"If you kill a cow to eat it’s meat then you are having that cow imprisoned for life and murdered for your own benefit. We are all aware of the deplorable conditions in factory farms, thanks to our vegan friends who never shut up about it. If you rape a cow, you’re basically just sticking your dick into it. Might this traumatize the cow? I don’t know. I’ve never fucked a cow or had the inclination to.
However, I cannot look down on one who would fuck a cow. I might question their tastes, but I have no moral pedestal from which to judge them, because I routinely eat meat.
I know that because I eat meat, mammals who are not altogether that different from myself from a broader perspective, are kept in misery and killed callously. So how can I possibly judge someone who uses this same creature–who my every action says is worthless for anything but misery, meaninglessness and slaughter–for sexual pleasure.
I would think that any reasonable being, if given the woeful choice between life imprisonment followed by execution or being raped by a creature with a penis significantly smaller than the bull penis that evolution has created you to withstand easily… . Almost anyone given that choice is going to choose the latter. The reasons why should be obvious.
If you are a vegan, then you can be against bestiality as well. But if you eat meat, I don’t see how the position is intellectual tenable. Your only argument against it is your own personal disgust, which holds no weight."