Bioshock Collection - Would you kindly talk about these games?

Oh and because these are always well loved, my review of the three Bioshock games.

Bioshock review (9/10)

Bioshock 2 review (8/10)

Bioshock: Infinite review (9/10)
>constantly criticizes Infinite
>calls the first two far superior
>gives it a 9/10, higher than Bioshock 2 and the same as Bioshock 1.

Dude just what the fuck come on you can't be real this is some long form trolling, performance art?
I couldnt strawman someone as just totally fucked and nonsensical as you.
It's because of multiple factors but boiled down to the simple fact that Bioshock: Infinite has nothing to say useful about anything from storytelling to society to quantum physics. It does, however, have two very likable protagonists and I love Elizabeth so much I'd adopt her in real life.

Bioshock 2 is derivative of Bioshock 1 and doesn't make much sense world-building wise. Even so, I'm almost tempted to reverse the two scores because Bioshock: Infinite is basically a remake of Bioshock 2. You being a dad after his messianic-daughter vs. a religious cult but set in Rapture.

My scores are basically built around how much I enjoyed the game. B:I being more fun than B2 even if its derivative of it and completely nonsensical.
Elizabeth makes Rey look like a fleshed out character.
It's kind of creepy how Levine supposedly considers Elizabeth like his "daugther" even tho he built her on his own fetishes to serve as his mary sue insert character. Motherfucker even made her 19 and put her on a corset; Which in of itself is ok (I am a leftist but I consider this neo puritan denounce of sexualization from so called progressives to be eye roll worthy at best) but then he insists on the father daugther themes, which makes me suspect he often searches for "Daugther" on Redtube.

Elizabeths has no real character, she is a victim with no consequences for he victimization, she is bubbly and cheery because fuck if you try to sell a mopey girl with social anxiety to the FPS crowd, she has very bland interests in "bookwormy things" without really having too much of an indepth reason to have them, she paints, reads, snarks and is the center of the universe.
It does, however, have two very likable protagonists and I love Elizabeth so much I'd adopt her in real life.
>literal blank slate with a cardboard personality
>generic disney princess whose personality doesn't match her upbringing at all
Very likeable indeed, if you're 12 and have scene 6 whole movies in your life maybe.
Bioshock 2 is derivative of Bioshock 1 and doesn't make much sense world-building wise.
But infinite being on of the most derivative games ever both gameplay and story wise isn't an issue?
You being a dad after his messianic-daughter vs. a religious cult but set in Rapture.
That's such an oversimplification of the stories it's almost impressive.
My scores are basically built around how much I enjoyed the game. B:I being more fun than B2 even if its derivative of it and completely nonsensical.
So Infinite with it's generic shooter mechanics, two weapon limit, less useful plasmids than the previous games, removed features, worse story and all around worse everything it's a 9/10 that you thoroughly enjoyed.... tell me do you even have standards?
I mean between this and Fallout 4 both getting like 9/10s do you even have a game you dont like?
For a game to get a score blow 5/10 does it have to come out of your TV and murder your whole family and sacrifice your souls to Moloch before you decide that it's below average? Or fuck even below good?
You can tell Levine was one handing it when he wrote the line "I am his victim!" and the voice actress really got choked up on such an unearned moment.
1. In the case of Elizabeth, I liked her entire arc where she's basically a Disney Princess in that she lives a Rapunzel meets Belle from B&TB life. She's an innocent and a good person but she's stuck with a murderoys antihero in Booker who may actually be a psychopath. We then follow her on a horrific journey which gradually breaks her down and causes her to realize the person she's come to view as a father-figure in Booker is actually her worst enemy.

Worse, that Comstock is her father and all that she admires about Booker is also what makes her father a monster. It results in her finally murdering her own father and assisting in his suicide simultaneously to end Rapture. It's a nihilistic dark story which I felt ended in a good way with her ascending to become a Time/Space Goddess as well as being reborn so Booker can actually have a chance of raising her right.

2. In Booker's case, I like that he's a deconstruction of the rugged anti-hero as we find out his personal flaws aren't actually minor ones. He's a horrible human being who did unforgivable evil things and for reasons that he's an enormous racist who wanted to be considered a White man. We get slight hints of the fact Booker could be a decent human being and Elizabeth serves as a taming influence on him (as his wife possibly was) but he also causes her more harm than she helps cure him.

Admittedly, Booker is basically an anachronistic TLOU Joel but that's not a bad thing.

3. I genuinely hate the following games:

Batman: The Telltale Game
Bioshock: Infinite Burial at Sea 1 and 2
Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Army of Two
The Walking Dead action game
I also thought Dead Space 3 was crap which ruined the franchise.

Mediocore games

Infamous: Second Son
Sunset Boulevard
Just Cause 3
Mirrors Edge
Assassins Creed: Liberation
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

I didn't like Ghosts but I liked it better than those POS.

Games which I scored high despite the fact they weren't what I wanted?

Saints Row 3 and 4
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Telltale in general does nothing but grind out turds. Don't get me started on Telltale, specialy Wolf Among Ass, I could go on for 2 days straight.
Telltale in general does nothing but grind out turds.

I love TWD 1 and 2 plus TWAU. Game of Thrones was a roller coaster. Tales from the Borderlands was awesome.

Jurassic Park
Back to the Future
Walking Dead: 100 days

yeah, they're not any good.
The Wolf among Us is the worst fucking piece of shit on the planet, but I am not gonna get started on THAT again. If you have read the Fables series you can't help but puke at it.
1. In the case of Elizabeth, I liked her entire arc where she's basically a Disney Princess in that she lives a Rapunzel meets Belle from B&TB life. She's an innocent and a good person but she's stuck with a murderoys antihero in Booker who may actually be a psychopath. We then follow her on a horrific journey which gradually breaks her down and causes her to realize the person she's come to view as a father-figure in Booker is actually her worst enemy.
Extremely generic.
Her personality never really changes throughout the whole game except at certain key points. She never stops being a disney princess who Levine wants to be the pervy POV Step Dad of.
Worse, that Comstock is her father and all that she admires about Booker is also what makes her father a monster. It results in her finally murdering her own father and assisting in his suicide simultaneously to end Rapture.
Extremely generic and a glaring plothole.
The whole fucking game starts to circle jerk about these infinite realities and theres always a multiverse for all your decisions.... and then tries to say drowning Booker in the past just erases all that but according to it's own rules it would have done nothing since theres a reality where he wasn't drowned.
her ascending to become a Time/Space Goddess as well as being reborn so Booker can actually have a chance of raising her right.
This is just shit you made up.
2. In Booker's case, I like that he's a deconstruction of the rugged anti-hero as we find out his personal flaws aren't actually minor ones. He's a horrible human being who did unforgivable evil things and for reasons that he's an enormous racist who wanted to be considered a White man. We get slight hints of the fact Booker could be a decent human being and Elizabeth serves as a taming influence on him (as his wife possibly was) but he also causes her more harm than she helps cure him.
So... not an actual deconstruction of a rugged anti-hero and just that played exactly straight lol
Admittedly, Booker is basically an anachronistic TLOU Joel but that's not a bad thing.
lol no Joel is also the normal rugged anti-hero but at least he has more personality than Booker.
3. I genuinely hate the following games:

Batman: The Telltale Game
Bioshock: Infinite Burial at Sea 1 and 2
Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Army of Two
The Walking Dead action game
I also thought Dead Space 3 was crap which ruined the franchise.
Assassins Creed: Unity

Mediocore games

Infamous: Second Son
Sunset Boulevard
Just Cause 3
Mirrors Edge
Assassins Creed: Liberation
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

I didn't like Ghosts but I liked it better than those POS.
And all of those are worse than Fallout 4 somehow......
The Wolf among Us is the worst fucking piece of shit on the planet, but I am not gonna get started on THAT again. If you have read the Fables series you can't help but puke at it.

Bill Willingham loved it.

Albeit, I hate Snow and Bigby so I admit the fact the game didn't portray their TWUE LOVE all that well worked for me.

And all of those are worse than Fallout 4 somehow......

Fallout 4 is best summarized as Assassins Creed Unity.

It has an amazingly fun gameplay system which takes an enormous amount of effort to fuck up.

Which it did....many times.

I gave Unity a 7 out of 10.
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Just starting from the fact that whoever wrote Wolf among Ass doesn't seem to have read any of Fables beyond the first 3 pages, understood none of the characters they were using, neglected to use character that would've been important staples in that time period (Boy Blue, Fraü Totenkinder) and portrayed Snow White as a Demure ingenue... Just holy shit, this thing makes me so mad. I am gonna stop myself right now.
Right, Call of Duty-tier shooter with all the RPG elements and interesting dialog of Fallout stripped out with loads of bugs.

I like Call of Duty. Which is why Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 3 pissed me off so much.
Lol of course you hate the two most innovative games in the series.

*clears throat*

Those games are shit. Enormous, massive piles of shit. I tried to force my way through them but each new level of garbage and craptastic storytelling was like....Mrs. White?


I gave Advanced Warfare a 5 out of 10.

The same for Ghosts.

Ghosts review:

Advanced Warfare review:

I never wrote a review of Black Ops 3 because it was SOOOOO boring!
The plot also wouldn't have worked in the world Fables is set in, they also seem to think traveling four blocks takes a whole night or they don't even uderstand how Fabletown is built. Hell the fact that Jersey Devil is in there is pretty retarded. Gah I am doing it again.
*clears throat*

Those games are shit. Enormous, massive piles of shit. I tried to force my way through them but each new level of garbage and craptastic storytelling was like....Mrs. White?


I gave Advanced Warfare a 5 out of 10.

The same for Ghosts.

Ghosts review:

Advanced Warfare review:

I never wrote a review of Black Ops 3 because it was SOOOOO boring!

But Fallout 4.... that's a 9/10.
I liked the first bioshock back in the day. I remembe playing most of two but stopped for reasons I can't remember (I still have the special edition with the art book and vinyl, but I no longer own the game).

Never played the third one (even through I did promise someone I would a couple years ago, luckily I don't talk to her anymore).
I may pick them up for the PS4 at some point, really was an interesting series. But I just got caught up with more demanding games.