Mr Fish
Slippy sloppy, The
On the legion debate happening, just remember that Caesar does not intend for his Legion to stay stagnant. The Legion is a constantly evolving nation. If Caesar wins then he intends to bring the best out of NCR and the Legion while shedding the worst of both. If Caesar loses and Lanius takes his place and wins then the Legion may very well stay stagnant. If Lanius is convinced to return back to his lands then he says he will focus on strengthening the Legion and promises he will return but Lanius will now be the new Caesar and will need to take on a different leadership position and focus on strengthening the lands he control rather than just expanding his territory. If Lanius and Caesar dies then I'm sure there are people over in Flagstaff that will take over the Legion. Boone for some reason says that Caesar has people next in line who will take up the mantle if Caesar were to pass away and that they reside in Flagstaff.
The only way I can see the Legion remaining stagnant is if Lanius wins the Mojave campaign but Caesar passes away. If that happens then Lanius doesn't learn anything and there is no one around to control his ass.
My point is that the Legion is going to change, again and again and again. And when the Legion falls apart on itself something new will be born out of the Legion, several new things, that may shed the shitty aspects of the Legion and keep what worked.
Hail Caesar, yo.
On a semi-related note:
I played through SomeGuy's quest mods for FNV, the Bounties series along with Russel. And man that guy tries to forcefeed moral ambiguity with the elegance of drunk gorilla but he doesn't even try to paint the Legion in any kind of good light at all. Like, we get it, the Legion are brutal. We understood that when we saw Nipton. It's quite clear that the Legion are brutal as all hell on the frontier and that inside of their lands there are some that are cruel. Got it a long time ago SomeGuy. I hunger for Legion content and when I finally get some it's just "LEGION R BAD GUIZ!!!11!". Ugh...
The only way I can see the Legion remaining stagnant is if Lanius wins the Mojave campaign but Caesar passes away. If that happens then Lanius doesn't learn anything and there is no one around to control his ass.
My point is that the Legion is going to change, again and again and again. And when the Legion falls apart on itself something new will be born out of the Legion, several new things, that may shed the shitty aspects of the Legion and keep what worked.
Hail Caesar, yo.
On a semi-related note:
I played through SomeGuy's quest mods for FNV, the Bounties series along with Russel. And man that guy tries to forcefeed moral ambiguity with the elegance of drunk gorilla but he doesn't even try to paint the Legion in any kind of good light at all. Like, we get it, the Legion are brutal. We understood that when we saw Nipton. It's quite clear that the Legion are brutal as all hell on the frontier and that inside of their lands there are some that are cruel. Got it a long time ago SomeGuy. I hunger for Legion content and when I finally get some it's just "LEGION R BAD GUIZ!!!11!". Ugh...