Bit-tech interviews Pete

Brother None said:
Aye, identifying with, not pretending to be. There's a difference.
But the problem with Bethesda flogging the immersiveness of the new game isn't that immersion is bad, or that it's tantamount to "pretending to be," or that "pretending to be" is bad to begin with. It's that high-end 3D graphics are neither necessary nor sufficient conditions for immersion. Fallout 1 and 2 managed it just fine through the much harder to pull off stunt of good writing and world design.

Brother None said:
A separation of player and character is exactly the point of pen and paper emulation (which, I should note, is emulating what pen and paper is, not what pen and paper wants to be) as it is of RTS.
Then perhaps we disagree on a fundamental level, though I think the history of the theory and rhetoric of roleplaying games backs me up on this. You are supposed to identify with your character. You are even supposed, at intervals, to "pretend to be" your character. But when people talk about 3D graphics as the focus of immersion, they are like people who suggest that you're not really roleplaying unless you're LARPing.

Brother None said:
I think it never delivered in the visual sense,
Possibly not by the visual sense Bethesda is making a big deal about, but the look of the world was intriguing. The way that they used changing facial expressions to make the same recordings of dialogue seem to change tone in response to the choices you made pulled you into the moment.

But again, I was not responding to anybody claiming that Fallout was not immersive on the basis of visuals. I was responding to people suggesting that immersion was somehow anti-Fallout.

Brother None said:
I doubt you'll find many people here who weren't engrossed
Quite right. And not only did the visuals contribute in both obvious and subtle ways such that we've been talking about how moved we've been by them for over a decade, but the story itself, the dialogue and richness and consequences of choices put solid foundations under the visuals. Fallout goes a lot deeper than the look of the game, to a level that most of the promotional info we're getting from Bethesda doesn't touch. I'm not prepared yet to assume the depth is not there in Fallout 3, but it does worry me that the focus is being kept away from that aspect of the game.

Brother None said:
which is what immersion actually means rather than the narrow, senseless PR definition that is tied to first-person.
It's probably true, though, that people who weren't there back in the day wouldn't give the game a second look if they didn't put it in fps and flog the graphics deaths.

Eyenixon said:
Not that it really matters, but since when did it start being mandatory for RPGs to have good stories?
In a nutshell: since Fallout.
Johnny Angel said:
But the problem with Bethesda flogging the immersiveness of the new game isn't that immersion is bad, or that it's tantamount to "pretending to be," or that "pretending to be" is bad to begin with. It's that high-end 3D graphics are neither necessary nor sufficient conditions for immersion. Fallout 1 and 2 managed it just fine through the much harder to pull off stunt of good writing and world design.

We're talking past another here.

When Bethesda says "immersion" they mean "high-fidelity first-person graphics".

And that's what we take exception at, that is what people are referring to when replying to Bethesda's concept of immersion. Nothing more, nothing less.

Johnny Angel said:
In a nutshell: since Fallout.

Fallout's story isn't that good. I mean, good, yeah, but nothing exceptional. A McGuffin/evil sorcerer/save the world story? Overdone. It is well implemented, but Fallout's strength has never been its story.
Fallout 3 = fail.

Reasons why:
3D shooter
No description box (no immersion)
Stupid mutants
knights in armor
watered down character system
shitty story and plot (has nothing to do with the originals; how on earth can it be Fallout 3)
I still wanted to see the aftermath of Fallout 2; but now the true story will never continue
Made by Bethesda
Bad ideas
Stupid humor
Lame guns
Nuke launcher
Most of all the information released so far.
PaladinHeart said:
Are you referring to the real Baldur's Gate 1, or Dark Alliance?

If you mean Dark Alliance, then I'm sure there's a lot of games better than that, considering it's pretty much on par with FO: BoS.

However, if you mean the actual PC only Baldur's Gate, then that's kinda like saying you like Doom better than Sim City.

I was referring to original BG, I never played that console trash.They are both RPGs, and actually, Divine Divinity is a lot deeper than a lot of people think.BG bored me to death at places, and I finished it only to "cross it of my list", so to speak (okay, it wasn't THAT bad, but still..), while I enjoyed DD all the way through. So that would be my comparison.Again, its all MY opinion about those games, if someone loves BG and hated DD, his good.Or bad.

Brother None said:
Yes, I'd agree with this: Oblivion is certainly not proof that Bethesda can't do a Fallout game.

On the other hand, a lot of major decisions they've made on Fallout 3 so far were done because they worked for Oblivion (or based on mistakes in Oblivion) and Bethesda openly recognizes this: quest compass, level scaling, FP/RT combat, all based on Oblivion mechanics.

So how are they now trying to do things differently?

Oh, I agree, but of course only partially - quest compass is stupid and quests should be designed so it is not necesarry, I am okay with FP/RT combat (at least I wont have to pause game for every rat, but when I want, I can aim for the head in VATS).

Level scaling as seen in Oblivion was one of the worst things I have ever seen in an rpg.But it should be very much eliminated in FO3 - except for the parts of main quest, where it makes sense (for example, if I get into some location from which I won't be able to escape - like some...underground base with a lockdown - I would be pissed if because I was low level I could not finish the game..).
I think that overall there is many things that they try to do differently.Hopefully like that multifunctional aproach to quests, dialogues and that damn level scaling.But yeah, there are still some things that I don't like that much - like that compass.
goffy59 said:
Fallout 3 = fail.

Reasons why:
3D shooter
No description box (no immersion)
Stupid mutants
knights in armor
watered down character system
shitty story and plot (has nothing to do with the originals; how on earth can it be Fallout 3)
I still wanted to see the aftermath of Fallout 2; but now the true story will never continue
Made by Bethesda
Bad ideas
Stupid humor
Lame guns
Nuke launcher
Most of all the information released so far.
man ... it has HATS ! its gonna rock hard.

Paul_cz said:
BG bored me to death at places, and I finished it only to "cross it of my list", so to speak (okay, it wasn't THAT bad, but still..)
well, for me BG (2 as this is only i played) had 2 selling points - party members interactions (havent seen those done better) and dragons ;)
Brother None said:
And that's what we take exception at, that is what people are referring to when replying to Bethesda's concept of immersion. Nothing more, nothing less.

I'm not trying to be contrary here, but quetzilla poo-pooed the fact that Fallout 3 gives you a more direct emotional stake in the story by making the MacGuffin a person rather than a thingy. That's story-level immersion he's talking about there, not visual. He proposed, and recombined seconded, that the surplus of water chips in the second game was meant to emphasize the meaningless of the personal stakes.

I was not the first to conflate Bethesda's use of the term "immersion" with the more story-based kind that Fallout achieves, nor do I think it was wrong to do so. I do agree that mere visuals are not enough, but that is what Bethesda is trying to pitch.

Brother None said:
Fallout's story isn't that good. I mean, good, yeah, but nothing exceptional. A McGuffin/evil sorcerer/save the world story? Overdone. It is well implemented, but Fallout's strength has never been its story.
So you say, and yet I suspect that you recall the details of Fallout's story better than all those other games. That's one pretty good metric of how good a story is. We're all posting on this board because the story has taken root with us. People have been descrying Bethesda's deviations from the Fallout Bible and even the cannon as established within the actual games because they feel that the story matters, and why would they feel this way for any reason other than that it was a good one to begin with?

Still, though, I could name a couple of video games that delivered better stories overall. But I'm curious what game you're judging Fallout 1 + 2 by that renders them "nothing exceptional" by comparison.

Paul_cz said:
Level scaling as seen in Oblivion was one of the worst things I have ever seen in an rpg.But it should be very much eliminated in FO3
This kind of thing has been in development for a long time, and a lot of people knew something was going seriously wrong already when it turned out to be a good idea _not_ to gain levels if you wanted to beat Final Fantasy 8. Oblivion only laid the folly of that theory of game design to bare -- goblins with daedric armor, mercy -- but even Mass Effect was guilty of pre-chewing the world for you so that everything was the same level of challenge. You didn't even loot your enemies -- their gear just teleported into your inventory, taking a couple of steps toward making the game into Progress Quest in Space.

I wouldn't suggest making it as hard-core a search for a critical path as, say, Gothic II: Night of the Raven, but I think Oblivion has proven that a homogenous level of challenge is less fun than a challenge curve with indulgent lows (so you can feel badass) and ballbusting highs that make you want to work hard to earn the ability to break through them, and give you the satisfaction of earned accomplishment when you manage it.
Baldur's gate 2 had the best character development and romances compared to any game that I ever played. You truly cared about each and every npc that you could party with and the in depth romances have yet to be surpassed by any game. I was really hoping that fallout 3 would bring these elements in, but.....the bethesda element really ruined it.

I miss Amn.
EnglishMuffin said:
Baldur's gate 2 had the best character development and romances compared to any game that I ever played. You truly cared about each and every npc that you could party with and the in depth romances have yet to be surpassed by any game. I was really hoping that fallout 3 would bring these elements in, but.....the bethesda element really ruined it.

I miss Amn.
I could not have said it better myself, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 were high points in my gaming life.
shorrtybearr said:
Eyenixon said:
Not that it really matters, but since when did it start being mandatory for RPGs to have good stories? You know this genre is prone to the same storytelling conventions and tired plotlines - people act as though it's the most important thing. It really isn't, story is at best an RPG developer's third priority, their first is a strong structured indepth roleplaying system, their second is giving a good playing area to use this system in with entertaining causes and effects, and their third priority is to fill it up with stuff that makes it a little more interesting, IE story.

I disagree, a flashy game with great mechanics and great graphics doesnt make a good game.

Imagine MGS without the story line and you'll see my point. (its not techincally a "traditional" rpg but still makes my point)

If a story is weak and unbelievebale not to mention told badly then it doesnt matter what you jazz it up with its still gonna be a bad story told badly.

Also i never said it was "mandatory for RPGs to have good stories" although it should be. A game is built from story or plot upwards, you cannot pitch to a company

"i want to make a game, its gotta be flashy with great music, great effects, and great graphics but err.......i dunno what its about yet...might involve aliens or something gooey, maybe some other.....stuff"

I didn't say anything like that. My priorities went like this.

1. Make it fun and intelligent, provide plenty of options in your basic design document, make sure that there are plenty of ways for a player to utilize various aspects of your roleplaying system.

- This can be everything from different classes (Ultima IV - Sheperd, Warrior, Druid) to different skills (Fallout - Lockpick, Speech, Small Guns).

-Utilization can follow from repairing a generator, being able to use your repairing knowledge in dialog, or fixing small items you might not usually be able to - as a small example of options in an RPG, it's the developer's first priority to make sure that the variety of things a character can be has uses.

-If this wasn't the case, there wouldn't be an essential difference between a mage and a warrior.

-Oblivion botched this priority, everyone can be everything, and everything doesn't have a use that can be considered important at any time, Fallout had very few entirely "useless" skills, even gambling can be used and abused with good luck.

2. Create your world, environments, NPCs, and make sure that it's a playground for the player and not a playground for your own developer's ego. Make sure that you provide plenty of places for a player to utilize his skills, but don't necessarily make it that these places are entirely related to quests or plot, IE a player can use doctor to heal himself, party members, or random NPCs that are essential but got hurt in a firefight, so on and so forth. This is where you define how your world works in regards to the player.

-Ultima IV did a perfect job of this, you can be an asshole however much you like, but inevitably there is a clear goal, however you wish to accomplish this goal is up to you, as long as you fulfill certain parameters, however these parameters are not set in stone - therefore it's entirely up to you to go where you want and do what you want, the idea is that it's your playground.

-Planescape: Torment failed in this regard whereas its relatively simple predecessor Baldur's Gate even managed to achieved a good amount of success in it. Several parts of Planescape were overshadowed by the fact that the developers rigidly wanted to tell a linear story with little opportunity for the player to fool around in a playground. It's one of the big reasons I consider Torment a "adventure game with RPG elements". Even though it's advertised as being open to characters that want to be a thief or a warrior, these avenues are useless. The developers undercut themselves, you have to be a good Mage with high intelligence, wisdom and charisma to get any enjoyment from the game.

3. Add flavor, a good plot, an interesting environment, defining NPCs and elaborate quests. This is the meat of the game that most people will see, the other two priorities make the bone but this is the flesh, the outer appearance. Attempt to create an engaging game by providing the player reasons to play other than just good gameplay.

-See Anachronox for an almost perfect example. Underneath its charm it's a relatively simple but incredibly tight Japanese styled RPG, everything is well balanced and the game is a joy to play. But ask any player what they remember most and its the characters, the pseudo superheroes, Sly Boots, and all the other bizarre characters and environments.

-Oblivion can also have been considered to fail in this regard, it's a very generic game with a story that is none too fascinating - bland characters, bland NPCs.

PS: Developers don't say "I have a neat idea for a story" developers say, "You know what would be cool, if we made a game like an action movie, but the player was in the movie!" that makes the basic idea of shooters like Half-Life, that was Half-Life's original intention, it was born out of that simple story. Similarly, Ultima IV's aim was to say "What if we made a game where what you did really matter, like, what if people looked down on you because you shot a warrior in the back while he fled from you in battle? "

I don't think anyone says "Let's make a game about an amnesiac that loses his memories each time he dies and he waltzes about with weird characters in a weird place, oh, and then I guess we'll use the Infinity Engine and make it an RPG."

That's just totally messed up.
Johnny Angel said:
I'm not trying to be contrary here, but quetzilla poo-pooed the fact that Fallout 3 gives you a more direct emotional stake in the story by making the MacGuffin a person rather than a thingy. That's story-level immersion he's talking about there, not visual. He proposed, and recombined seconded, that the surplus of water chips in the second game was meant to emphasize the meaningless of the personal stakes.

Well then just ignore 'em :P

Johnny Angel said:
Still, though, I could name a couple of video games that delivered better stories overall. But I'm curious what game you're judging Fallout 1 + 2 by that renders them "nothing exceptional" by comparison.

Well, perhaps I'm using "story" in too much of a traditional, story-telling sense, but when I think "it has a great story", I think of the game telling the player a great story.

That's not the case in Fallout. In Fallout, the story is just a framework, a set-up that allows the player to use the PC to tell the story he wishes to tell. That's the ultimate difference between Fallout's pen and paper emulation compared to Oblivion's consequence-free storytelling or BioWare's linear storytelling.

I think it's inherent of this type of game that the story has to be withdrawn, in the background. It has to be set up well, with great characters, an interesting setting and - most important - well-through through and real/harsh choice and consequences. What it does not need is a story that gets in your face all the time (which is why I still think the timer in Fallout 1 was an odd decision), or tries to find emotional hooks into the player's flesh.

But say you turn a single playthrough of Fallout from the consequence-filled world it is into a linear storyline. I go to Shady Sands and save it because that's what you do. I go to Junktown and help Killian because that's what you do. Necropolis gets killed by supermutants in the OMFG TWIST moment that BioWare loves retarding their games up with. And finally I kill the big bad floozle.

That sucks.

The story itself, it has its moments - like the unintended destruction of Necropolis, or the nature of the Master - but for the most part it is predictable and done before, a silly McGuffin quest followed by a Kill The Floozle Save The World thing.

None of that makes Fallout great. What makes it great is that it's not trying to tell you this story, like a BioWare game would, nor pushing the story to the background, like a Bethesda game would, but that the story is just there, waiting for you to treck your PC through and in doing so tell it.

Compare it to Bloodlines - most of Bloodlines is a fantastic but highly linear story with quite a few great elements and extremely well set-up twists (not the least of which is its fantastic ending), but Bloodlines has one element in common with Fallout: Heather.

Now say I were turning Bloodlines into a film. I could tell most of it fine. Jeanette and Therese Voerman? Sure. The uncovering of the layers of plots between the Anarchs, Camarilla and Keu-Jin? Sure. Friggin' Grout's mansion? Why not.

But what I could not possible tell would be the story of Heather. Because Heather isn't a story, Heather is a choice. What is so gripping about Heather isn't the fact that a humanitarian action latches her to you in a pathetic way, but that at all time what matters here is what you choose to do with her.

That's what Fallout is about. Only in the case of Fallout the entire game is about that choice.

Johnny Angel said:
I wouldn't suggest making it as hard-core a search for a critical path as, say, Gothic II: Night of the Raven.

Why not?

NotR does it really well.

Hell, Gothic II does it pretty well. 'cor, you're fighting dragons, so some challenge level makes sense.

Eyenixon said:
Even though it's advertised as being open to characters that want to be a thief or a warrior, these avenues are useless. The developers undercut themselves, you have to be a good Mage with high intelligence, wisdom and charisma to get any enjoyment from the game.

Eh? I've finished (and enjoyed) it as a warrior more times than as a mage.
Johnny Angel said:
...I wouldn't suggest making it as hard-core a search for a critical path as, say, Gothic II: Night of the Raven....

Oh, why not? I loved how character progression and development was handled in this game.Yes, it was difficult, but no other game has been so rewarding in terms of gaining levels.Ever.
Eyenixon said:
-Planescape: Torment failed in this regard whereas its relatively simple predecessor Baldur's Gate even managed to achieved a good amount of success in it. Several parts of Planescape were overshadowed by the fact that the developers rigidly wanted to tell a linear story with little opportunity for the player to fool around in a playground. It's one of the big reasons I consider Torment a "adventure game with RPG elements". Even though it's advertised as being open to characters that want to be a thief or a warrior, these avenues are useless. The developers undercut themselves, you have to be a good Mage with high intelligence, wisdom and charisma to get any enjoyment from the game.

It's even worse than that, or better depending on perspective. A fairly easily attainable WIS will give you almost all the options afforded by INT and/or CHA. There aren't that many important CHA checks to begin with (compared to INT/WIS anyway), while INT checks mostly accompany WIS checks. This allows you to play a fighter and still get all the dialogue benefits of a mage, while having a much easier time in combat (the thief can get the WIS as well, but will not get any particular benefits just from being a thief). Anyway, this is just one thing that is dented about Torment's RPG mechanics; alignment is another example.

And now, slightly on topic: the greatest hits of "Per explains Fallout in random NMA threads".

What's special about Fallout is the way the backstory (of the Master) and the story (of the Vault Dweller) can be almost completely disassociated. The Master has zero guaranteed screen time, unless you count Ron Perlman saying that his forces were driven east after the game ends. And this is possible because the game devotes itself entirely to following the exploits of the Vault Dweller, whatever they are and are not. [W]hat sets Fallout apart from other games is its devotion to ["what I do to the world" as opposed to "what the world does to you"]. In a game like Torment, you spend a lot of time dealing with and reacting to things that were done to you rather than things you (the player) do to others. There are heaps of emotional cues that are effectively forced onto you. Fallout leaves all that out.
etting, premise, plot and story are different things, and you can get very different games by emphasizing different elements. Grim Fandango is a great game with a great story (and plot), but it's not at all the same kind of game as Fallout. Story entails structure, and one of the ideas with Fallout (as with Wasteland before it) was to dispense with structure. (This does not mean of course that lack of structure equals content, or Oblivion and Notepad would have been great RPGs).

[A] set story runs counter to the type of role-playing experience that is inherent to Fallout's design. It is deliberately created not to provide the player with a story; you are given the freedom to create your own story every time you play. "A big dumb strong ox and a pretty little lady would not have the same overall experience."
One of the major defining traits of Fallout - and Fallout 2, other issues aside - perhaps the defining trait, is how it is set up - very deliberately - to mimic a PnP role-playing experience. There's no real plot, no railroading, but rather a premise: the story of Fallout is the process of the Vault Dweller going forth into the world, influencing it and being influenced by it. You do what you do, find out what you find out. One other game that pretty much did this, though more primitively? Wasteland, Fallout's spiritual predecessor.

But Bethesda is naturally on top of this and will hold true to the basic spirit of Fallout when making Fallout 3! :silly:
[The threat of the mutant army] is the one "plot development" in the game. I don't know why people keep talking about a written story or plot in Fallout. The emergent story is the choices you make during your journeys and the impact they have on your surroundings. The game was made that way on purpose.
In Fallout and Wasteland, you can win the game and not know that's what you were actually doing. There aren't people that go, "I can help you accomplish this next objective, but in order for this to happen you must..." The closest you get to that is if you return to the Overseer to ask why the game isn't over yet. In Torment, you have to sit through long dialogues on poor fucking Ravel or whatever. [Arcanum and Torment are] more like a game where the GM has prepared a story, this is what we're going to play, this is what's going to happen (even if the player(s) don't necessarily know the extent to which they're being herded, which may or may not matter to them in the end), while Fallout is more like a game where the GM has a list of defining themes and key points but then it can take any shape within those parameters.
Eyenixon said:
-See Anachronox for an almost perfect example. Underneath its charm it's a relatively simple but incredibly tight Japanese styled RPG, everything is well balanced and the game is a joy to play. But ask any player what they remember most and its the characters, the pseudo superheroes, Sly Boots, and all the other bizarre characters and environments.

Holy shit, somebody else apart from me actually played and liked Anachronox? God that was some great/weird/wacked game. I mean, it had a freaking planet as a playable character. A planet you first actually played on.

Oh and I'm sorry that I haven't got anything useful to add to this topic apart from that. I'm dead tired and all I saw was the word 'anachronox, that sort of hit a string in my brain-dead body.
Eyenixon, fair enough, i kinda misinterpreted your points. I dont know the inner workings of game design because i never looked it up or taken it as a career so i dont think i can argue with any of your comment.

I would hope that story was more central to RPG's though, i never remember games that have poor or mediocre stories.[/b]
Brother None said:
Well then just ignore 'em
Well, they made a point that was worth discussing, even if it amounted to a disagreement.

Brother None said:
In Fallout, the story is just a framework, a set-up that allows the player to use the PC to tell the story he wishes to tell.
I'll concede that it is more accurate to say that the story was something you created from what they gave you. A list of the events in the game doesn't include all the things that happened in your head when you were playing the game -- how you decided not just what to do, but what your character felt about the situation. But I would argue that if you get down to cases all stories have this quality. You finish the story by your own projection into it.

There is a spectrum, of course. On the one end you have the JRPGs, which have tightly scripted stories in which not only what the character does and what the character wants is largely pre-determined. On the other end you have something like Oblivion in which there is almost nothing tethering you to the main plot except that you get bored with futzing around eventually. The Fallouts are somewhere in between. You get a lot of material that has an emotional stake in it, but even though in practice you know intellectually that there are only a few possible resolutions, you nonetheless have the sense that you are actually acting as a free moral agent. People have different preferences along this spectrum, but I think Fallout and Fallout 2 hit the sweet spot.

And right now we don't know where Fallout 3 is on this spectrum. Most of us hope it won't be on the Oblivion end of the spectrum, and because Bethesda has never done anything like Fallout before, we despair that they will find the sweet spot. But I'm not giving up yet. Hell, I'm looking forward to fan mods of Fallout 2, and I have no idea where they are on this specturm either.

Brother None said:
That's what Fallout is about. Only in the case of Fallout the entire game is about that choice.
Without delving into spoilers, the Heather sequence is a good example of what game designers must be willing to do if all the people who want games to be accepted as an emerging art form are to be vindicated. Stories are not wish fulfillment. In stories, characters want something, suffer for it, and sometimes fail, or win and realize they're not sure it it was worth the cost, or it turns out they didn't want what they got. The writers of these games must be willing to tell the players, as Nelson Algren once said writers must be willing to tell readers, "This ain't what you rang for, Jack, but it's damn sure what you're getting." Most of use would not have written the part where our hero gets kicked out of the vault, but it's a better story because somebody did.

Brother None said:
NotR does it really well.
Paul_cz said:
Oh, why not? I loved how character progression and development was handled in this game.Yes, it was difficult, but no other game has been so rewarding in terms of gaining levels.Ever.
Night of the Raven was a hard-core RPG, and there are few hard-core gamers left. I believe it was Al Lowe who, asked why adventure games died out, suggested that it was because computers were no longer predominantly used by the kinds of people who were comfortable working with a DOS prompt. Those people liked abstract problem solving. The generation whose first computers ran Windows 3.1 are the ones whose first adventure game was Myst, and Myst was too hard for them, so the gaming industry decided the genre was dead. I'm already flirting with ad-hominem here, and I don't want to cast aspersions on the generation of gamers who play on consoles, but they're not a patient crowd. If Bethesda's next big release were as hard as Night of the Raven, an entire generation would decide that they don't like RPGs, and that'll murder the genre.

Eyenixon said:
Even though it's advertised as being open to characters that want to be a thief or a warrior, these avenues are useless. The developers undercut themselves, you have to be a good Mage with high intelligence, wisdom and charisma to get any enjoyment from the game.
Really? I played as a thief, albeit one with a high Int and Cha. I used to tuck the rest of the party one end of the map and take out most of the bad guys with just myself and the other thief, luring bad guys into ambushes. I would have said it was useless to play a wizard, but I guess you made it through alright. It doesn't sound like you had as much fun as I had, though. If you get a chance, you might try it as a thief.

Edmond Dantès said:
Holy shit, somebody else apart from me actually played and liked Anachronox? God that was some great/weird/wacked game.
A woefully under-appreciated game.
Brother None said:
aenemic said:
I don't believe the hype from either camp - neither the Beth one nor the NMA one.

Don't try selling that one here.

Bethesda has a staff paid to produce hype and creative untruths regarding their game. NMA considers it its task to bring about the most accurate coverage of the game in response, to bring out as much truth as possible.

The concept of NMA producing "anti-hype" is nothing but a lazy smear job.

sorry, I didn't choose my words carefully enough there. it wasn't a poke at your coverage, I think you're doing a great and fair job. not completely objective of course, but it's not like you're only showing the negative stuff.

I meant the whole attitude and shit-flinging at Bethesda that goes around here. yes, they've made mistakes in the past. but I'm not taking it for granted that they're making the same (or other) mistakes this time.
None of that makes Fallout great. What makes it great is that it's not trying to tell you this story, like a BioWare game would, nor pushing the story to the background, like a Bethesda game would, but that the story is just there, waiting for you to treck your PC through and in doing so tell it.

This is a good point. I tend to have the most fun playing Fallout when I ignore the story - especially since I know the story's every detail by now.

On the other hand, I don't want to disparage all linear plots. An exceptionally well-executed linear plot can be as good as any other kind, even if it's not as replayable. In fact, I'd argue that linear plots are the best kind where character development (in the dramatic sense, not the statistical sense) is concerned.

As an example let me plug Stefan Gagne's HexCoda modules for Neverwinter Nights. I greatly disliked NWN. These modules are the one reason I feel my money wasn't wasted on it.

I meant the whole attitude and shit-flinging at Bethesda that goes around here. yes, they've made mistakes in the past. but I'm not taking it for granted that they're making the same (or other) mistakes this time.

Bethesda could make a decent game and still deserve my ire for unnecessarily corrupting the legacy of Fallout.
Johnny Angel said:
So you say, and yet I suspect that you recall the details of Fallout's story better than all those other games. That's one pretty good metric of how good a story is. We're all posting on this board because the story has taken root with us. People have been descrying Bethesda's deviations from the Fallout Bible and even the cannon as established within the actual games because they feel that the story matters, and why would they feel this way for any reason other than that it was a good one to begin with?

the big thing that FO1+2 did right that oblivion failed utterly in was the story.

in FO1 there are only 3 things you have to do to win:
water chip, kill master, destroy vats. and technically getting the water chip was not required to end the game i dont believe.

in FO2 there was only 1 thing you had to do to win: destroy the oil rig.

everything else WAS the story. and that was all well written and flavorful. thats what makes it 2 great games.

in oblivon, there are like 1-2 things you have to do, everything else was the story, and it sucked ass due to mechanics and serious design flaws.
aenemic said:
I meant the whole attitude and shit-flinging at Bethesda that goes around here. yes, they've made mistakes in the past. but I'm not taking it for granted that they're making the same (or other) mistakes this time.
Good for you aenemic! You go get them!!! :D

But don't come crying all the way home when they disappoint you. AGAIN! :?

Seriously, what are people with that kind of argumets now say when the game comes out and it blows? Or if it blows, if you like.
Morbus said:
Seriously, what are people with that kind of argumets now say when the game comes out and it blows? Or if it blows, if you like.
They'll probably say to you exactly what you will say to them. Each party will accuse the other of being unable to admit they were wrong.