Vault Dweller

Didn't you get a fatman or a minigun close to the start of Fallout 3? You're also given mininukes and ammo like it's nothing pretty much.
Yeah, when you encounter the Super Mutant Behemoth in the DC Ruins, and you get five nukes. It has a finite amount of ammo, I will grant you, but unlike the Alien Blaster, it's much less tongue-in-cheek and more unfathomably dumb for urban warfare.
I think most of this is an easy mod fix. Give it a good month or 2 after release and you'll see something like CCO for New Vegas. I'd love to see walpknut's system idea implemented somehow through modding.
A mod of this magnitude would be a very long undertaking, but it could be done. Me, I'd like to see the Skills return with a per-20-points chose-able upgrade system, or the like.
Sigh, it reminds me of Skyrim allright. I would specialize in swordfighting, which also meant I had to give several shits about axes - which I didn't. These perk-trees just reeked of idea-droughts, with a couple of useful perks, and just pointless stupid filler for the rest.
As for the visuals, I wish they'd just stop pretending, rate it G, and get it over with allready. So, animated pip-boy icons with sound - I bet they're allready dreaming about a 3D modelled, colored and shiny animated icons with sound, oh wait, I forget i'm expected to react like a toddler AAAHAHAHA IT MOVES!!! THE ICON MOVES AND MAKES SOUNDES :O :O
Not only that, but the best Perks were within trees where the idea didn't match up (Extra Pockets under Pickpocket), or the skill itself was so underutilized that you had no choice but to grind and practice to reach the upgrade you wanted (Speech).