Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [shaking news and rumors!]

Ravager69 said:
Oh yeah, p90 or Deagle isn't overpowered at all. An SMG with 50 bullets per clip, with almost no recoil (making your crosshair the size of a needle or a sniper-accurate pistol that let's you take down people on the other side of the map. RPD and M249 SAW also have little recoil when you aim down the sights, making it the ultimate camper weapon.

The desert eagle is a one shot kill, just like the USP or colt. The latter two have more ammo per clip. The only difference is that the deagle has slightly less damage falloff over range.

I shouldn't have to explain this, but sighting EVERY weapon (besides the shotguns) will give you pin-point accuracy. The p90 isn't any more accurate than any other weapon, and 50 rounds don't mean squat if 1-3 shots are going to down your target.

As for calling two of the LMGs "ultimate camper weapons"... I don't even know how to respond to that.

Ravager69 said:
I simply got tired looking for them, since the ones I found enjoyable often died on me or turned into a fragfest sooner or later. Also, there seemed to be an increasing number of player using cheats. Autoaim + RPD = Deathmachine.

Maybe I'm just incredibly lucky, but I've been playing since release and haven't encountered a single cheater. I've got an enormous list of favorite servers that are well maintained by admins, so none of that is ever an issue for me.

Ravager69 said:
Perhaps I simply want the game I play on multi to be a skill contest with a lot of shooting and running, instead of playing "real war" ("For fuck's sake man, you are camping with a sniper rifle for the whole map" - "That's what you'd do in the real war!"). This isn't Operation Flashpoint, so get out of your hidey-hole and risk a bit. Does it really matter what score you have in the end?

Camping on the servers I frequent is extremely rare outside of like... guarding the bomb/current HQ in search and destroy/headquarters. Killing a camper isn't hard with the huge amount of tools you're given.

Ravager69 said:
I don't say using anything than a knife is lame, but it's too much for me if 90% of people on the server are either using Martyrdom\Last Stand\P90 or play a demolition expert, setting claymores all over the place and hiding in the corner to finish out any survivors. It's fine do to it from time to time (in SD for example, when you need to think to survive), but I'd expect people playing TDM to have more balls than to camp all the time.

Martyr/Land Stand can be annoying, but tons of HC servers ban their use, so they aren't a problem. The easiest counter to claymores is to get the bomb squad perk, which renders them useless. Alternatively, just slow down and pay attention. You're only going to get popped by clays if you're not paying attention.

Ravager69 said:
The only bonus I use is UAV Recon, I usually ignore airstrikes and the helicopter. I also don't use most of the explosives 9even grenades), because I simply feel they have not been balanced right.

So from this I've gathered that you hate airstrikes, camping, helicopters, camping, martyr/last stand, camping, p90s, camping, lmgs, claymores, camping, sniper rifles, camping, desert eagles, and... camping.

Ah well, can't please everybody.

You could always try Unreal Tournament 3. There isn't much camping there.
Ravager69 said:
Oh yeah, p90 or Deagle isn't overpowered at all. An SMG with 50 bullets per clip, with almost no recoil (making your crosshair the size of a needle or a sniper-accurate pistol that let's you take down people on the other side of the map. RPD and M249 SAW also have little recoil when you aim down the sights, making it the ultimate camper weapon.

I actually never found the P90 to be that overpowered yet it's banned on a lot of servers. I think the Scorpion + Sleight of hand is at least on par with the p90 for its purpose. As for the Desert Eagle, all the pistols have ridiculous accuracy but still, as long as you shoot first and aim right you win so it's not that unbalanced.

Ravager69 said:
The only bonus I use is UAV Recon, I usually ignore airstrikes and the helicopter. I also don't use most of the explosives 9even grenades), because I simply feel they have not been balanced right.

I agree that airstrike and especially heli was a bad idea from IW, it doesn't really make sense to reward a kill streak with another kill streak and I think grenades should have a had cool down time counting even if you did die.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
So from this I've gathered that you hate airstrikes, camping, helicopters, camping, martyr/last stand, camping, p90s, camping, lmgs, claymores, camping, sniper rifles, camping, desert eagles, and... camping.

Then you gather wrong. I hate people exploiting that stuff to a point where being able to shoot them just isn't worth the effort, since you'll most probably will die 10 times before that. Before I quit playing MW, my usuall game looked more or less like this:

[Spawn]"OK let's do this...."[Got hit by an airstrike 3 seconds later]"Damnit, gotta be faster next time"[Spawn]"Let's go"[Killed by a grenade thrown by a dude that didn't even see me for 0.5 second]"Let's try again..."[Pinned down by a helicopter and then killed by a grenade\airstrike].

I rarely was hit by bullets, in most duels I could take down 2-3 people at one time and survive. I just got tired getting killed by people that didn't see me or found that perfect camp-spot, which they occupied for the rest of the game. I played MW for a long time and had lots of fun with it, but then most people started playing in a way that was too frustrating for me. Since I didn't want to adjust my style of play to be able to beat them and there was no chance of changing theirs, I decided that finding other means of entertainment is the best way out.

This is why I am so worried about MW2. Giving players more options to kill other players without having to face them in one on one combat is a simple way to lure kiddies to the game, since all they care about is score. Instead, I'd love to see more game types or more realistic weapon behaviour (the level seen in CoD: United Offensive would satisfy me - at least there you couldn't hit shit 30 meters away firing from a hip and least not from a sniper rifle). This game needs *balance*, not some eye-candy gadgets or kill-everyone-on-map type of weapons.
Modern Warfare 2: Washington DC invasion!

Directly from the latest MW2 trailer, avaliable at





Not even Osama went that far :shock:

This game will kick ass
What ? It wont probably be that amazing. I expect it to be okay.
Just another linear shooter with regenerating health and huge explosions.
So what do you guys think about MW2 not having any dedicated servers and exclusively limitating online multiplayer to 8 vs 8 (maximum) p2p servers?

Many PC gamers all over the internet are angry...I am surprised not to see any anger on this forum though...

Where are the 12 angry men of the NMA when ya need them? :wink:
the monument almost looks the same as it did in F3.
The Washington Monument looks similar in two different games? Okay... I'm not sure why you'd be expecting two different interpretations of a rather simple, real-world monument. Or perhaps you're referring to manner in which they made it look like it had been through a war? What exactly should they have done differently?
This was to become my new mindless fragfest.

I don't think I'll be buying it now, but I'm still curious as to what other surprises IW has in store for us.
They've done a good job of screwing up the PC version, the whole thing isn't going down very well with many players.

One of the main reasons I'd rather play this game on PC, is just so I could escape some of the dumbass perks/guns/maps/modes. That and playing on user-created maps with big numbers of people, or with some interesting mods turned on, but with IWnet and the removal of dedicated servers, it'll be just like playing on console, permanent vanilla game.

Also, another reason most should be able to see for the switch to the IWnet setup, is so they can limit content and charge for their new map packs, which is just an overall crappy thing to try, like they're not gonna make more than enough money off the game itself.

The game is sinking further than I expected, no way to avoid stupid features, no way to keep the game fresh overtime with entertaining mods, being pushed to pay for new maps instead of just letting the community make them, bleh, not worth buying to me anyhow.
Apparently, there's a segment where you play as one of the Russian terrorists as they slaughter innocent civilians at an airport.

They really should have kept that shit secret.

The explosion of whining about 9/11's would have been perfect AFTER the game came out.
Kyuu said:
the monument almost looks the same as it did in F3.
The Washington Monument looks similar in two different games? Okay... I'm not sure why you'd be expecting two different interpretations of a rather simple, real-world monument. Or perhaps you're referring to manner in which they made it look like it had been through a war? What exactly should they have done differently?

I meant the damage to the monument, it looks like it was ripped right out of Fallout 3, which is funny, ripping off a rip off.


Eh. They're fairly similar I suppose (though I think CoD:MW2 did a better job). But the Washington Monument is a rather simple structure, there's not much you can do with it. Maybe if the tip was blown off, but that'd make it harder to recognize, I think, which would defeat the purpose.
That felt a bit weird, put the game in, it starts up and gives this big red "Warning: this game will contain content some people will find disturbing, you have the option to entirely skip these parts of the game if you'd so wish. Will you be offended: Yes? No?"

Meh, the story is pretty fun, outside of annoying things. (Having to stare at now speaking Soaps mohawk all the time)

The MP is more or less what I knew/expected it would be. One of the things that somewhat gets on my nerves with the MP though, the AK is unlocked at the last level, and you unlock the Javelin missile before the RPG, how that makes any sense I don't know.

One of the new killstreaks I found a bit weird, there's a killstreak for 25 in a row, tactical nuke... yeah, though I know 25 kills straight will be something pretty challenging to ever do, there's still the thing that they put an actual "I win" button into the game.

Some of the weapons are pretty overdone. The AA12 fires like a machine gun, has decent range, plenty of power, and reloads in such a short time even without sleight of hand. The M16 is sadly still in the game, actually with a bit more power this time for some reason. The 50. cal is actually the first sniper rifle you get for whatever insane reason.

It's overall somewhat okay, but I don't really care too much, it's pretty fun with friends, and didn't have to pay full-price and all that.
One of the new killstreaks I found a bit weird, there's a killstreak for 25 in a row, tactical nuke... yeah, though I know 25 kills straight will be something pretty challenging to ever do, there's still the thing that they put an actual "I win" button into the game.

From what I have heard it just ends the game. So if your team is losing and you drop one and don't get enough points from it to win. ya lose.

Some of the weapons are pretty overdone. The AA12 fires like a machine gun,

Because it does.

TheGM said:
One of the new killstreaks I found a bit weird, there's a killstreak for 25 in a row, tactical nuke... yeah, though I know 25 kills straight will be something pretty challenging to ever do, there's still the thing that they put an actual "I win" button into the game.

From what I have heard it just ends the game. So if your team is losing and you drop one and don't get enough points from it to win. ya lose.

Some of the weapons are pretty overdone. The AA12 fires like a machine gun,

Because it does.


Don't pull the whole "Well it does in real life" stuff, balance the game correctly first.