First time out of the vault

I do think the new power armor system is a pretty good idea all around. Requiring power, feeling like a one man tank, much better resistance to damage than regular armor and many other neat ideas. The one thing I don't like is that the game makes them look like over-sized action figures. They look like kids toys. I realized this as soon as I saw the new power armor in the trailer, but this fact became even more clear to me when I saw the Buzz Lightyear mod that retextures the T-60 into Buzz Lightyear colours.
To be clear, I like that PA is bulky, but I think Bathesda messed up the proportions. Everything is a bit too chunky for my tastes. Another good example is the X-01 helmet. I love that they went back to the original Enclave bald eagle style but the helmet looks so strange because it just has very strange proportions (in terms of the length of the thing). It's difficult to explain the exact features of the armor that makes me feel this way but maybe some of you have the same opinion.
To be clear, I like that PA is bulky, but I think Bathesda messed up the proportions. Everything is a bit too chunky for my tastes. Another good example is the X-01 helmet. I love that they went back to the original Enclave bald eagle style but the helmet looks so strange because it just has very strange proportions (in terms of the length of the thing). It's difficult to explain the exact features of the armor that makes me feel this way but maybe some of you have the same opinion.
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