Refereing to the video: Why would you want to fire a gun upsidedown? 

Black said:I saw a trailer where one dude got some kill streaks and got a helicopter action, shooting everything that was moving beneath.
Thanks to that he got a nuke and it literally won the game.
Then I laughed and lost any interest.
Didn't live up to the hype, i'm guessing? No doubt it will win GoTY because of the immershuun in FPS games.UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:its a piece of shit that is pretty much the same as the first Modern Warfare.
The console versions turned out alright I think, if you check Metacritic for the PS3 and 360 versions they got generally good reviews. Thing about the PC version is all the things they fucked up so much for multiplayer, it's ridiculous. The single player game only being about 5 hours long, the people buying rely on the multiplayer to give the game a good run. That's why the PC version is getting bashed so much.lisac2k said:I see people over at metacritic keep bashing the game for its chronic consolitis and downgrading all that made the first MW game worth playing. Currently, the average user rating is as low as 1.3, which is far beyond my worst fears.
Would like to hear it from both perspectives, PC and Console, what the hell has happened to that game?
What's also interesting is that, in contrast, critic reviews praise it to high heavens. I wonder why.lisac2k said:I see people over at metacritic keep bashing the game for its chronic consolitis and downgrading all that made the first MW game worth playing. Currently, the average user rating is as low as 1.3, which is far beyond my worst fears.
Don't pull the whole "Well it does in real life" stuff, balance the game correctly first.
Rufus Luccarelli said:Refereing to the video: Why would you want to fire a gun upsidedown?![]()
So great was the launch, Infinity's Ward Robert Bowling explained, that Sony's PlayStation Network was "overwhelmed" by the glut of players on PlayStation 3 and many were left unable to play online--an issue which should now be rectified.
zioburosky13 said:
Despite the PC players hating it, it will still get fucking GoTY just like every other over-hyped FPS orientated game (Oblivion, Fallout 3, CoD4: MW, etc. etc. et-fucking-cetera). Just you wait.
This. Left 4 Dead 2 looks fricken epic. They could have done better with the pre-order bonuses though. A Bill hat for Team Fortress 2 and a Baseball Bat to use in-game? Pretty weak. No doubt it will be pre-ordered a lot though.rcorporon said:It doesn't matter though, L4D2 is going to rock the PC shooter market this month anyway.