First time out of the vault

I would say it's not. At least Fallout 3 had skills, a better dialogue system, and although the story was linear, the side quests at least provided varying degrees of choices, which is better than the linear slogs that are most of the side quests in Fallout 4. The lore destruction was far worse in this game I'd argue. Mothership Zeta was bad? Cabot House is far worse. Kid in the Fridge is horrendous, and not only goes against the lore in previous games, but other lore in FO4. The game can't even be consistent, with 3 reasons on how Anchorage was won. The whole power armor system is lore breaking. Jet is now pre war. T-60. The fact that X-01 is in the Commonwealth, and that there are multiple pairs with no explanation. The writing is also worse. The Institute is quite possibly the worst major faction in the entire franchise. They were so poorly written that many who decided to join them have no clue on what their goals are, or what they actually accomplished in game. Overall Fallout 3 was a bad Fallout, and a bad RPG. But at least it was an RPG, compared to the sandbox shoot and loot that is Fallout 4.