.Also, about the Legion, I'm honestly not going to defend them. They are consistently portrayed as a bunch of murderers and rapists, with their leader being little more than a power-hungry, short-tempered manchild assisted by a complete sociopath and a brute that is smart but only cares about killing stuff. They tried to give them a good side with the ''oh, but they manage to keep 4 States peaceful despite being a roving army with machetes!'' BS, but I seriously never bought it.
Obviously the legion isn't nearly as fleshed out as it could have (or really should have) been and as it is it's definitely not a very good choice. For example I though the whole entire legion being misogynistic and basically treating women like slaves or breeders was completely unnecessary. What possible purpose does that serve? You're basically just denying 50% of your population the chance to contribute to society. On the other hand, I don't really doubt that the authoritarian, autocratic legion could keep the peace, after all for the vast majority of human civilization almost all governments were autocratic, and your average citizen had basically no rights.Also, about the Legion, I'm honestly not going to defend them. They are consistently portrayed as a bunch of murderers and rapists, with their leader being little more than a power-hungry, short-tempered manchild assisted by a complete sociopath and a brute that is smart but only cares about killing stuff. They tried to give them a good side with the ''oh, but they manage to keep 4 States peaceful despite being a roving army with machetes!'' BS, but I seriously never bought it.
I understand keeping their people on a short leash when the Legion is around. But it is repeatedly described as a roving army (indeed, Ceasar wants to invade Vegas in order to change just that and give them a stronghold) and yet covers more than 3 States's worth of territory, which is, what, the size of France or something? That's a huge territory to police, when you consider that they have almost no technology whatsoever and a very primitize organization, they should be overstretched to the breaking point. Even moreso in the ludicrously dangerous Fallout world; what are a couple of Legion recuits with machetes going to do against a nest of Deathclaw or something like that? At least most other factions have their mooks use freaking guns. And their economy is somehow strong, despite the fact that the majority of their population are either child soldiers or sex slaves. Yes, yes, slave labor, but that doesn't solve all problems. Even the Romans didn't wholy depend on slave labor, and had their men and allies occupy professions other than soldiering.
I also found the hardcore sexism a bit weird. I mean, keeping the women in the backline so as to not endanger them and have more babies? Alright, I can buy that. But making all the Legion territory a no woman's land where they are raped left and right seems a bit overkill. It makes the Legion appear as little more than better organized raiders, and hell even those have females in their ranks.
I think the Legion was very well written, Caesar was exquisitely voice-acted and written, and overall it was just a damn good faction. It was the antithesis of the NCR as well as House. It was an alien, foreign entity that stood out from all the other factions of the wasteland. As a faction, it is hard to find a better written one.
I agree with Ranger Boo - the Legion could have been fleshed out better, and probably would have been if Obsidian had been given more time to develop New Vegas. It's a shame, really; I think Obsidian kind of missed an opportunity with Lonesome Road. They could have maybe given us more background info on the Legion by cutting back on the amount of metaphysical mumbo jumbo that Ulysses spouted, and instead have given us a chance to talk to him more about his time with the Legion. I wouldn't have minded seeing more dialog with Joshua Graham in Honest Hearts about his Legion experiences as well.I think the Legion was very well written, Caesar was exquisitely voice-acted and written, and overall it was just a damn good faction. It was the antithesis of the NCR as well as House. It was an alien, foreign entity that stood out from all the other factions of the wasteland. As a faction, it is hard to find a better written one.
The thing is, Caesar wanted to be brutal and "bad". He needed to create an utter antithesis in order to meld with the NCR and create a true Dialectic.
The fuel can is for the Mr Handy flamethrower, not its power core.snip
How was the Legion alien in any way? All he did was the same shit ever raider/slaver group does, but throw a dumb roman theme over it. He is literally no different then Ashur was in The Pitt.I think the Legion was very well written, Caesar was exquisitely voice-acted and written, and overall it was just a damn good faction. It was the antithesis of the NCR as well as House. It was an alien, foreign entity that stood out from all the other factions of the wasteland. As a faction, it is hard to find a better written one.
Don't forget, their economy is not only strong, but Legion coinage is apparently worth more then the NCR dollar, and, according to Sawyer, The Legion doesn't even mine for gold, they literally must melt down any gold scraps from before the war they find.And their economy is somehow strong, despite the fact that the majority of their population are either child soldiers or sex slaves.
-The BoS are limited in the fact they are in hostile territory, with most of their chapter back in D.C, and basically have no supplies beyond the ones they brought with them, and no means to get more due to D.C. being so far away. On top of that, their main base is a giant flammable balloon with little in the way of defenses, that's able to be taken down by ancient artillery pieces of all things. The BoS has the same problems they always had, they are vastly outnumbered, and, as we saw in New Vegas, being out numbered can be a deathblow to them, even with all of their tech. There are even radiant quests to go strong arm the various Commonwealth farms into "donating" food because the BoS lack the supply lines needed to feed themselves otherwise.And I fail to see the equal power of factions in F4. The BoS comes rolling with a flying aircraft carrier, "helicopters" and "tanks", while the Minutemen... Don't exist until you revive them (and still have nothing until you help them spread) and the Railroad is a dozen guys strong hiding in a crypt under a church. The Institute is everywhere with their spies and coursers acting as hitmen who can take out pretty much anyone single-handedly.