Dark Souls

I got cursed and couldn't buy any purging stones because I pissed off the "right" NPCs. My new character puts away his weapon before he approaches NPCs.
I could have traded some shit to Snuggy to get a purging stone, but I also screwed up some other things(killed Oswald, consumed a Fire Keeper soul, wasted a bunch of humanity, leveled up a bunch in the Tomb of the Giants before realizing I was not headed towards the second bell). I decided it was best to just restart and try another build in the process.
The game's much easier the second time around. The Black Knight sword's damage is tasty, but the uchigatana is so fuggin' fast.
aenemic said:
hehe, the joy if accidentally hitting npc's. I learned quickly to turn my back on people I was talking to, and take my right hand off the mouse to avoid accidentally clicking an attack button. can't be too safe!

and yes, I'm aware of the 25% carry limit, but even with the Wolf Ring I can't really hit the mark. unless I use really light armor with worse stats all around. not sure if it's worth the trade-off :/ I'm currently using Helm of the Wise, Armor of the Glorious, Elite Knight Boots and some gloves with good elemental defenses btw.

I'm doing a dex/faith build. I took Wanderer without knowing anything whatsoever. I intentionally avoided looking up builds before-hand, as I wanted to experiment a bit on my own. but I soon realized a dexterity build was pretty cool, and my friend talked me into doing faith as well. apparently I'm joining some covenant for an awesome weapon boosting spell. I'm gonna be doing some pvp-ing with this character, I think.

I'm planning on trying many more builds in the future too. hell, this game already feels like it's gonna be with me for years ahead. so much to do, so much to discover and so many different builds to try out. a pure knight-type character with two-handers looks really fun, as does a dex/int assassin-mage.
A Dex/Faith build works well with Occult weapons. Divine weapons are also decent, but they work better with Strength/Faith builds. You will need an unenchanted weapon for said miracle to work, though, so get a +15 sword that scales well with Dexterity. I think the Painting Guardian Sword and Ricard's Rapier scale well, although I might be wrong about the Rapier. You should also save Quelaag's soul for Anor Londo; you can make a really good fire curved sword out of a +10 curved sword and her soul at the Anor Londo blacksmith.
Quit bein homos, 30FPS is fine and I doubt anyone's gonna change it to go higher. The reason it's even set like that is because it's tied to the animations in a certain way, if it went higher shit would go out of synch and everything would get whacked out.

Anyway, if any of you's got me on Steam, I got some grandmaster sage knowledge to throw at you if you ever need tips, just ask Makagufugaglzel. At least when it comes to the base game that is, waiting for the new content to come out for the console version since that's where I got all my guys.
Oh god im at the dreaded Capra demon and im starting to slowly lose my mind. First time in the game i have no idea what to do, i guess im just too slow for it. Playing as a knight/tank with lots of strength and endurance. Gotten rid of the dogs couple times now, but im definetly not liking the randomness at the start, so many deaths just getting pinned in corner as soon as i enter the area and instadying.

Edit: And beat it finally, took me at least 20 tries, ran the stairs up, lucky kill on both of the dogs on 1 swing. Then lured him down again and ran stairs up dropped on him taking lots of hp from it, managed to do this drop twice and rest by strafing around it dodging hard blows. Phew.... :crazy:
Capra himself isn't all that hard once you realize you can block all his moves, barring the overhead smash and sometimes the doubled-up swing. The tiny ass room is the real boss.
I beat him by standing on that little awning you can get to using that staircase on the side of the arena.

From there, I was just like, FIREBALL, FIREBALL, FIREBALL.

When you're up there, you pretty much only have to worry about Capra Demon climbing up the stairs and doing that overhead smash thing if you're not wedged in the corner.
While some people PVP like fags(try to run off and heal mid fight), it's been a pretty rewarding experience. The worst I got whooped was by someone with Wrath of the Gods(I'm guessing), who had killed me by using it three times in a row before I could get up and do anything. On the other end of the spectrum, I got to backstab a runner that was trying to have his phantom buddy stop me while he tried to sip on his estus flask.
Darkmoon is fun. I need to get 30 faith for WotG and Darkmoon blade.
Makagulfazel said:
While some people PVP like fags(try to run off and heal mid fight), it's been a pretty rewarding experience. The worst I got whooped was by someone with Wrath of the Gods(I'm guessing), who had killed me by using it three times in a row before I could get up and do anything. On the other end of the spectrum, I got to backstab a runner that was trying to have his phantom buddy stop me while he tried to sip on his estus flask.
Darkmoon is fun. I need to get 30 faith for WotG and Darkmoon blade.

If he kind of pelvic-thrusted and there was a big blast of light that did a hell of a lot of damage, that's Wrath of the Gods. If it's that but it just blows you back, it's Force, there's also a projectile version of Force around that I forgot the name of. Then later on you can find a weapon called Grant, which it's 2-hand heavy attack is an even bigger Wrath that scales with Faith, though you need like 50 Strength and 30 Faith to use the thing, but it hits like a run-away truck. Then if you're gonna Darkmoon, be sure to grab Tranquil Walk of Peace too, TWoP followed by WoTG is a traditional cheese-strat for Dickmoons. :lol:

Also, I really hope they'll apply those changes on the PC version to the console one soon/when they release the DLC. That nerf to the DarkWood Grain Ring made me the happiest fuckin person alive for a moment. No more ninja-flipping Zaphander Giants/Havelfags!

generalissimofurioso said:
I like to boot my enemies off ledges if possible.

It makes things awesomer.
I based an entire character's playstyle off knocking shit off ledges, balconies, cliffs, etc. I got myself enough faith to use Wrath of the Gods, Force, and Emit Force. Later, I got enough strength and dexterity to use the Dragonslayer Greatbow and became a Darkwraith. I spent my days in the painting gallery rafters, knocking poor bastards off the rafters and onto the floor 50 feet below via launching javelins via said bow and using my miracles to get rid of anyone who survived that. Fun times.

EDIT: Strangely enough, I never have trouble with Capra Demon anymore, mainly because by then I will have gotten Havel's Ring, the Elite Knight set, the Drake Sword, and my favorite sorceries or spells.
Thanks for the TWoP hint. I'm going to be really lame for a while and go Vow of Silence\TWoP(if I can) with WoTG. Maybe throw in some Lightning Uchigatana when necessary.
Oh lord i just got myself cursed twice, there goes 12000 souls down the drain.

Damn it took me long time to realize that there is infact a channeler shooting at me from the balcony in the gaping dragon fight. Took me forever to find how to get up there but maybe now ill be able to take the thing down. That boss has some serious amount of hp.

I havent kicked anyone off the ledge yet myself, i heard it might make some of the loot droppings entirely disappear, so i wont risk it.
Gaping isn't too hard as long as you kill that Channeler first, if you miss him (Which a surprising amount of people do) then he'll do his little rain dance out of range and make the Dragon do more damage/have more health and all that. Then you can summon Solaire and Lautrec (If you found him) for the fight too, which makes it that much easier since Lautrec makes for a good distraction and Solaire is amazing. One last thing you haven't figured it out yet as well, Dark Souls hates tails, so any time you fight something with a tail, try and chop it off, you'll almost always get a pretty sweet weapon out of it.

Also - Chaos Murakumo 4 lyfe (With 99 Humanity of course) :smugoticon:
Hoxie said:
Gaping isn't too hard as long as you kill that Channeler first, if you miss him (Which a surprising amount of people do) then he'll do his little rain dance out of range and make the Dragon do more damage/have more health and all that. Then you can summon Solaire and Lautrec (If you found him) for the fight too, which makes it that much easier since Lautrec makes for a good distraction and Solaire is amazing. One last thing you haven't figured it out yet as well, Dark Souls hates tails, so any time you fight something with a tail, try and chop it off, you'll almost always get a pretty sweet weapon out of it.

Also - Chaos Murakumo 4 lyfe (With 99 Humanity of course) :smugoticon:

Yeah i noticed the tail thing with the gargoyles, didnt know this was running theme tho so thanks for the tip.
Oh jeez I shoulda started using polearms earlier, life... uh death... uh unlife got so much easier once I could poke enemies to death from five feet away.
Alphadrop said:
Oh jeez I shoulda started using polearms earlier, life... uh death... uh unlife got so much easier once I could poke enemies to death from five feet away.

The Estoc is also very good for this, raise that shield and stick, stick, stick em. Plus it has the much more manageable maneuvering of a sword, so you don't have to worry about staggering yourself with missed swings.
anyone tried the new content yet?

[spoiler:9395fa6a76]I got stuck last night at Knight Artorias. that dude is relentless. I can block most of his attacks, as long as I manage my stamina. but I did like 10 tries with my strongest weapon, which did way too little damage. he keeps buffing himself and eventually I would slip up and get one-shoted. only after I tried my +15 uchigatana with sunlight blade did I realize he takes very little damage from elements, and a pure physical weapon is the way to go. by then it was too late and I was too tired to keep trying. but today I will kill that son of a bitch.[/spoiler:9395fa6a76]

anyway, I'm a bit worried about my weapon damage. I'm level 100 now and I'm staying there for the arena. the next bracket is levels 101-200, and I don't think I want to level all the way to 200.

but as of now, I have 14 strength and 32 dextery, which leaves me with a pretty low number of viable weapons. I have two uchigatanas, one +15 and one occult +5. I also have quelaag's furyblade (thanks for the tip on that one, oaktable), a divine iaito and a lightning scythe +10. the latter is my strongest weapon, reaching 550 total damage. which isn't that much, unfortunately. the uchigatana +15 with sunlight blade is stronger, but not by much. and is very situational. so it feels like I'm kinda stuck with too little damage. I'm leveling the balder side sword and estoc, but neither of those will increase my damage. my last hope seems to be the great scythe, but I don't like how it looks and how it feels in combat.

the standard scythe is a beast btw. it's very slow and takes some getting used to. but the range and the whirlwind swings are amazing.
14 Str and 32 Dex at level 100? Jeez man, what else did you put points into?

One general tip for allocating your points anyway, a point in Resistance is a point wasted. All it does is increase the stats you usually increase at the same time with putting points in other areas, then I think it also ups your Bleed or basic Poison bars a little, but that's honestly a big waste when you could otherwise be investing in something that widens your selection of weapons and loadouts..