Can we all agree Bethesda did power armor right?

New Power Armor System- Yay or Nay

  • Better than old PA

    Votes: 17 15.6%
  • Worse than old PA

    Votes: 19 17.4%
  • Better, but you get it too early

    Votes: 59 54.1%
  • No difference

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 12.8%

  • Total voters
Its power armor, with a micro fusion cell that will last for hundreds of years. Its supposed to be an awesome thing.

Beth can find other ways to balance the game by introducing it later or be like wasteland 2, where, certain weapons made to counter PA exists.

I liked the random massive crits where the player was not nigh invincible with PA as pulse and gauss weapons still kicked your ass.

I mean, why would someone take it off AND LEAVE IT, somewhere. Any old thief could steal it (and they do if you leave PA with the power core inside).

Beth tried to limit this by retconning armor for everyone but thats shit IMO. Same with the many fusion core swap idea.

In a pre-holocaust world where transportation is abundant and safe, ok, we travel all the time. But we are talking a wasteland here and every second in the wastes without protection can (and often does) lead to death.
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I meant players in F4. Having to constantly travel about for the sake of PA is quite the immersion breaker.
With perks and the magazine bonus you can get something like 210% core life, before I restarted my character as a female instead of male, my male character had over 50 cores and went everywhere in power armor, never needed to sleep, eat or dink either, despite the idiotic binding of power attack and core eject on the same button causing some accidental ejections.

I quit using it, despite wearing it giving some unique dialog because its massively over powered once you get those perks and some caps to stock cores. Even now on my second character since I haven't used PA at all I have over 70 cores and 3 suits of PA full loaded/kitted and ready to go and she is only about 26 hours into the game, I know the location of at least 3 more frames but there is no reason to get them.

The perks even make companions useless, why bring them along when you loose damage and carrying capacity bonus and can fast travel regardless of how much you are carrying.
So yea, in your case its OP because beth kinda sucks at balance.

In regards to not worrying about power cores, thats a specific build. I am sure folks who didn't go that route had problems with cores.
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Quality is an opinion. Opinions are subjective, ergo, quality is subjective.
I don't think you understand what subjective means. Someone, somewhere will find that statue to be a piece of art with no peers. It's the same reason I don't like Picasso at all, but he's considered by many to be one of the greatest artists of all time.

It would still be a bad piece of art though. That's the point.


I am pretty sure there are people that would consider this an improvement over the old fresco, but again, it still doesn't change the fact that it's a bad piece of work, and the person they hired to restore it, was a very bad choice. - I am pretty confident the staff of the church will not agree with the idea of quality beeing subjective in that case :D

I am not very fond of Picasso's work either, but what seperates him from many artists was the way how he influenced art and creating new styles. He knew his craft and he had a lot of experience. And this is what gives his creations quality and why I respect his work a lot, even if it isn't something that I follow. Picasso was already a very skilled artist before he became known for his work.

“It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.”
- Picasso

There are basically two very huge movements in art, and most artists fall in one of those two categories.

You have artists like Leonardo and Picasso who spend a lot of time experimenting and inventing new techniques, jack of all trades, master of none as how they would say, even though that's not entirely accurate, but even during Leonardos time, there have been better artists, like better painters, sculptors etc.

And you have also artists like Dürrer and Rembrandt who mastered a specific craft to a form of perfection which is only achieved by very few other artists. Michelangelo as sculptor would be another example.

Not so much a defined rule but more a kind of guideline, for example every artist will experiment a lot in his life time. That's simply a part of art. But some will get more results while others will stay for the most part in their medium.

To like or not like Picasso, is obviously opinion. And subjective. I personaly like the work of Surrealists, particularly the works of artists like Giger, Chet Zar and Zdzisław Beksiński. Is surealism better compared to cubism or impressionism? That's where it is a lot about opinion, because they are equally important styles and you can't argue that one is better compared to the others.

However, what you can do is to compare different works of Surealism to each other. I like Chet Zar and his works a lot, but I feel there are better painters out there, particularly when I compare it to the works of the master of Surealism, like Giger and Beksiński.

So you can compare Fallout 1 to Fallout 4 and get eventually the conclussion that Fallout 1 contains the better writing and quests. As totally unbiased opinion.
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If I didn't know better, I'd say Bethesda was deliberately trying to provoke me because I pointed this out with Skyrim - that you are made leader of every organization direct from apprentice by doing a couple quests only. Now I'm leader of everything simply by showing up.
You are not alone. I posted on Bethsoft of how bad it was to fawn and incessantly acquiesce to the player, and not long after I saw this:

It’s all part of Bethesda Game Studios’ core philosophy of allowing you to be who you want and play how you want. “The more we can say yes to the player, the better we are,” Todd says.

*I also posted suggestions to use Jones Soda company for a limited release of Nuka~Cola; many many times since 2007.
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If I didn't know better, I'd say Bethesda was deliberately trying to provoke me because I pointed this out with Skyrim - that you are made leader of every organization direct from apprentice by doing a couple quests only. Now I'm leader of everything simply by showing up.
You are not alone. I posted on Bethsoft of how bad it was to fawn and incessantly acquiesce to the player, and not long after I saw this:

It’s all part of Bethesda Game Studios’ core philosophy of allowing you to be who you want and play how you want. “The more we can say yes to the player, the better we are,” Todd says.

*I also posted suggestions to use Jones Soda company for a limited release of Nuka~Cola; many many times since 2007.

'facepalm' people.
So yea, in your case its OP because beth kinda sucks at balance.

In regards to not worrying about power cores, thats a specific build. I am sure folks who didn't go that route had problems with cores.

I took none of the Core-extending perks, use PA regularily, and have 63 Cores in bank. I'm burning through them a bit faster after installing a jetpack to it, but it really isn't an issue. There are several locations that have guaranteed Cores, every single Sentry Bot drops 2, almost every PA frame has one, and most egregiously you can have ammo boxes with 4 cores which is probably several hours of PA's worth by themselves. Vendors also often sell them for 500-ish caps which isn't that expensive.

Indeed, Power Armor degradation is a far more limiting element than the Cores. I'd have kept the item wear (but make it sturdier, it's freaking Power Armor) and just made all PAs but the T-45 run on powerful, permanent batteries like lore says. In counterpart, make PA rarer. Don't give a full suit to the player barely one hour into the game. Don't spread random suits all over the game. Don't have the Brotherhood hand you a full suit of the second-best PA very early in their questline. A full set of X-01 should be a prize worth doing a very difficult dungeon for. Between random parts dropping here and there and one guaranteed full suit, I can make almost 4 of them right now. My own little Enclave squad.

Apart from that, I highly enjoy PA in the game. It finally behaves like it should, and I'm a big fanboy of the X-01 too.
Game had power cores too sparse at the start, and too plentiful by the end. By regulating when and where power armor shows up better, they can both impress loremasters and balance the game more without needing the power core system. The armor health was already a limit on how much you could use them in a fight.

There's not really a need for the power core system in general, other than to show off the slam core animation, which was nice at first and got boring every other time. There was no lore, nor gameplay mechanic that needed to be shifted at all, so I'm wondering - how and why? How and why!?
Saying they got the Power Armor "right" is like saying you found a peanut in a pile of poo. It's still in a pile of poo.

They made it look cooler. So what? That is not even 1% of the game. They give it to you in the first 40 minutes of the game along with a minigun and have you shooting deathclaws. This Call of Duty kind of action game is merely to appeal to children.

EDIT: Also, you refer to Fallout 4 as an RPG. I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Coincidentally, I used the peanut/poo analogy for this game describing it to a coworker who was/is interested in playing Fallout 4. Guess we are all playing the same turd.
Saying they got the Power Armor "right" is like saying you found a peanut in a pile of poo. It's still in a pile of poo.

They made it look cooler. So what? That is not even 1% of the game. They give it to you in the first 40 minutes of the game along with a minigun and have you shooting deathclaws. This Call of Duty kind of action game is merely to appeal to children.

EDIT: Also, you refer to Fallout 4 as an RPG. I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Coincidentally, I used the peanut/poo analogy for this game describing it to a coworker who was/is interested in playing Fallout 4. Guess we are all playing the same turd.

Eat that shit boys!
It can breake down though, or well you often see people in videos runing around with nothing but the frame of the Power Armor, which feels a bit strange honestly. The fact that you have to repair it is alright or that it can be damaged from fighting - it needs SOME downside. But, still, it looks kinda strange. Broken parts should not just magically appear in your inventory.
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The breaking stuff is especially annoying when you run around with companions. Companions tend to not give a shit about anything and just tank every bullet thrown at them, so their armour breaks down quite quickly. Then the parts are in their inventory, and to repair it you have to order them to a power armour station, trade with them so you get the broken parts and then repair it at the station. It's a bit tedious :D
Huh, I just wanted to write that I hope that some mod will add the alternate power armour stations to the settlement menu, but apparently someone already did that.
Finally got to using Power Armor and I feel exactly how I thought I would.

It's cool, but that's severely being undermined by the Fusion Core bullshit and the fact that it can break but my shitty, rusty pipe guns can't.
Finally got to using Power Armor and I feel exactly how I thought I would.

It's cool, but that's severely being undermined by the Fusion Core bullshit and the fact that it can break but my shitty, rusty pipe guns can't.

Yeah Fusion Core's are annoying but I can understand their design in a way. If they weren't in game there would be no downside at all to using Power Armor and honestly there hardly even is with them. Only way to run out of cores is to do a lot of aimless exploring in my experience.
Finally got to using Power Armor and I feel exactly how I thought I would.

It's cool, but that's severely being undermined by the Fusion Core bullshit and the fact that it can break but my shitty, rusty pipe guns can't.

Yeah Fusion Core's are annoying but I can understand their design in a way. If they weren't in game there would be no downside at all to using Power Armor and honestly there hardly even is with them. Only way to run out of cores is to do a lot of aimless exploring in my experience.

And exploring usually yields fusion cores, anyway. I currently have over fifty in my inventory, those will last me for quite a while... Good thing companions and fast travelling don't drain them...
There shouldn't be a downside to Power Armor except sneaking being impossible.

I found a Fusion Core pretty early on, so I duped about thirty of them when I found Dogmeat. Can't bypass the maintenance, though.

I really hope mods work out for consoles, because this needs to be fixed.
I agree that the power armor has a greater place in the universe now, rather than just being another set of armor. What was the established canon regarding the power supply?