Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian

Utter speculation:

Or what if he is acting as the liaison between Beth and whoever does the spinoff title?
He's preparing the merge of Obsidian and InXile, reforming the glorious Interplay/Black Isle days, ushering a new dawn of awesome cRPGs.

Sounds feasible...prolly make a load of old school PC gamers really happy to see some thing like that happen.
He's preparing the merge of Obsidian and InXile, reforming the glorious Interplay/Black Isle days, ushering a new dawn of awesome cRPGs.
I guess that was tongue in cheek?

If not: Why would he? Obsidian on its own has the resources needed to draw in the people he'd want or need. Why merge?
He's preparing the merge of Obsidian and InXile, reforming the glorious Interplay/Black Isle days, ushering a new dawn of awesome cRPGs.
I guess that was tongue in cheek?

If not: Why would he? Obsidian on its own has the resources needed to draw in the people he'd want or need. Why merge?

Of course it's just a joke. But I guess if something like that were to happen, some people here would be very happy :D
Obsidian on its own has the resources needed to draw in the people he'd want or need. Why merge?
Do they? Just before crowdfunding project they almost followed interplay into oblivion.. They need projects, and currently beside Pillars of Eternity (which lets be honest, is change money compared to titles like FO:NV) they have nothing big, and inxile has leveraged the rest of cRPGs (whose cult following could appreciate their writing skills)
I think Ubisoft may have been the responsible behind that next gen project that got cancelled halfway through that made them close their doors. They are releasing a sequel to the South Park game but with an in house studio at Ubisoft. I mean cancelling the project just to cut costs disregarding the impact that has on the studions finances sounds like a ver yUbisoft thing to do. Alas that is just speculation, Pillars seem to have been a runaway success for them, they are even releasing an expansion and everything.
I think Ubisoft may have been the responsible behind that next gen project that got cancelled halfway through that made them close their doors. They are releasing a sequel to the South Park game but with an in house studio at Ubisoft. I mean cancelling the project just to cut costs disregarding the impact that has on the studions finances sounds like a ver yUbisoft thing to do. Alas that is just speculation, Pillars seem to have been a runaway success for them, they are even releasing an expansion and everything.

The North Carolina project that was canceled was being published by Microsoft as an Xbone exclusive. So it's Microsoft's fault, as usual.
Oh then, fuck them too either way. And Ubisoft too, Obsidian made the first South Park game great and now those fuckers are taking the credit for it.
I can't wait for more writing like this. Shoutouts to our very own oihrebwe here at NMA, his post with this image was one of the first I got when I googled "Bad fallout 3 dialogue" for reference.



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Obsidian on its own has the resources needed to draw in the people he'd want or need. Why merge?
Do they? Just before crowdfunding project they almost followed interplay into oblivion.. They need projects, and currently beside Pillars of Eternity (which lets be honest, is change money compared to titles like FO:NV) they have nothing big, and inxile has leveraged the rest of cRPGs (whose cult following could appreciate their writing skills)
Art thou implying that InXile had more resources and better staff before they started their Kickstarters (WL2, Torment & Bard's)? :)
I think not. Obsidian has a well known brandname, a fairly talented workforce and infrastructure. InXile had very little at all. No known name, practically no workforce and little infrastructure.
The people working for InXile are not unkown though. I think that helped somewhat.
When the Kickstarters got going it was only Brian Fargo that was a household name, from what I can remember. The majority of the other big names only came on board in preparation of, during or after the Kickstarter.
Obsidian had Feargus, MCA, Tim Cain, Josh Sawyer, Chris Jones,... in RPG circles pretty decent names (and for us glittering gems, rock stars).
well they managed to get like 2 milion dollars for Wasteland 2 I think? Or was it even more? No clue. I don't think they managed this all without ANY kind of popularity, if only for the Name Wasteland, which is pretty popular with many people. Anyway, I am not comparing it to Obsidian, just the well ... no name kick starter teams that started with a completely fresh concept.
Art thou implying that InXile had more resources and better staff before they started their Kickstarters (WL2, Torment & Bard's)? :)
No, stating a fact that might, or might not, be of interest. Personally, I was surprised by Obsidian not so great situation when first heard it.

well they managed to get like 2 milion dollars for Wasteland 2 I think? Or was it even more? No clue. I don't think they managed this all without ANY kind of popularity, if only for the Name Wasteland, which is pretty popular with many people.
Popularity? They were riding the initial kickstarter hype, and Fargo played his crowd just right, saying all the things they wanted to hear i.e. rant against publishers\kids and mention of all cRPG classics, which had the expected result:
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It's sad to have Avellone go, but he is not quiet doing nothing but the complete opposite so it's not like we aren't getting more from him, also Obsidian still has lots of talent in their ranks, like Sawyer, Fenstermaker and Tim Cain.

Wait Tim Cain works for Obsidian?