So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Grizzly~Adams said:Actually Canada's deaths by firearms in the last year were more around the 200's(like most other 1st world countrys) while the USA exceeded the 10,000 mark.
Any sources to back your figures up? For the sake of argument, I'll try and get the most recent ones I can find...
For the 2000 US census, the population was 281,421,906. According to the 1990 census, the population 248,709,873. So according to the average yearly increase, the estimated population today is 291,235,515.
Canadian census information is impossible to find. But the most recent numbers I could get are 30,007,094.
So you have a population practically 1/10 the population of the United States.
According to the above, firearm related deaths in 2000 were 28,000. To put that with my estimated data, this year it would be about 29,000.
That's the best information I could find concerning Canadian firearm deaths, but from 1970 to 1996 and average of 1,385 Canadians died each year from gun fatalities.
No, let's factor in the data shall we?
291,235,515 / 29,000 = 10,042, or 1/10,042 civilians dieing from firearms.
30,007,094 / 1,385 = 21,665 or 1/21,665 civilians dieing from firearms. Which is half the death toll per capita of the US.
On that point, I'll concede. But I find this pretty odd, since the last time I did this, the Canadian death rate per capita was larger than America's. This whole thing would be a whole lot easier if I could actually find accurate information on Canadian population and death rates. >=/
Why would the UN care if we went after Osama? If we actually knew he was responcible for the embassy bombings, im sure the UN would even back the US. Plus the Clinton administration wasn't the only administration to fund the Taliban. Back in the eighties when Afganistan was under invasion by the USSR, the US not only funded and sold weapons to the Taliban, but Osama himself was trained by the CIA.
Oh? I thought the UN was adamantly anti-war. The Taliban sure as Hell wouldn't have given him up, so what course of action was there to take but invade the country? And besides, the administrations didn't fund the Taliban post-Soviet occupation. In fact, they never did. Aside from possible Stinger missiles they could've acquired from the CIA, Afghan rebels used predominantly Soviet munitions and equipment. The "funding" that you speak of was the result of thousands of dollars being poured into humanitarian aide for Afghanistan, just to have all the money seized by the Taliban for "distribution."
"Americans were just pussies"? i would like to see you throw down your Big Mac and fries and go to Somalia and show them "skinnies" with AK47s how badass us american's can be.
I would if my Aspurgers didn't bar me from enlistment in all branches of the armed forces according to their policies on mental illness. But you can't deny that the modern American no longer has the stomach to back up his own foreign policy. A thing evident of the current situation in Iraq. Don't any of you people pay attention to history? Did you really think this whole thing would be a cakewalk? Jesus Christ.
The reason Rosevelt would be pissed would be because he was a strong Isolationist(like most other countries) and against trusts and monopolies. Even though there were worse conditions in Europe and in Japan's occupation of China at the time than Iraq, he refused to get involved in WW2(eventhough he funded the allies) until the US was directly attacked by Japan. Also, if he were around today there wouldn't be taxe breaks for the rich, or monopolies like TicketBastard, and Microsoft. Eventhough most people don't realize it, Rosevelt was the most Socialist president ever. And if people did realize it the time he would have been stoned to death.
Pure speculation. For all you know, Roosevelt could be angry that the Social Security programs he set up were still around considering the excellent condition of the economy. Roosevelt was also one of the most war-mongering presidents we've had. Though he was right to recognize Germany and Japan as threats to the world, he practically goaded them into a fight in order to circumvent the predominantly isolationist movement.
And the UN didn't kick us off the Human Rights Council for no good reason. Concidering Bush, along with a lot of Americans, have pretty much demonized the religion of Islam. Plus what WAS the reason we invaded Iraq? Where are these chemical weapons? But they sure got lots of oil and some vacant land to put nice McDonalds or maybe even a STARBUCK'S!
Intelligent liberals don't believe that crap, so why should you? Unless...
And please tell me why its such a bad thing that a 3rd party be elected into office? Concidering Democrats and Republicans the issues that matter "irrelivant". There so hellbent on increasing defence spending on boxcutter wielding terrorists, and funding more money into the ever pointless "Drug War". Most other countries have gone towards legalizing Marijuana and trying to develop a better society, rather then spend money on missiles to fend off them boxcutters.
Have you taken a look at the third party candidates? Would you honestly want a Green Party or Reform Party member in office? 3rd party politics represent political extremes. The point of 3rd party politics is to steal votes away from the two major parties enough so that one of the big boys adopts some of the 3rd Party's policies. Its just not practical for one to actually win an election.
Of course we are! Why should Americans die because of other countries short comings. I don't call that being a "pussie", I call that understanding the value of human life. Watching people get shot on TV might not mean much to you but Im sure you wouldn't be to happy when the guns pointing at you.
What you fail to understand is that a soldier's life is expendible.
As cold-hearted as that may seem, a soldier's duty is to live, fight, and if need be die for his country. If you sign up just to pay your way through college and you end up dieing on some strip of land in Africa, then that's your fault. The US Armed Forces is a volunteer force.