That it could last for a very long time, possibily 100 years. No clue. But definetely more than in Fallout 4.
"I'm not interested in discussing realistic fusion cores in a post-apoc universe with talking zombies" - Pete Hines probably.That it could last for a very long time, possibily 100 years. No clue. But definetely more than in Fallout 4.
Those additions would be a great thing if there was still a singleplayer RPG in the game. Instead they took that part out so it's just an empty MMORPG with terrible linear dialogue wheelWe need moar lewtz/WoW/scavenge simulation was the most likely culprit.
The more busy work/loot simulation one can throw into a game, the more one can advertise 'increased gameplay hours'.
There is a disease among AAA developers. It makes them believe people who play singleplayer RPGs want to play an MMORPG in singleplayer form. Whoever started this trend ruined video games for me. On the plus side of that, I'm a lot more productive now.See, the thing is, game development has finite resources. When focus is placed on SHINYS, MMO bullshit, lewtz, etc, other things of substance get put on hold.
It seems like a more recent development among RPG's. And the thing is, it gets criticized every time by customers and even by mainstream reviewers. It's clearly not wanted and yet they continue.There is a disease among AAA developers. It makes them believe people who play singleplayer RPGs want to play an MMORPG in singleplayer form. Whoever started this trend ruined video games for me. On the plus side of that, I'm a lot more productive now.See, the thing is, game development has finite resources. When focus is placed on SHINYS, MMO bullshit, lewtz, etc, other things of substance get put on hold.
1. I see everyone complaining on this about the lore retcon concerning the power supply. Who cares?
I care. They could have went about it a different way instead of retconning shit that was clearly stated in the old games.
I agree with this 100%! I don't understand how 4 has the best version of armor. I prefer the Fallout 1 & 2 versions since you couldn't get it in the first quest by stumbling into the next shithole town to get it.No. Fallout 4 might have improved the effectiveness of PA, but really, treating it as a goddamn vehicle which runs out of fuel for about 15 hours in-game was stupid. Fallout 1/2 had the best iterations of Power Armor because not only did it actually behaved as Power Armor, it was rare, which Power Armor should be.
Well, they only had several years of development time and no actual time pressure due to the late announcement date, so obviously there's going to be a lot left on the cutting room floor.
Well, they only had several years of development time and no actual time pressure due to the late announcement date, so obviously there's going to be a lot left on the cutting room floor.
Sure, and it looked like shit.![]()