Crispy Gamer and VideoGamer play Fallout 3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Crispy Gamer tried out Fallout 3 and left with some mixed feelings.<blockquote> I was also free to wander the countryside, tuning into a couple of available radio stations while (hopefully) evading a few roving bandits and getting into the occasional scrap with an animal, which would be a great opportunity to learn how the semi-turn-based VATS combat system works. Fallout 3 is all about freedom, and the demo certainly got that across.

So why am I so unsatisfied?

Maybe it's that this demo did little to show how Fallout 3 is truly different from Oblivion. Ok, the lock-picking mini-game is slightly different (and better) but the dialogue trees, skill breakdowns and overall feel seem so much like Oblivion, at least in this early stage of the game, that the untrained eye could mistake it for a mod.

Combat is one place where the two games really diverge, but how can I really see that playing as a level-two noob with a couple of weak machine pistols? I had a difficult time fending off dogs and even a couple humans weakened from exposure and hunger. Not terribly appealing. Why not start the demo deeper into the story, where better weapons and skills could make the combat differences between Oblivion and Fallout 3 glaringly apparent? Or are they really as different as we've been told?
At E3, Fallout 3 made a lot of "best of show" lists. I'm sure Bethesda is thrilled with that. Even in an E3 that felt positively anemic on the game front, being called out as one of the five or 10 most crucial is significant. But I don't see it. I've been told for months that this is a dramatic step forward from Oblivion, but very little of the open-ended demo I had supported that claim.</blockquote>Of course, for everyone of "these" there's always one of "those". has no mixed feelings whatsoever. In fact, they leave little doubt about their feelings.<blockquote>We know we've played something great, perhaps even something special, when we find ourselves thinking about it when we're not playing it. When we find ourselves wishing we were playing it while we're sat on the underground, or browsing the internet, or listening to our editor prattle on about Geometry Wars 2. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does it reminds us of the power video games hold over us, how entrancing the spell they cast really can be. It happened again recently, and the game was Fallout 3.

It seems ridiculous to have to form some kind of informed opinion based on a two hour toe-dip into Bethesda's stunning post-apocalyptic world, given the gargantuan nature of this sci-fi RPG, but that's what we're paid to do, so here goes. Haters be quiet - Fallout 3 is shaping up to one of the best games of 2008, and, fingers crossed, could be one of the best RPGs ever.</blockquote>In a footnote, Big Download Blog offers 5 reasons to love Fallout 3.
Man, I've given Crispy Gamer some major shit in the past, but either I was wrong or looking at the wrong articles.

It's not just that this preview is negative and the interview asked questions that obviously make the interviewee uncomfortable (pushing on comparisons to Oblivion and BioShock, quoting Boyarsky), it's that in both cases the questions and comments are fair and journalistically sound. They're not just chucking ill-thought doubts at the game, the preview names some fair and pretty common worries.
A snippet from the Five Reasons to Love Fallout 3 piece:

The biggest fault anyone who played The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion could find was that the world, it's people and generally the lore itself was kind of bland and arguably trite in some ways.

None of that is fully Bethesda's fault, though. Creating your own IP can be both challenging and expensive in terms of time and money, which are two things a developer requires to create a great game.

That's the biggest "WTF!?" I've read in a while.

And another:

Of course, with old worries being removed come brand new worries sprouting up. Some people are wondering if the pause, queue up moves and subsequent cinematic camera shot gameplay will get old. Those are the people who don't really like RPGs much and will probably try and play (or wish they could play) most of the game as though it were Call of Duty. The beauty of the combat in Fallout 3 is that you should be able to achieve a balance. Play it like a turn-based RPG for a while and then take a few shots in real-time with your preferred weapon or something like that.


Yes, because I don't like my first-person shooters to pause repeatedly every 2 seconds only to be given another 5 second video of my bullet slowly blowing up a ripe, squishy melon in the guise of a human head, I'm not an RPG fan. Yeah...sure. :|

They then go on to say that modding will be a HUGE part of why we should love Fallout 3 and fail to highlight the fact that there has not been any kind of indication that they are releasing the SDK other than a vague "We're still discussing that..." from Todd Howard.
I was also free to wander the countryside, tuning into a couple of available radio stations while (hopefully) evading a few roving bandits...

So listening to radio doesn't affect your visibility to the enemies. That's just stupid, if you are making an 'immersive' game.
Yeah. If your radio is on then everyone should know EXACTLY where you are. Unless of course there might be a few deaf enemies in the game.
entropyjesus said:
That's the biggest "WTF!?" I've read in a while.
Yep, it's suddenly impossible to do all that for their games even though it was possible for at least the last 3. Sure. Gosh, I wonder what changed.
Those are the people who don't really like RPGs much and will probably try and play (or wish they could play) most of the game as though it were Call of Duty.
Heh. Good catch. I guess the person who wrote that didn't read this. Particularly this part...
Emil said:
When Todd and I first started prototyping VATS, we played other real time games like Call of Duty and Halo.
PaladinHeart said:
Yeah. If your radio is on then everyone should know EXACTLY where you are. Unless of course there might be a few deaf enemies in the game.

Why can't the radio be harmonically tuned to you bone structure so that only you here it? (Gawd that sounds painful) Or perhaps micro implanted ear buds. This is a pretty insignificant issue. I think the term is nit-picking...
You are saying that there is no possible way to 'listen' to the music with out it being broadcast like a boom-box. In a world of man portable plasma and lazer weapons, blue tooth ear buds doesn't sound very far fetched...
Not to put too fine a point of it, ArmorB, but you're jumping to some unlikely conclusions about the PipBoy here. Nothing said about it so far indicates it is anything other than a portable radio which plays over a speaker, so other than wishful thinking, what's your point?
I hope the next preview makes some comparisons to Oblivion, because I'm really wandering if this will just be Oblivion with guns.

Sarcasm, by the way. I've never played Oblivion. But from what I can tell, everyone who might possibly be interested in Fallout 3 has, so it must not be that bad of a game.
Brother None said:
Not to put too fine a point of it, ArmorB, but you're jumping to some unlikely conclusions about the PipBoy here. Nothing said about it so far indicates it is anything other than a portable radio which plays over a speaker, so other than wishful thinking, what's your point?

I'm just saying you all have these 'issues' with stuff but there is often not a single attempt to explain how it works. You accept current technilogically impossible things like man portable plasma and laser weapons but find it impossible to believe that there might be some possible way of the character listening to music other than through a giant loud speaker. To me it seems that some of you refuse to put any logical thought into the premice and simply want to jump on the band wagon of hate.

Beth has done plenty of things wrong with the game but it would seem to me that this is pretty insignificant. If you feel that having your radio on will alert the enemies, then turn it off...
To me it seems that some of you refuse to put any logical thought into the premice and simply want to jump on the band wagon of hate.

I'd say that Bethesda comes up with all these stupid decisions, to which if you try really hard you can come with logical explanations, but it doesn't stop them from being stupid. If you ask me, it would be simpler to not make these stupid decisions in the first place, but hey, there are lots of people ready to defend them it seems.

If you feel that having your radio on will alert the enemies, then turn it off...

If you want to be a cannibal in Oblivion you can duck near corpses...
ArmorB said:
If you feel that having your radio on will alert the enemies, then turn it off...

LARP ftw!

Um, no.

ArmorB said:
In a world of man portable plasma and lazer weapons, blue tooth ear buds doesn't sound very far fetched...

Yes, in a world of vacuum-tube computers WiFi/bluetooth makes so much sense. Time for a pink pony explanation BN?
ArmorB said:
You accept current technilogically impossible things like man portable plasma and laser weapons but find it impossible to believe that there might be some possible way of the character listening to music other than through a giant loud speaker.

You're not listening. Nobody finds this concept impossible believe, it's just that we have absolutely no reason whatsoever to think that this is the case with the PipBoy in Fallout 3. That's just an assumption you jumped to in defence of radio-sneaking.
I'm not so much trying to defend Beth as keeping my mind open. The radio thing never occured to me to be an issue with sneaking. hen someone makes an issue out of it, and the first thing that comes to my mind is ear buds. No real effort to explain.

And isn't safe to assume that you all jumped to the conclusion that it must be a problem? Niether side has any real evidence to support or defend any claims so I don't see how I'm in the weaker position.
well, if you're gonna go down that path... it's damn near impossible to even sneak up on people the way you do in any game, including the old Fallouts. or how about being able to pull out a Bozar from a midgets pocket? or empty the shelves behind him for hundreds of pounds worth of guns, ammo and armor... without him noticing a damn thing?

it's a game. the radio is there for atmosphere. that's all.
aenemic said:
well, if you're gonna go down that path... it's damn near impossible to even sneak up on people the way you do in any game, including the old Fallouts. or how about being able to pull out a Bozar from a midgets pocket? or empty the shelves behind him for hundreds of pounds worth of guns, ammo and armor... without him noticing a damn thing?

it's a game. the radio is there for atmosphere. that's all.

Have to agree here.

With all the real problem in FO3, I don't see a radio posing any real problem.

Hell, in FO1 I gave some radscorpion tails to the doctor in Shady Sands, and, without even moving, he made me some anti-venom. How did he do that? Didn't he need some time to do that? Where are his scientific instruments?

Things like this don't bother me much, as I can look past it and make the assumption that he actually took time to work on an anti-venom.
The passage of time was illustrated with darkening screen, as in all other such cases. I suspect it was due to developers not wanting to waste hours animating a boring sequence you wouldn't want to have to watch each and every time you asked for some antivenom anyway.

I fail to see the tangent between this and sneaking past raiders with your pipboy blasting away.

rcorporon said:
Hell, in FO1 I gave some radscorpion tails to the doctor in Shady Sands, and, without even moving, he made me some anti-venom. How did he do that? Didn't he need some time to do that?