Cimmerian Nights said:They chose or Most Glorious Leader Kim Il Sung chose for them? How come N. Korean POWs refused repatriation after the war if that's where they wanted to be?
You're really drinking Kim's Kool-Aid if you think there's anything Democratic about the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea".
I think or assume it has less to do with Kim young whatz-his-name and if hes right or wrong ~ I mean we all agree his not the best choice as leader so much for sure, but about a nations Sovereignty. Its not our job or right to decide for N-Korea what is right or wrong. As cruel as it might sound. But I think we all know how succesfull playing the "world police" is on the other side ...
Yeah, my bad. Grammar issues you know not my languageCimmerian Nights said:I think you mean "It is one thing to threaten someone. Its another to be threatening."?Crni Vuk said:It is one thing to threat someone. Its another to be threaten.
If by nuclear threat, I agree, they know better. But how about bombings, assassinations, plane hijackings and kidnappings. You think the South or Japan aren't threatened by these actions? They most certainly are. Japan's right is using the kidnappings as a justification for reinstating their military full scale.

But I meant something like that. Though what kind of actions are you talking about ? Bombings, assisnations, plane hijackings ? Either we are blind over here (never heard about such things), or we are talking here about actions from a wrong scale. I mean I do NOT consider the actions of terrorists regardles if supported by a gouvernement or not to be of the same scale like a public threat. Public in the way for example like a clear statement from N-Korean leaders to bomb Japan with nuclear weapons for example.
As said. I have no doubts that there are huge tensions between Japan and N-Korea. But I doubt that N-Korea is really in the position to "bully" anyone. Who would they bully anyway ? Eventualy whith 1 or more Million chinese soldiers as support, a huge modern military (letz be realistic, they dont have that) and a possible strong communistic Sovietunion as joker somewhere N-Korea might evnetualy have what it takes to really "bully" its neighbours.
But from how I see it and that doesnt mean it has to be the correct way N-Korea is a very isolated nation economicaly AND most important politicaly. Even the Chinese gouvernement doesnt feel very certain about N-Korea anymore. Particularly since China gains at the moment much more from friendly relations to the western world then beeing seen or eventualy feelt as a potential military threat ~ which doesnt mean that China could not become one in the future but at the moment it seems they want to make money so that means friendly dragon for now not fire throwing one at least in the public ...
I think one reason behind it is that many nations either colapsed (Sovetunion) or evolved in new roles (China) which allowed them to continue. N-Korea is somewhat particular. They literaly remained in a stalemate for the last 50 years. It might have worked cause they are very isolated geographicaly as well. There are not many influences from the outside and everyone including eventualy S-Korea and particularly the USA are seen as threat. The might use all kind of propaganda to explain their people that litealy EVERY MINUTE some attack might happen. The fact that there never has been a real treaty of peace after the Korean war might play a role in that as well. Its easier to explain harsh situations to your population when you keep them in "war" with someone or at least give your population the idea that they have to be protected from something. Some enemy you cant really see, or talk with. I doubt the N-Korean population is allowed to do a vacation in the US and see things by them self.
that does not explain a nuclear programm though. Particularly when you consider that the resources of such a programm could be used elsewhere. In propaganda, military, gulags what ever you can name that helps them to "hold" the power and keep people low. One issue in opressive systems is the huge cost and preasure on the economy usualy. Its many times one reason if not THE reason why such systems are doomed at some point. You have to spend much resources on military and most important in anything regarding control. Controls regarding cencorship. Your population. Organisations similar to the Gestapo. I remember one big issue with the GDR was that the apparatus for oppression became so big at some point that it needed almost the whole budged! So there is not much left for anything else.Cimmerian Nights said:Look dude. The North Korean gov't has failed it's people miserably. They should fear for their legitimacy. That seems to be the prime motivating factor of most of what they do, from media control, to the gulags.No one who has half a brain would want to be pushed around.
A nuclear programm would be a huge risk as there would be no real gain from it. What do you want to do use it against your own population eventualy ?
A nuclear weapon is ONLY meant as sign or threat to other nations. And I think if we look at recent US actions like Afghanistan and Iraq. The spech from Bush in the past regarding N-Korea (~again axis of evil) the fear N-Korea had regarding a attack by US forces was not completely illogical. Not at that time at least.
I can of course only guess what they thought. Like anyone of us here. No one can really say what they think. But I assume if I would be in the same situation like Kim. Watching Bush on TV. The Afghanistan war. The Iraq war. Watching how the situation in Iraq is NOW after Saddam (its still just barrely less chaotic ...). I would try to get access to nuclear weapons as well. Or at least say that I am working on it. If only as a way to use it as political tool. And they did used it for that.