Chris Avellone is a sexual predator

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White women wear the crown jewel of decadence
Dogs... it's because they fuck dogs right?
I don’t like being interacted with in real life because it makes me realize that I hate everyone.
Well good because I hate you too you smarmy Fuck. If I ever see you on the street I'll stomp your fucking face in and then get some dogs to sodomize you.
Upper Echelon is one of the dorkiest hardcore Capital G Gamers on the internet, might be a good video, but none of his videos have given me any sort of pause to reflect upon the position, either because it's a widely held position like "Hey, Microtransactions are bad!" or "Fallout 76 was bad" or the worst takes on planet fucking Earth.

He's almost as bad as CleanPrince, ALMOST
Upper Echelon Gamer, dislike him, has never had an original thought in his life nor has he ever evoked too strong of an emotion in any informed man's mind. Harbors the milquetoast opinions that a purveyor of r/gaming or r/kotakuinaction would hold. Much too similar to that Quartering fellow and that is no compliment.
Upper Echelon Gamer, dislike him, has never had an original thought in his life nor has he ever evoked too strong of an emotion in any informed man's mind. Harbors the milquetoast opinions that a purveyor of r/gaming or r/kotakuinaction would hold. Much too similar to that Quartering fellow and that is no compliment.
I'll never forget when The Quartering got triggered because someone said Hitler was bad lmfao.
Well good because I hate you too you smarmy fuck.
Say what you will about Mike Pence and Ninja but those two had it right with regards to being around women today. I mean, you can't get #MeToo'ed by opportunistic women if you hang out with other women with your wife present. I remember that the Queen of Scams herself, Anita Sarkeesian, was pissed about that. Gee... I wonder why? :scratch:
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Considering marrying my copy of The First World War by John Keegan just to test the wife theory.
I can't speak for myself because that is completely unreliable. Frank however is a complete faggot.
Say what you will about Mike Pence and Ninja but those two had it right with regards to being around women today. I mean, you can't get #MeToo'ed by opportunistic women if you hang out with other women with your wife present. I remember that the Queen of Scams herself, Anita Sarkeesian, was pissed about that. Gee... I wonder why? :scratch:

LMAO hindsight is truly 20/20. He got fucking raked over the coals as a sexist douchebag for this. Several months and/or years later and the worst thing Ninja has done is flame 13 year olds in Fortnite.
Someone took the time and effort to make a summary of whom accused Chris, of what they've actually accused him, and provides background on their relationship with Chris. Interesting watch: