Bush says silly things again

Ugly John said:
No but if the surgery is not available in Canada the government will pay fot you to get it in the states.

And you're perfectly fine relying on a foreign nation for major medicine?
Bradylama said:
I'll give you that, but having healthcare dependant upon the government makes its quality unreliable. Proper funding can keep the medical system at a respectable level, but it still might take years before new equipment or medicinal practices can be adopted. Canadian citizens for instance still come to the US for major surgery. A thing which can't be done in most hospitals up north.

wait, lets backtrack here.
Are you saying major surgery can't be done in most hospitals in Canada...? Or new techniques and equipment?
Bradylama said:
And you're perfectly fine relying on a foreign nation for major medicine?

Sure, it's a product and it gets paid for. No doctor in the states has a problem with that either.
And btw not because some surgery can't .... wait not can't, aren't done in Canada, it doesn not mean that major surgery aren't done here.
In Fact Cannuckasthan is a leader in some form of surgery, so is the usa, so is France, so is .... well, you get my point.
Just last month, we were the first to succesfully grafted someones arm back without using cadavre graft.
Ugly John said:
And btw not because some surgery can't .... wait not can't, aren't done in Canada, it doesn not mean that major surgery aren't done here.

Agreed. The waitlist is more of a reason as to why people are going down to the states for surgery (although if it's life threatening, they often get you through faster). Most of my family has had one major surgery or another, and all of them had it done within two months of the initial diagnosis of a problem.
Bradylama said:
Anybody can afford health insurance in the US. Though some policies are better than others, overall everybody gets good medical attention.

And here I was thinking millions of people had no access to healthcare in the US. Oh well, silly me. In fact, here's some fun facts about your perfect system:

The proposal comes at a time when the numbers of those without health care across the United States is approaching nearly 40 million, when Americans are spending about $4,700 per person on health care each year (almost twice the level of other countries), and when the quality of healthcare in the US is ranked by the World Health Organization as 37th – below that of many far less affluent countries.

Christian science monitor article

What, you want more recent numbers? No you don't;

The number of Americans who lack basic healthcare coverage now numbers more than 42 million, with millions more underinsured (estimates of the total number of uninsured and underinsured are as high as 85 million). Ironically, the number of uninsured includes millions of workers, who pay a 4.8% federal tax on their wages to support healthcare for senior citizens and the indigent (Medicare and Medicaid) while being unable to afford basic healthcare coverage for themselves and their families.


Most adults without insurance are employed, but their companies don't provide coverage. Paying insurance premiums out of pocket, however, is expensive, and cost prohibitive for most middle and low-income workers. For example, according to a recent study by Families USA, coverage for a healthy 25-year old woman averages $2,459 a year. For a healthy 55-year old woman, the cost would be $4,934.

Healthcare on workingpeople.org

Katja said:
Agreed. The waitlist is more of a reason as to why people are going down to the states for surgery (although if it's life threatening, they often get you through faster). Most of my family has had one major surgery or another, and all of them had it done within two months of the initial diagnosis of a problem.

Count your blessings. In Holland, the situation is bordering on horrifying and inhumane. You should see the disabled care centres. Tears at a man's heart, it does.

The privatisation under Paars inflicted a huge wound to our healthcare system, as most privatised hospitals immediately began to collapse under "the weight of capitalism" (so to speak), now the budgetary cutbacks are killing it.
Grizzly~Adams said:
The reason he pulled out of Somalia is because it was a lost cause(much like Iraq). There was no way that we could simply march in there and tell the warlords, who were used to cutting off clitorises, to learn how to live the way we do.

The reason why we pulled out was because Clinton said it was hopeless. It wasn't a lost cause. Now we wouldn't have been there if Time magazine didn't tell the story about Somalia and print those sad pictures of starving children crying beside their dead mothers. Lost cause huh? Iraq is hardly any different. We didn't go in Somalia to change the way they live, just to try and bring some peace and stability in that country. Put some smiles on the children's faces. We felt guilty, here we are living good, free, lives, and they are dying by the thousands.
Somalia taught us that humanitarian causes aren't worth the effort. That's why we had to be duped into interfering in Yugoslavia.
I still feal guilt for living a life where I don't have to worry about whether or not my parents will be killed tomorrow, having to fight off a ragtag group of guerillas, or having enough food to survive the next day. I hope that the United States, along with help from other nations, if the French don't have the need to feel powerful, and the support of the people, we will go back to Somalia and try one more time without making the same mistakes or worse.
King said:
I still feal guilt for living a life where I don't have to worry about whether or not my parents will be killed tomorrow, having to fight off a ragtag group of guerillas, or having enough food to survive the next day. I hope that the United States, along with help from other nations, if the French don't have the need to feel powerful, and the support of the people, we will go back to Somalia and try one more time without making the same mistakes or worse.

I hope you know that there are lots of unstable countrys with similar problems to Somalia. Do you think the U.S. should just attack them all?
Yeah I know there are many countries out there like that. But we can't just "attack" them all at once. Plus, we aren't attacking them, we are trying to help. It's not like we are going there and shoving pop tarts down their throats.
King said:
Yeah I know there are many countries out there like that. But we can't just "attack" them all at once. Plus, we aren't attacking them, we are trying to help. It's not like we are going there and shoving pop tarts down their throats.

Why should we spend the money and risk the lives of American's for something they should be doing themselves, espescially with the problems within our own society that need to be adressed.
Well you do have a point. But that is just the way I feal. When I am old enough, I'll try and do some good by volunteering and trying to help out people like the Somalis.
Grizzly~Adams said:
King said:
Yeah I know there are many countries out there like that. But we can't just "attack" them all at once. Plus, we aren't attacking them, we are trying to help. It's not like we are going there and shoving pop tarts down their throats.

Why should we spend the money and risk the lives of American's for something they should be doing themselves, espescially with the problems within our own society that need to be adressed.
Dead end argument. I could say that about anything. "Why should the Americans have gotten ivolved in WW1? Why should we have to treat AIDS patients, they should be doing it!"
Maybe I am a bit to religious ofr my sake, but I cannot accept that as an answer.

Also, many are trying. They just happen to have AK-47 rounds in thier heads.
I don't agree with Grizzly about letting them do it themselves, but I didn't want to continue a pointless debate. Some people can't do a damn thing by themselves. If they try, they get nowhere, and make it worse. Like Somalia, or like me trying learn how to do algebra 2.
Actually, the only way I can learn how to do algebra, or any math for that matter, is do learn it all by myself...[/spam]

And yeah, I was wondering that about Zem's avatar myself...