Black Lives Matter

Calm down grandpa, don't you know times are a-changin?
The time of soft compassionate attitudes are over! Time to let men be men again!
Anyway, what would some German-Yugoslav know about the reprecussions of ethnic strife anyway?

Well, I don't know about you, but I am just not going to shake hands with a monkey!
Race baiters deeply disgust me.
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Race baiters deeply disgust me.
lmao what are you trying to convey here? that it's "race baiting" to draw attention to institutional racism in the US justice system which is so inescapable and deep-seated that we see new examples of young men literally losing their lives to it all the time, all across the nation?

btw people who aren't from the US should be especially careful in offering their "insights" into uniquely American situations like this. if you don't truly have a whole and complete understanding of the current racial situation in the US and the history that created it, your ideas about BLM etc will be pretty plainly uninformed & everyone will be able to see it.
institutional racism
People think that they could just throw that word in there like it means nothing.

btw people who aren't from the US should be especially careful in offering their "insights" into uniquely American situations like this. if you don't truly have a whole and complete understanding of the current racial situation in the US and the history that created it, your ideas about BLM etc will be pretty plainly uninformed.
And some people think that not being involved makes you more objective. It isn't like I'm telling you how to vote or anything. I just don't see how BLM is a good thing despite its intent.
that it's "race baiting" to draw attention to institutional racism in the US justice system
Well yea because it doesn't exist.
we see new examples of young men literally losing their lives to it all the time, all across the nation?
What you mean like Trayvon who assaulted a man who shot in self defense?
Or Mike Brown who just came back from robbing a store and was running at a police officer and reaching for the officer's gun who shot in self defense?
Or Keith Scott who was shot by a black officer who answers to a black Chief of Police after refusing to comply with the officer's orders and possibly pulling a gun? (and had a very violent criminal record so don't even try the "muh family man" excuse).
Or the young men who lose their lives because BLM decides to go nuts and raze a city to the ground and start looting and attacking people while shouting "More dead cops!"?
btw people who aren't from the US should be especially careful in offering their "insights" into uniquely American situations like this. if you don't truly have a whole and complete understanding of the current racial situation in the US and the history that created it, your ideas about BLM etc will be pretty plainly uninformed & everyone will be able to see it.
Well you're (I'm assuming) American and still don't know what you're talking about so I mean I don't see why they can't weigh in either.
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that it's "race baiting" to draw attention to institutional racism in the US justice system which is so inescapable and deep-seated that we see new examples of young men literally losing their lives to it all the time, all across the nation?
I'm not going let that slide. What proof do you have of this existing?
If there is institutional racism targeted to Blacks, why is there a Black President? There isn't an Asian, a Hispanic, or a Native American President.
And why didn't this Black President fix this institutional racism problem in his 8 years as president?
People think that they could just throw that word in there like it means nothing.

Haha what is merriam webster supposed to prove? "Institutional racism" refers to subtle racism ingrained in, yes, institutional (the courts, parole boards, police, hiring practices) policy - which, while often not overt in the same way as someone saying "i hate niggers," manifests itself through more subtle discriminatory practices that end up making it harder for black people to get ahead normally.

Well yea because it doesn't exist.

Racial profiling as standard practice doesn't exist? Tell that to U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin, to pick just a single example, who ruled against racially based "stop and frisk" practices in New York on the basis of (among other things) what she described as "smoking gun" video evidence which depicted police officers being told to meet quotas in enacting the law. But, sorry, maybe Milo Yiannopoulos is a better source & more knowledgable about the law than, say, a federal judge.

What you mean like Trayvon who assaulted a man who shot in self defense?
Or Mike Brown who just came back from robbing a store and was running at a police officer and reaching for the officer's gun who shot in self defense?
Or Keith Scott who was shot by a black officer who answers to a black Chief of Police after refusing to comply with the officer's orders and possibly pulling a gun?

Not going to bother with "refuting" this since I never mentioned a single one of these people.

I'm not going let that slide. What proof do you have of this existing?
If there is institutional racism targeted to Blacks, why is there a Black President? There isn't an Asian, a Hispanic, or a Native American President.
And why didn't this Black President fix this institutional racism problem in his 8 years as president?

I already quoted one example higher in this post. Another example is race-based sentencing disparity between criminals who committed equivalent crimes: the sentences for the black criminals were almost 20% longer in general. (1, 2). And the fact of the matter is that these things are not overt laws a la Jim Crow which can easily be repealed by a progressive president or legislature. They are deeply built into the whole justice system and there's no easy way to fix them other than drawing attention to the issue and starting dialog with people involved in the system to find solutions which may gradually begin to bear fruit, which is exactly what BLM is doing.

Cause race traitor yo.

Literally Stormfront level "discourse." Surprised your UN doesn't include 1488 snuck in there somewhere.
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Haha what is merriam webster supposed to prove? "Institutional racism" refers to subtle racism ingrained in, yes, institutional (the courts, parole boards, police, hiring practices) policy - which, while often not overt in the same way as someone saying "i hate niggers," manifests itself through more subtle discriminatory practices that end up making it harder for black people to get ahead normally.
Unless you have a mind reading machine, you better be finding a different approach.

Let's look at the first definition. So a lot of White people have subtle ingrained racism and they are an organization? What are they a hivemind? Could they telepathically communicate to each other? I'm not White so I couldn't be sure. Maybe someone can tell me.

Let's look at the third definition. What law targets specifically Black people?
Haha what is merriam webster supposed to prove? "Institutional racism" refers to subtle racism ingrained in, yes, institutional (the courts, parole boards, police, hiring practices) policy - which, while often not overt in the same way as someone saying "i hate niggers," manifests itself through more subtle discriminatory practices that end up making it harder for black people to get ahead normally.
But that's not true at all. Theres a black attorney general and loads of black judges ( , black people on parole boards, plenty of black police officers like the one involved recent Keith Scott incident; not to mention the black Chief of Police, and it's literally illegal to have racially discriminatory hiring practices in this country that has had a black president for the past 8 years. Where is this institutional racism (which in your definition just completely changes what the word "institutional" means but ok) in these fields? Blacks only make up about 13% of the population yet look at how well represented they are in not only government but mass media as well?
Racial profiling as standard practice doesn't exist? Tell that to U.S. District Judge Shira Scheindlin, to pick just a single example, who ruled against racially based "stop and frisk" practices in New York on the basis of (among other things) what she described as "smoking gun" video evidence which depicted police officers being told to meet quotas in enacting the law. But, sorry, maybe Milo Yiannopoulos is a better source & more knowledgable about the law than, say, a federal judge.
Well I trust the Supreme Court and an 85% decrease in crime more than one rogue District Judge.
It’s also the view of the only judge to rule against stop-and-frisk, Judge Shira Scheindlin. Well known as a liberal judicial activist, Scheindlin took unusual measures to ensure that she would get the case (claiming that it was linked to a previous case of hers that had been closed years ago), and then launched an angry broadside against police powers.

Scheindlin has been repeatedly reversed—unanimously—by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit on cases involving police authority, and even terrorism. She has demonstrated such extraordinary bias as a judicial activist on this issue that the federal appeals court took the extremely rare action of ordering her removed from the case.

But her removal was not before she issued a decision declaring that stop-and-frisk was unconstitutional the way it was being implemented. Note that even Scheindlin would not say it was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court’s Terry case would make her a laughingstock if she took that position (which is the position that Hillary Clinton took in the debate). But Scheindlin said it was being applied in an unconstitutional manner that focused too heavily on blacks and Hispanics.

Many legal experts expected the Second Circuit to smack down Scheindlin yet again. But then de Blasio was elected, and he withdrew the appeal from the Second Circuit before they could rule on the case and announced he was ending stop-and-frisk.
Not going to bother with "refuting" this since I never mentioned a single one of these people.
Right so then who are these innocent men who didn't do nuffin you were referring to if not the most famous of these black men who were killed?
I already quoted one example higher in this post. Another example is race-based sentencing disparity between criminals who committed equivalent crimes: the sentences for the black criminals were almost 20% longer in general. (1, 2). And the fact of the matter is that these things are not overt laws a la Jim Crow which can easily be repealed by a progressive president or legislature.
Not true. Differences in conviction and sentencing rates by race are due to differences in the gravity of the criminal offenses, prior records or other legal variables. A 1994 Justice Department survey of felony cases in the country’s 75 largest urban areas actually found lower felony prosecution rates for blacks than whites and that blacks were less likely to be found guilty at trial.
They are deeply built into the whole justice system and there's no easy way to fix them other than drawing attention to the issue and starting dialog with people involved in the system to find solutions which may gradually begin to bear fruit, which is exactly what BLM is doing.
Right, because burning down cities and screaming for more dead cops is really finding a nuanced solution to the problem.
Literally Stormfront level "discourse." Surprised your UN doesn't include 1488 snuck in there somewhere.
Calm down, that was obviously a joke,
@Mr Fish is the last person on here who would give a fuck about being a "race traitor" xD
Let's look at the first definition. So a lot of White people have subtle ingrained racism and they are an organization? What are they a hivemind? Could they telepathically communicate to each other? I'm not White so I couldn't be sure. Maybe someone can tell me.

Let's look at the third definition. What law targets specifically Black people?

Dude this is exactly why I'm saying if you don't know what you're talking about don't say anything at all. I already explained to you that institutional racism refers to racist practices ingrained in various institutions - governmental, social, etc. The entire phrase has its own definition (you can look it up on Wikipedia if you are really this ignorant), and quoting a dictionary talking about a word which is sort of contained in it - not even the actual word, namely the adjective, but a related noun - is totally unrelated to the discussion we're having.

No offense but I'm not going to bother responding to your posts. Given the fact you're quoting Breitbart and using racist /pol/ memes it's clear that I'm not going to get anywhere no matter what I post - I thought maybe this thread could be a place for serious discussion and debate, since I haven't been on NMA in years, but I guess /pol/ and Reddit have taken over this place too. What's next, you're gonna say "WE WUZ KANGS LOL" or whatever?
No offense but I'm not going to bother responding to your posts. Given the fact you're quoting Breitbart and using racist /pol/ memes it's clear that I'm not going to get anywhere no matter what I post - I thought maybe this thread could be a place for serious discussion and debate, since I haven't been on NMA in years, but I guess /pol/ and Reddit have taken over this place too. What's next, you're gonna say "WE WUZ KANGS LOL" or whatever?
Epic refutation of all of my points.
How can Vergil ever recover?

If you want serious discussion so bad how about you actually respond to my post? Instead of getting upset at the one joke I made and walking away at the first sign of refutation?
heh obviously that's not a refutation of your arguments man! I just came into the thread thinking it was one thing (a real back-and-forth discussion) and it's clear that it was another thing (people who all agreed agreeing with each other) so i'm going to jump ship.
heh obviously that's not a refutation of your arguments man! I just came into the thread thinking it was one thing (a real back-and-forth discussion) and it's clear that it was another thing (people who all agreed agreeing with each other) so i'm going to jump ship.
Nice! You say before that you won't even bother responding yet here you are only 10 minutes later. Funny how people do random shit like go back on promises and betray their race because they're fucking infidels.