Water Chip? Been There, Done That

Blakut said:Well. the US military may be powerfull and all, but it's been fighting primitives with rifles for like 30 years...I mean, the enemy has no airforce, artillery, elite troops, paratroopers etc... no tanks...and when it does, they're all shitty.
If China invades the US, all it has to do is parachute 80% of it's population over the US. No guns, no weapons, armed just with knives and forks they'll eat all of the US's supplies, starving anyone to death...![]()
I fully welcome an invasion of the United States by a foreign power. It would be interesting to see what it would be like for another military power to attempt and take over the most heavily armed nation in the world.
Especially the Southern United states, where you cannot walk into a Wal-Mart without finding someone who has military experience and finding someone who has automatic weapons (legal or otherwise) is not a chore in the slightest.
Don't doubt us HillBillies, when you grow up shooting rifles since the age of 6 and learning how to make home made explosives to clear out beaver dams you pick up a thing or two.

Crni Vuk said:If youre really think orders are everything in the military and following them is your job then its a fallacy. Obviously there are officers and orders. But youre a human beeing with a brain and nothing will change that. The US military just like any other western military has to take up supordinate to the human rights which even count for the enemy. And every soldier has the right to dismiss orders if he is thinking that its unethical. If he is thinking coletaral damage is to high or if he cant exclude the killing of civilians. Maybe he will never become a general that way. But still the right is there. No officers can demand from someone the things that happend in Guantánamo or Abu-Ghuraib.
I will trust the judgment of my superiors to best utilize me in what ever way they see fit. Obviously during some situations you have to make improvisations but overall I would do everything in my power to not stray from my task and achieve the desired affect they set fourth for myself and fellow Marines.
Granted what the only time I would really deviate is if I felt there was a better way to achieve said objective. It is not my place to ask why, only to carry out.
Crni Vuk said:Just that most of them are not even that religious...
I would like to see some statics that show that the majority of suicide bombers and insurgents we are fighting are not religious at all, because I call bullshit. The religious call of Jihad has an extremely strong motivator and powerful propaganda tool for disillusioned young Muslims, why do you think all the propaganda videos highlight the religious aspects of things? Sure there are reasons they are drawn but religious zealotry and propaganda strengthens it.
Also on a side note I don't believe that Japanese Kamikaze pilots were not zealots either. Hell, all of Japan was fanatically loyal to the Emperor. One of the reason the casualties for Operation Downfall was theorized to be so high was because military intelligence speculated that Japanese civilians would be rushing US troops with pitch forks and blunt objects in a "last act of defiance, death before dishonor" type deal.
And you are right about one thing though, there are a lot of Mercenaries. My friend in the Air Force was doing a ceremony loading dead Soldiers onto a plane when the guy beside him's head exploded from a sniper round, they got on the plane quick fast and in a hurry but he later found out after they found and killed the sniper that he was Eastern European, Russian if I recall correctly although don't quote me on that.
Crni Vuk said:expert. But you know the Soviets have been 12 years down there. 12 years and it changed nothing.
Meh, you make the best of a situation while you are there. Take myself for example, I never fully agreed with the Iraq war. My thought on it was, "hey we are there, might as well kill as many of these Anti-Western fuckers as possible".
Personally I would have rather went after Iran or North Korea but there is always next decade for that.
Hoxie said:The person that may as well be wearing jackboots with a pretty little armband, calling others a dipshit.![]()
Yes, because he was acting like a dipshit and was border line trolling. He offered absolutely nothing of value to back up his point and was clearly just trying to dick around. I don't mind people who have differing view points, I enjoy debating and what not, things like his comments are just pointless and irritating however.