Matt K said:
What i want to know is who is listening to these radio stations besides you
The Enclave station is broadcast by the Eyebots, and there was a radio in Megaton that was receiving music too, in the bar where you meet Mr Burke.
Still yeah, a lack of listeners is yet another issue.
EnglishMuffin said:
More so valve since having played portal, I know they have some very talented writers.
Valve's main team wasn't involved in the writing of Portal, as far as I know, it was made by the Nuclear Monkey Software/Narbacular Drop team that Valve hired.
Xenophile said:
Power is not that much of an issue in the fallout universe (sure I know it's not "abundant", but it's not super scarce either)
So, uh, how many of the communities in Fallout 1 & 2 had working power generators? The BoS and Enclave do, obviously, and the richer towns in Fallout 2 did (NCR and Vault City). Broken Hills had major issues even keeping its generator in the mines running, and its power generator was also not generating enough juice to provide requested-for energy to everyone.
Xenophile said:
We are talking Something to provide entertainment and news for the town and surrounding communities...
I repeat, this is the description of Capital Wasteland:
That’s why, for the people of the Capital Wasteland, the Brotherhood of Steel was the answer to their prayers. Scattered, hungry, and largely disorganized, they had lived with the constant threat of death or capture by the Super Mutants for as long as they could remember.
Does that sound like a society that has people to spare for entertainment purposes, let alone for broadcasting entertainment rather than just providing it to their own community?
Xenophile said:
So you can label it any word you want.. you're not going to hurt my feelings.. and talk all you want about working brain cells, you're still wrong.
Oh. Good thing you told us all we're wrong. We might be confused about it.