Chris Avellone leaves Obsidian


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Chris Avellone just announced on his twitter that he's leaving Obsidian Entertainment.

I have officially left Obsidian Entertainment to accept a sudden opening as the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts.
(The first part is serious, but much love and well wishes to my fellow devs, good folks one and all.)

The reasons and other details are still unknown, so all what's left for us is to speculate. The general rumor is he'll be working at InXile. But imagine MCA joining Bethesda... Oh, well.
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(Going to InXile to work on Bard's Tale IV? >_> )
Interesting, he has made a name for himself in the industry, and was tied to many games I liked. I am surprised he is leaving Obsidian.. sure he can probably write his own ticket to any company in the industry, but from my (uninformed) POV I have hard time seeing it, any chance he retiring after decade+ of work in the industry ? (current projects at inxile excluded)
That's probably New Vegas 2 down the drain then. It was nice knowin' ya Fallout series.
Avellone didn't write much on the base New Vegas game, he mostly wrote for the DLCs.
Good decision! I was often wondering how those creative and talented persons working in game industry can handle all that deadlines anyway, because creative work needs its proper time and inspiration. Pushing huge projects as F2 or FNV out of doors in a span of single year, that's some serious stress.
Who knows? MCA and Todd Howard are former classmates or something like that, aren't they?
Will join Inxile for the Van Buren Project, I'm calling it.

NV2 may no be down in the drain, Obsidian still have Tim Cain. Nevertheless I'm still sad about this, actually looked at the calendar to see if it's 1st of April.
I honestly would not want to see a New Vegas 2. I like new areas to explore in my games and games taking place in the same area dulls on me pretty quickly. That and it'd be hard to write for a New Vegas 2 since they'd have to take into account the 4 different endings along with the other smaller things, which is why there was never any post-MQ content for New Vegas.
New Vegas 2 is just a shorthand term for "Next Obsidian Fallout" no one wants it taking place on the same area but we don't know where it would take place so NV2 is an easy to understand handle.
Kind of sad news - in my dreamworld, Obsidian is the ideal game development studio that houses all of ex-Black Isle and some more - I was actually hoping something like that would actually happen one day, given that Fergus, JES, Tim Cain are there, among other, and there are several other people who "haven't joined yet".
I guess that dream won't come true with senpai MCA leaving.

On the other hand, he is an adult, it's his choice to pursue whatever career he wants and I wish him luck. I'm kind of curious as to what is the exact reason for his departure. Creative differences?
Avellone didn't write much on the base New Vegas game, he mostly wrote for the DLCs.

That explains why they're so much better; at least in terms of lore

- least the DADA position is no longer cursed, so he shouldn't be dead at the end of the year
Truth told, it doesn't surprise me that much. He did so much other shit on the side in the past months / years. Writing for Wasteland 2, writing for FTL, doing that comic stuff, giving a helping hand in that Nuka Break web series, also doing the same for the Legend of Grimrock web series, oh and that Wasteland 2 novella that still isn't released yet, because apparently it became something bigger. Almost makes me feel like he is looking for something new already for a while.
It's sad to have Avellone go, but he is not quiet doing nothing but the complete opposite so it's not like we aren't getting more from him, also Obsidian still has lots of talent in their ranks, like Sawyer, Fenstermaker and Tim Cain.