Brother None said:
Oh, it is indeed wise not take what Pete and Todd say too seriously, that much is generally true.
Brother None said:
Good thing we have 3D technology, so we can easily adopt a camera to utilize both first person and bird's eye view!
Oh wait, that's not what we've done at all!
And thats the thing - because I enjoy games from fps/tps perspective (if done well - for example I could not play Halo 2 because of the low FOV), I don't miss bird's eye view.It was in a Witcher, I used it once - during tutorial.So..I don't mind its absence.But for other people that won't be the case, and you are right that since this IS a Fallout sequel, they could have incorporated it.
Brother None said:'d have to have a Bloodlines-esque atmosphere, dialogue and storyline, but with more freedom and less stupid forced combat areas and a more enjoyable combat system...if all that's the case, I'll start considering a really good spinoff rather than just a lame spinoff.
It breaks too wildly with its predecessor to be considered a part of the same series. Its status as a spinoff game is kind of in the air.
I wouldn't hold any high hopes, tho'. If you look at Shivering Isles, supposedly the proof Bethesda can do dialogue and choice 'n consequence, you get a good sense that - really - they can't.
Yes! I LOVED Bloodlines.And if FO3 brings something similar in quality to Bloodlines in terms of dialogue, atmosphere and quests, but expands on it with this huge open world (Todd HowardTM) (while retaining good story), it will quite possibly be the best game since..Fallout 2 : ).
The thing about classifying it as a spinoff - for everyone, the important things about FO are different.Since for me those important things were not TB and ISO (and PnP roots), I will not have a problem saying its a true sequel (supposing its as good as we hope..)
I haven't played Shivering Isles yet, but I enjoyed (please don't kill me) Oblivion - although no C&C was present, dialogues were mostly monologues with stupid minigame, and leveling was REALLY stupid.But I still liked that game for its atmosphere and exploration aspects.And some of the quests were good. And eventhough Oblivion is opposite to Fallout in terms of gamedesign, I am still willing to give Bethesda benefit of the doubt - until I play the game.
Brother None said:
Wait, you've been here a few months and you honestly, honestly think the problem is that we don't enjoy fps/tps games?
I enjoy FPS games. I just don't want Fallout 3 to be an FPS-game. Even FPS-esque.
Well that question was directed at nma in general, not at you specifically.But anyway, this is where our opinion differs : ).Although, I should have used term FPP, not FPS - I don't want it to be a shooter with player skills being more important than character skills.I would be perfectly happy with Van Buren and its perspective, but I am also happy with FPP/TPP.
Oh and I have been reading NMA for about 4 years, not just a few months : ).