Start one!I like doomsday cults.

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Start one!I like doomsday cults.
Bitches this thread is about climate change.
Something something something, climate change is bullshit, something something Greta, something Crni, Communism, word wall, trash and hysteria.Bitches this thread is about climate change.
Too be fair, it's less to do with her as an individual, though her method of speaking is really annoying. I just resent what she represents. People like her because she makes dramatic quotes that they can post on social media to feel like they have done something. If she was actually getting together with all of these government leaders and billionaires to discuss solutions, I would more sympathetic.@VaultNoodles don’t say that, Crni will try to say “I dOnT uNdErStaNd AdULtS bEiNg TriGgErEd By tHiS LiTtLe GirL”
I'll be 100% honest, I believe in climate change and accept that it's an issue we will have to deal with but something about Greta triggers me to no end. Her way of speaking, the appeals to emotion, etc. We need solutions, not "how dare you!?!?!"
I know she isn't speaking to me, or the working class as a whole. She's speaking to government leaders and other important figures. My issue is that most of these people are not going to accept these emotional appeals. I'd wager a lot of them only listen to her as a social obligation. She's not adding anything new to the discussion, just going on stage and ranting.That's because she's not speaking to you but the press has so much control over you they project it back to you as an attack towards the working class.
A new report by researchers from the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration in Melbourne claims that climate change poses a ‘near- to mid-term existential threat to human civilisation’
It’s not the most cheerful thought for a Wednesday morning, but experts have warned that human civilisation could crumble in just over 30 years - if we don’t tackle climate change.
A new report by researchers from the Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration in Melbourne claims that climate change poses a ‘near- to mid-term existential threat to human civilisation’, and indicates that we need to act quickly.
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In the report, the researchers put together a pretty grim worst-case scenario of what life on our planet could look like.
The scenario starts with world governments ‘politely ignoring’ the advice of scientists to decarbonise the economy, resulting in a global temperature increase of 3°C by 2050.