Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
-There is no level 65 in CoD4, the cap is 55.
I've mistaken it with World at War, as there is 65 level. Not that it matters much, though. Haven't played MW for a year or so.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
-The higher level weapons aren't "overpowered" compared to the starting set. The strongest assault rifle is the m16 which you start with. The best pistol is the USP which again; you start with, and the best sniper rifle is the m40 which... you guessed it, you start with. I play exclusively in hardcore, so every gun is a 1-3 shot kill. All of the weapons are good, and each has their place.
Oh yeah, p90 or Deagle isn't overpowered at all. An SMG with 50 bullets per clip, with almost no recoil (making your crosshair the size of a needle or a sniper-accurate pistol that let's you take down people on the other side of the map. RPD and M249 SAW also have little recoil when you aim down the sights, making it the ultimate camper weapon.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
-There are 16,883 servers at the moment. If you hate martyr/airstrikes/helis/grenades so much, go find one that has those turned off. There are tons of servers with that type of config and it's easy to find them.
I simply got tired looking for them, since the ones I found enjoyable often died on me or turned into a fragfest sooner or later. Also, there seemed to be an increasing number of player using cheats. Autoaim + RPD = Deathmachine.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
-CoD4 has an insane amount of people playing it, and is pretty much the #1 played shooter out there besides like... cs1.6. If the multiplayer was "broken" like you claim it is, it wouldn't be that populated. You're the minority here.
Which, in fact, does not prove anything.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Your last sentence is quite telling....Sounds like CoD is the wrong series for you, since having many different (and effective) ways to take out your enemy is one of the huge draws.
Perhaps I simply want the game I play on multi to be a skill contest with a lot of shooting and running, instead of playing "real war" ("For fuck's sake man, you are camping with a sniper rifle for the whole map" - "That's what you'd do in the real war!"). This isn't Operation Flashpoint, so get out of your hidey-hole and risk a bit. Does it really matter what score you have in the end?
I don't say using anything than a knife is lame, but it's too much for me if 90% of people on the server are either using Martyrdom\Last Stand\P90 or play a demolition expert, setting claymores all over the place and hiding in the corner to finish out any survivors. It's fine do to it from time to time (in SD for example, when you need to think to survive), but I'd expect people playing TDM to have more balls than to camp all the time.
The only bonus I use is UAV Recon, I usually ignore airstrikes and the helicopter. I also don't use most of the explosives 9even grenades), because I simply feel they have not been balanced right.