Climate Change is not real!

Crni is right though. The Climate is in a delicate position. so I propose we speed this shit up!

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I'll be 100% honest, I believe in climate change and accept that it's an issue we will have to deal with but something about Greta triggers me to no end. Her way of speaking, the appeals to emotion, etc. We need solutions, not "how dare you!?!?!"
Bitches this thread is about climate change.
Something something something, climate change is bullshit, something something Greta, something Crni, Communism, word wall, trash and hysteria.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

@VaultNoodles don’t say that, Crni will try to say “I dOnT uNdErStaNd AdULtS bEiNg TriGgErEd By tHiS LiTtLe GirL”
@VaultNoodles don’t say that, Crni will try to say “I dOnT uNdErStaNd AdULtS bEiNg TriGgErEd By tHiS LiTtLe GirL”
Too be fair, it's less to do with her as an individual, though her method of speaking is really annoying. I just resent what she represents. People like her because she makes dramatic quotes that they can post on social media to feel like they have done something. If she was actually getting together with all of these government leaders and billionaires to discuss solutions, I would more sympathetic.
I'll be 100% honest, I believe in climate change and accept that it's an issue we will have to deal with but something about Greta triggers me to no end. Her way of speaking, the appeals to emotion, etc. We need solutions, not "how dare you!?!?!"

That's because she's not speaking to you but the press has so much control over you they project it back to you as an attack towards the working class.
That's because she's not speaking to you but the press has so much control over you they project it back to you as an attack towards the working class.
I know she isn't speaking to me, or the working class as a whole. She's speaking to government leaders and other important figures. My issue is that most of these people are not going to accept these emotional appeals. I'd wager a lot of them only listen to her as a social obligation. She's not adding anything new to the discussion, just going on stage and ranting.
Working class people mostly seem to eat this stuff up, spreading her quotes around social media and stuff like that.
Yeah I know it's great that she's out there doing your job for you because you're busy. I mean, when you get it for free there's always going to be hair in the soup.
I can go on stage and start explaining my worries to a bunch of government leaders and billionaires, though I doubt a grown man saying "how dare you? you stole my future!" will be any better.

Joking aside, plenty of people have been campaigning for policy change before her and I'm sure there will be many after her. Even better, there are people working on technologies right now that could improve the situation. Sadly most of them don't have the same media appeal but it's understandable.
The reason it doesn't have media appeal is because it is actively sabotaged to prevent it from being so, that way you can make money on the chaos.

If you're a rich person, you make money when the current in the ocean gets choppy, because you've got a much bigger boat. When all the smaller boats get chopped up in the waves you acquire all of their lost assets.

If we solved all of the problems how are we going to get the slaves to show up and clean the toilets?

But also?

What's going to keep the unwashed masses off the private golf-course when all the jobs are gone because no one wants to play the game anymore?

A new report by researchers from the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration in Melbourne claims that climate change poses a ‘near- to mid-term existential threat to human civilisation’

It’s not the most cheerful thought for a Wednesday morning, but experts have warned that human civilisation could crumble in just over 30 years - if we don’t tackle climate change.

A new report by researchers from the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration in Melbourne claims that climate change poses a ‘near- to mid-term existential threat to human civilisation’, and indicates that we need to act quickly.

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In the report, the researchers put together a pretty grim worst-case scenario of what life on our planet could look like.

The scenario starts with world governments ‘politely ignoring’ the advice of scientists to decarbonise the economy, resulting in a global temperature increase of 3°C by 2050.

Heatwaves are the new big 'killer'. They cause a lot of nasty stuff that increases mortality.

The 2003 European heatwave killed about 30 k people.
Although Crockford has no expertise in the field of climate change, she is a signatory of the International Conference on Climate Change's 2008 Manhattan Declaration,[11] which states that "Carbon dioxide and other 'greenhouse gas' emissions from human activity...appear to have only a very small impact on global climate," and "Global cooling has presented serious problems for human society and the environment throughout history while global warming has generally been highly beneficial."[12] Between at least 2011 and 2013, she received payment from The Heartland Institute, in the form of $750 per month, which Crockford states was to provide summaries of published papers that might not have been covered by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Fifth Assessment Report.[3] This payment has been construed as an undisclosed conflict of interest, by blogs such as Desmog Blog.[2] Her response to such claims was a disclosure of the job description, how much she was paid, and the duration of the contract.[3]

Although claims made on Crockford's blog have been called into question by polar bear scientists, the blog has been widely cited by climate change denying websites, with over 80% citing it as their primary source of information on polar bears.[13] Critics point out that none of Crockford's claims regarding the effects of climate change on polar bears has undergone peer review, nor has she ever published any peer-reviewed articles whose main focus is polar bears.[2][13]

In 2018, Crockford published the State of the Polar Bear Report 2017 for the Global Warming Policy Foundation.[14] In 2019, Crockford published a follow-up and updated report the State of the Polar Bear Report 2018.[15]

After 15 years as an adjunct assistant professor, Ms. Crockford said the University of Victoria rejected without explanation in May('19) her renewal application