Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 [shaking news and rumors!]

I saw a trailer where one dude got some kill streaks and got a helicopter action, shooting everything that was moving beneath.
Thanks to that he got a nuke and it literally won the game.
Then I laughed and lost any interest.
Black said:
I saw a trailer where one dude got some kill streaks and got a helicopter action, shooting everything that was moving beneath.
Thanks to that he got a nuke and it literally won the game.
Then I laughed and lost any interest.

The addition of a nuke was unnecessary, but in order to get it you have to use up one of your kill-streak slots. It's a huge waste because getting a 25 kill-streak is very rare, even for a good player; you can instead get more practical things like UAV, airstrikes or helicopters. Not that I agree with the system, I think it's kind of silly personally, but it's not game-breaking as in nukes every second game or so. In fact, I highly doubt most players will ever see more than a few nukes in the whole time they spend playing MP--well, that goes for most gametypes anyways.
Eh, I've got zero interest in this game after what they've done to it.

-P2P only, no dedicated servers. When the host lags, everything goes to shit.

-Ping displayed by BARS, not an actual number.

-No leaning. I'd love to hear their explanation behind this one.

-A max of 9v9 players per game. Even with this pathetic player count, few people actually have the upload speed to handle that many players when hosting. More lag. Woooh.

-4 hour long campaign.

-No developer console. Want to make those giant, screen obscuring objective icons smaller? Well go fuck yourself, because if consoles can't have it neither can you.

-Forced to use IWnet matchmaking, which means they're holding your game hostage and forcing you to buy any DLC that's released (This isn't new for console owners).

-No mod support. If you've ever played open warfare, you know how much better everything is balanced compared to vanilla CoD4.

Yeah, no thanks.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
its a piece of shit that is pretty much the same as the first Modern Warfare.
Didn't live up to the hype, i'm guessing? No doubt it will win GoTY because of the immershuun in FPS games.
Well, some scenes really have been great. But yeah, beside this... You play it once and never again.
I see people over at metacritic keep bashing the game for its chronic consolitis and downgrading all that made the first MW game worth playing. Currently, the average user rating is as low as 1.3, which is far beyond my worst fears.

Would like to hear it from both perspectives, PC and Console, what the hell has happened to that game?
lisac2k said:
I see people over at metacritic keep bashing the game for its chronic consolitis and downgrading all that made the first MW game worth playing. Currently, the average user rating is as low as 1.3, which is far beyond my worst fears.

Would like to hear it from both perspectives, PC and Console, what the hell has happened to that game?
The console versions turned out alright I think, if you check Metacritic for the PS3 and 360 versions they got generally good reviews. Thing about the PC version is all the things they fucked up so much for multiplayer, it's ridiculous. The single player game only being about 5 hours long, the people buying rely on the multiplayer to give the game a good run. That's why the PC version is getting bashed so much.

Despite the PC players hating it, it will still get fucking GoTY just like every other over-hyped FPS orientated game (Oblivion, Fallout 3, CoD4: MW, etc. etc. et-fucking-cetera). Just you wait.
It's because PC doesn't matter for them. I would really love to see a big fail in this. But yeah.. players are idiots and still buy this crap.
lisac2k said:
I see people over at metacritic keep bashing the game for its chronic consolitis and downgrading all that made the first MW game worth playing. Currently, the average user rating is as low as 1.3, which is far beyond my worst fears.
What's also interesting is that, in contrast, critic reviews praise it to high heavens. I wonder why.
Don't pull the whole "Well it does in real life" stuff, balance the game correctly first.

I accept your admission to defeat.

Rufus Luccarelli said:
Refereing to the video: Why would you want to fire a gun upsidedown? :?

possible 2 reasons.

1: Look how low the recoil is! I can hold it upside down and shoot!

2: LOL I'm the best! look at my pinkie skills!
zioburosky13 said:

I am not surprised. There are a lot of causual gamers that like COD not matter what. Hell, i know people who haven't played any game besides COD. :lol:
I still have to play it though. So far i have read a lot of bad reviews at GT forums.

But one thing i am sure, Battlefield: BC 2 will Fuck this game in the ass in terms of multiplayer and such. Just wait and see.
One thing that still drives me insane SP-wise, your AI teammates are still about as helpful as a sack of wet turds.

They talked about how much the improved the aliied AI, alright, here's all that amounted to, "Oh mah gawd, day don't stand right in front of ya boolets anymore" they still sit right next to you with 3 hostiles in the room and just let them kill you before even firing a shot though.
Despite the PC players hating it, it will still get fucking GoTY just like every other over-hyped FPS orientated game (Oblivion, Fallout 3, CoD4: MW, etc. etc. et-fucking-cetera). Just you wait.

It is interesting that, for some reason, all these First Person games have been getting GOTY awards from the press lately...

Of Course, Super Mario Galaxy got plenty of Game of The Year awards but that's the exception, I think...

Anyway, it looks like the GoTY awards this year will be divided between MW2 and Dragon Age so let's see...

New Super Mario Bros Wii will obviously win the Wii GOTY because i have heard amazing things about that game...

"Consolifiying" a FPS on PC is a deathknell for most games. PC gamers like PC games, with PC features (like hosting their own servers).

However, MW2 will sell like wildfire on Xbox360, and more than make up for the lack of PC support.

It doesn't matter though, L4D2 is going to rock the PC shooter market this month anyway.
rcorporon said:
It doesn't matter though, L4D2 is going to rock the PC shooter market this month anyway.
This. Left 4 Dead 2 looks fricken epic. They could have done better with the pre-order bonuses though. A Bill hat for Team Fortress 2 and a Baseball Bat to use in-game? Pretty weak. No doubt it will be pre-ordered a lot though.
I'll probably pick it up in the future, but not at full price. I don't play online FPS games nearly as much as I used to, and the singleplayer is supposed to be just as short as that of CoD4. One thing that intrigued me was a few seconds of the trailer that seemed to show a level in space, unless my eyes deceived me.