Part of the culture? You may be right, but I just want to point out that tribal genocides took part for centuries and happen to this day in central Africa, but that doesn't mean they're not genocides anymore nor that they're acceptable as a cultural aspect... are they?
And set aside the possibility of bush having dislexia, even "filtering" his words, or re-building them from the non-grammatical vomit he execrates, the sentences still set a new standard for presidential stupidity in the 21st century.
I mean
"A country which has been under attack can respond by loving your neighbor like you'd like to be loved yourself."
And set aside the possibility of bush having dislexia, even "filtering" his words, or re-building them from the non-grammatical vomit he execrates, the sentences still set a new standard for presidential stupidity in the 21st century.
I mean
"A country which has been under attack can respond by loving your neighbor like you'd like to be loved yourself."