Bioshock Collection - Would you kindly talk about these games?

Do you even know what the hell I'm talking about? I'm talking about it being stupid they'd have peace. FOLLOW THE PLOT.
I know what you're talking about but you're talking about your fucking head canon which again, is useless and doesn't mean anything.
"and I think my headcanon for that universe is"
Bioshock Infinite is so racist to every group portrayed that you might as well just call it a misantropic Levine Supremacist discourse.
I sorry you can't wrap your head around what I'm trying to say.
I'm sorry you're too much of a retard to read your own post where you explicitly use your own head canon to explain something.
Which felt like bullshit and I think my headcanon for that universe is, "Europe and America murder millions of Russians in reprisals" but that's another part of the franchise.
What's your definition for art?
  • : something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings

  • : works created by artists : paintings, sculptures, etc., that are created to be beautiful or to express important ideas or feelings

  • : the methods and skills used for painting, sculpting, drawing, etc.

Literally, Ghosts is a racist piece of garbage which has Riley and some cool set pieces.
I wouldn't know. I wasn't dumb enough to buy CoD:Ghost.

Of course, I don't have much respect for people who just blindly go into threads about a topic and say "It sucks" without bothering to explain the reason for their opinion. I also admit to being more than a little biased in favor of Bioshock that I get defensive regarding it. It's a great game, a visual feast, and it actually has something to say which is worthwhile.

So *EPIC EYE ROLL* to the haters.
I said my piece on why I hate Bioshock. I really don't want to end copy pasting it again and again.

CT, I don't want to be a dick as I think you're a pretty decent guy, but I don't think you grasp the idea of a 5/10. A 5 isn't meant to be for games you hate, that's a 1, or for a game that sucks, that's a 1-3. 5 is there for an average generic game.
Personally, I use a 1-5 scale.
I'm sorry you're too much of a retard to read your own post where you explicitly use your own head canon to explain something.

You keep saying "headcanon" like its' an insult when it's an opinion and stated to be my opinion and you're saying "we don't care about your headcanon" when you're saying you don't care about my opinion about the ending.

Which is your opinion.

Which is nonsensical.
Say what you will about the tenets of Nihilism, at least is a blunt and solid belief, Levine Supremacism is built upon smelling your own rectum. Fucking Levine.
You don't understand the concept of what you're saying. You keep saying "headcanon" like its' an insult when it's an opinion and stated to be my opinion and you're saying "we don't care about your headcanon" when you're saying you don't care about my opinion about my opinion on the ending.
I'm saying you bringing up your fucking made up fanfiction "head"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""canon""""""""""""""""""""""""' does't mean anything when discussing a game's story because it's just shit you made up. It's not your "opinion". You are giving an explanation for something in a games story based on your own entirely made up ideas. It's useless.
If you merely wanted to give your opinion on the ending as it was presented in the game why include that bit about your own personal head(not)canon?
Which makes you sound like a fool.
I've yet to see you partake in a single endevor in your entire time on this site and off where you didn't look and sound like a fucking fool
Say what you will about the tenets of Nihilism, at least is a blunt and solid belief, Levine Supremacism is built upon smelling your own rectum. Fucking Levine.

So Bookie can't achieve forgiveness for his crimes.

Then Elizabeth is somehow corrupted despite doing nothing.

And then everyone is dead.

And Columbia is destroyed.

And this is a....happy ending?


I'm considering lowering my score of Infinite to 7/10 now.

I'm saying you bringing up your fucking made up fanfiction "head"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""canon""""""""""""""""""""""""' does't mean anything when discussing a game's story because it's just shit you made up. It's not your "opinion". You are giving an explanation for something in a games story based on your own entirely made up ideas. It's useless.

I've yet to see you partake in a single endevor in your entire time on this site and off where you didn't look and sound like a fucking fool

Headcanon means OPINION.

What is true to you.

I think numerical scores are dumb when it comes to discussing games, movies, songs and books.
Headcanon means OPINION.
Used by followers of various media of entertainment, such as television shows, movies, books, etc. to note a particular belief which has not been used in the universe of whatever program or story they follow, but seems to make sense to that particular individual, and as such is adopted as a sort of "personal canon".
It literally means "shit you made up". Not "opinion on thing that objectively exists within the game".
What is true to you.
Yea, what is true to you that's not supported officially by anything in the game.
I guess schizophrenics aren't crazy, they just have a different "headcanon" as you.
To do an actual discussion of the themes of Bioshock I think it's interesting to note my favorite of the games that the best of the characters are in the worst of the games. I love Andrew Ryan and Frank Fontaine but Jack is a mute personality-less protagonist.

Subject: Delta is a mute protagonist but he's a character has more personality and motivation than Jack, which is strange given he's a Frankenstein's Monster which is trapped forever in a gigantic diving suit implied to be filled with Diesalpunk cybernetics. Eleanor is a character which I really liked as well, possibly because I have a huge crush on Sarah Bolger. She also has a developing arc of her own, which ends on a more uplifting note than Infinite.

Booker and Elizabeth are better still but they have story arcs which are needlessly sadistic and don't really go anywhere. In short, they have the view that everything sucks and everything ends horribly even when you're gods trying to save the world.

Which is bullshit, IMHO.

Give me Delta and Eleanor by contrast.
7/10 means above average and I'm not convince that you think that.

What I love most about video games is the thing I love about fantasy literature, which is the ability to transport me to other worlds. It's why The Witcher 3 and Skyrim are my favorite video games followed by the Fallout series. Bioshock: Infinite managed to transport me to Columbia just like Bioshock transported to Rapture.

That's the biggest, most magical thing I think video games can do.

But yeah, I'd rather walk around Columbia and Rapture than shoot them up. I really want a wide-open Sandbox Pre-Civil War Rapture.