Briton faces execution for smuggling heroin in China


Vault Senior Citizen

A British man is facing execution after being convicted of smuggling heroin into China. Akmal Shaikh, 53, from north London, was arrested after a suitcase he was carrying was allegedly found to contain 4kg of the drug, with a value of £250,000.

Shaikh, who is said to be severely mentally ill, will become the first British citizen to be executed in China; his lawyers warn that he could be killed imminently by a gunshot to the back of his head. Foreign Office officials said there were reports last week that his second appeal had failed, but had yet to receive "official confirmation" or any news from the Chinese authorities.

It's difficult to comment on this case. On the one hand, if he could have 250k GBP in cash, he could have simply done this with CCP's sanctions and enough bribes. On the other hand, I don't see the pt/or the reason for the execution, is this a show of force by the CCP to tell all the expats that China will not bow to any foreign pressure? :|
Well, at least China knows how to perform executions properly.

Pretty much everything else I could comment on is already been said and heard. China is what it is, and dissidents shall be chopped up into pieces in the backs of shitty communist automobiles and dumped in a methane pit outside of a landfill.

Also, I think China holds to much power in the U.N. to bow to this case, and couldn't afford loosing it's stature towards subjugating its population in giving one person a free ride just because he had round eyes.
Starseeker said:
On the other hand, I don't see the pt/or the reason for the execution, is this a show of force by the CCP to tell all the expats that China will not bow to any foreign pressure? :|
Extinction of heroin smugglers?
Its communist china.
What would you expect ?
The leadership likes shooting people. And oppressing them.
And west wont do anything as usual.
My guess is that he will get shot, but that he may avoid the parade infront of other people beforehand and the harvesting of his organs afterwards.
Member of Khans said:
That's the thing, though: The ruling class doesn't drive "shitty communist automobiles", but Mercedes Benz.

Your right.

Fucking hypocrites!

But on the subject of executions, we have:

Firing squad = non-instant death and you shit your pants.

Lethal injection = about 50% of people are aware during death.

Hanging = Fat people break their necks or break the rope and have to start over again. Little people strangle to death twitching around for 3 minutes.

Beheading = Everything I've seen of this execution practice in modern times is done either by crusty Arabs with a dull knife and is one of the worst things...well...ever... Or by an amateur Saudi/Yemen executioner with a shitty sword that takes 2 strokes. Give them a 5'1" depressed Japanese dude with a katana for fuck sake. Or a 6'2 angry celt with a claymore.

Electrocution = Do you like your meat screaming and still on fire?

China = Pistol to the back of the head. It's like they were the only ones in the game still paying the fuck attention.
DexterMorgan said:
I think they use large caliber semi-automatic rifles actually.

Chinese made Type 56(chinese made ak-47)

More than enough actually.

Half a head blown off... your fault if you look at it.

courtesy of friends of Tibet.
The tradition is to use pistols since the old laws during the 1920's-30's. Starseeker I'm sure would know the exact dates and details.

It's flexible, now that we have rifles in small enough caliber that don't ricochet off the cement behind the head and kill 3 other people.
Member of Khans said:
DexterMorgan said:
I think they use large caliber semi-automatic rifles actually.
Depends. Does 5.8 x 42 mm qualify as "large caliber"? Or do they stick to the 7.62? Meh, still I'd rather get shoot than anything else.

They might use the 5.8, all depends on what rifle they have. Right now their moving to a completely new rifle that I believe fires the 5.56. I know they have used the 56 but I also found out they have the 95(among others) that uses the 5.8.

Dopemine Cleric said:
The tradition is to use pistols since the old laws during the 1920's-30's.

It's flexible, now that we have rifles in small enough caliber that don't ricochet off the cement behind the head and kill 3 other people.

rifles slung....
I said during the 1920's and 30's. Ya know, the era when the triads and warlords controlled china? Ya know the era when a rifle caliber was considered moderately small at .303. When 7.62x54r was a standard in the area.

If you know anything about guns, 7.62x54r rifle execution to the head at close range is basically making the victims head explode and putting everyone near you in danger of ricochet.
Funny that people are still surprised by things such as this, knowing China commies. This amount of heroin would get this guy arrested at worst in Western countries, but Chinese execute people for less.

He should have known better than entering China, of all places, full of drugs, without bribing money, contacts in the government or in criminal organizations. Well, knowing better for him was probably not possible.
I'm sure he knew the consequences and did it anyways. You don't engage in an international drug-trafficking operation without knowing what your getting into.

And if anyone needs heroin the most, it's the Chinese people.

*EDIT* (Humorously) And that's why we mustn't allow china to gain a foothold in the middle-east! We must prevent, a <s>mineshaft</s> poppy-field gap!