You know what I take issue with? That when it was pointed out to you that you had something wrong you immediately went for claims of authority and feeling patronised instead of re-examining your posting and checking with the information widely available on the net.
Y'know, valcik earlier threw out the accusation of "claims of authority", and I should've addressed it then, because clearly not doing so has left users such as you to assume it was the case? Authority? Please... I have never, nor will I ever, relied on ethos. That's just laughable. That's why I never addressed the meme pic post of Cartman being misused to represent me, because it couldn't fit worse if you tried. It doesn't matter how you know something, but "I read about it"? I'm sorry, but if missing the way people just KNEW things before google and twitter and wikipedia and the internet IN GENERAL were immediately available resources is somehow... Actually no, I won't even finish that thought and mark it with the appropriate sarcasm. Because it's a normal, healthy sentiment. I love the way the Information Age has evolved since the 80s, and how much faster and more available information has become. But I still miss the way people KNEW things before the internet picked up steam. You could ask someone for directions, and they either knew where it was or they didn't. Now they just ask Siri on their smartphone. It does the work for them, and I lament that laziness that has taken hold of people.
When I point out what I thought was wrong with your post you still refuse to even look at it again and simply claim that you never wrote that, which is quite obviously false as evidenced by the quote. When it's 100% proven that you were wrong, you instead try to weasel out by going back to ten year old memories of authority again and that maybe the process changed.
To begin with: Tried to weasel out? You're confusing my foresight with backpedaling. I pointed out that I stated FROM THE START that my knowledge was dated, and that meant it was subject to all sorts of errors. Yet that's me claiming I'm not wrong and refusing to budge and not reevaluating the situation? How about you check with reality and understand what knowledge of one's own propensity for error on account of being human and on account of their knowledge being afflicted by time is NOTHING like your accusations.
Secondly: Claiming I never said what I wrote and that it was proven to be wrong? Okay, I don't even know how to address that, because it's just not true. I said something, then you said "no" in a manner I took objection with. You didn't seem to understand my objection and your following reply put words in my mouth. I corrected you that what you claimed I'd said was never said. You continued to misunderstand my replies for some kind of stubbornness and proceeded to get more and more incensed with every rebuttal. This is a spiral-out-of-control I've noticed in others ever since childhood, and being incapable of understanding other people's ways of thinking has cause me a lot of trouble when I could articulate mistakes such as yours without being able to articulate how others couldn't come to those same conclusions. Call that arrogance if you want, but it's simply the truth.
Thirdly: Again with the authority nonsense. As written above, I never rely upon authority. I see no value in it. If I did, then I'd try to use some kind of status to argue that no one should give credence to authority by virtue of that arbitrary status. But I don't, and I never will. Unless "logic" is an authority to you (which it's not), I will never bow to an authority or rely upon authority to assert a claim. Stop making the same mistake.
I looked stuff up. It's fucking common courtesy, and frankly, I find your behaviour insulting.
Go ahead, find this post patronising as well. It's fucking meant that way.
Am I supposed to care that you find anything I do insulting when you follow that up IMMEDIATELY with an insult? That's called burning bridges. Casting stones. You appeal to someone's humility by NOT lobbing insults at them. e.g. "I find that very hurtful. You were always such an asshole, I'm glad she broke up with you." is NOT the right way to go about things. "I find that very hurtful." and ending on that note is much better. But no, you had to inflate your position, then attack mine, then insult me. You left no room for pity, so ergo I have none.
Frankly, I didn't edit my original post, despite the corrections, because of personal quirks/preferences. NOT because I can't admit fault. So, because I refuse to edit posts and respond to mistakes of yours is perceived as me being stubbornly incapable of admitting "defeat" and wrongdoing that means I should submit and change my ways? No. I'm going to continue being me, and doing things in the way I feel is most appropriate. I STILL refuse to edit older posts, unless something (usually my OCD) prompts me to in a manner I simply cannot resist, but if I have the opportunity to stick to my principles, I shall. I'm a disciplined, principled individual, and what I believe is the right thing to do I will do. I made a statement in error, and I WILL NOT correct that error EVER. I will leave that error as a reminder that I made a mistake. If you have a problem with that method, then that's your problem. I prefer to remind myself of lessons of humility, and if you think that's arrogance, that's your problem. I have an earnest desire to keep arrogance in check and to always abide by humility whenever possible, and if you can't see that, that's your problem. I don't have anything to prove to you. Nothing. If I make a mistake, that matters to no one above me.
Incidentally, I have patience, as I don't throw out a post so recklessly and hastily that I cannot see the spell-checker. It's spelled "electromagnetic", among other errors. By the way, if this wasn't obvious enough, let me spell out the the point of this line for you. It is NOT "Oooh, you mispelled words, hurr hurr I win!!!!!!" Rather, it IS that you were so hotheaded in your response that you rushed it, when caution and tact were the appropriate course. The next time you get upset and you feel like you need to make a response, stop, take a breather, and don't.
Guys, what the fuck have you done to my thread?
Sorry about that.
It's about the principle.
There's a difference between the oblivious and the ignorant. Simply not knowing is forgivable, but ignoring implies deliberately refusing to accept something, and that's not acceptable.
Just cute. Feeble, pointless, proves nothing, but cute. Nothing more. People have tried to quote my mottos and principles before and use them as ammunition against me, they failed then, and you failed now. I stick to my principles, at all costs. I stated from the get-go that I could be potentially clueless, oblivious, mistaken, or simply forgetful, and somehow you labeled that as hubris and ignorance.
What baffles me the most is that SnapSlav was working on shipping the Fallout discs for Interplay. That makes him grown up man, at least 35 years old, unless there are persons under age 18 employed in the United States. 35 at least! Friggin shocking for me, actually. Until now I considered him to be some nerdy teenager in age 20-22 for some reason. >_>
As always, you completely misunderstood what I said earlier when you made that meme pic post, and you misunderstand it now having posted that. I never said I helped package FO discs, I said I worked at the place that printed some of them. If I can't just refer to an event without you misunderstanding what was said, then let me spell it out to you. I, a young kid, working an internship at this place, learning about it with each passing day, am on break with one of the workers, talking about the facility. He's giving me the run of the land, and I'm just soaking it up. He mentions how they produce the discs for many different companies and I, still fresh off of my love for
Fallout, ask if Interplay is one of them, to which he confirms, "Yeah, I think so." Not very definitive, but I was over the moon over that, regardless. I never TOUCHED a single FO1/2/T disc "fresh from the press" before it was in its packaging, and because the masters and betas were cataloged by numbers (not names) I have no idea if I ever held a master or beta disc of any
Fallout game. But I was excited as all hell at the mere prospect that I was THAT one step closer to the creation of something I really loved. It left a lasting impression on me.
But regardless, you're STILL off on my age. First you think I'm 20, then you think I'm 35? You're atrocious at math, it seems. Since you can't seem to solve to
y, I'll spell it out for you. I was 17 in the summer of 2002 when I worked at IPC Communication Services in Fountain Valley, California, where they mass produced CDs, CDRs, and CDRWs, among other electronics packaging and distribution. Now you know
y. 2014 - 2002 = 12 ; 17 + 12 = 29 and I am 29. Get it now? Math is easy. Not that my personal details are any of your business, you nosy snoop.
Oh man. Hassknecht, I love you.
As always, your admiration for the virile in reacting to your impotence is pitifully amusing.
Guys, what the fuck have you done to my thread?
Sorry man. I was just trying to help, but some people really took issue with me making a mistake and not liking the manner in which they conducted themselves. But it doesn't really matter what the reason is, certain people just will take any chance they get to have a go at certain targets of theirs. Just take a look at the users who radded Hassknecht's post, and you'll see what I mean.
I personally loathe MP3.
I don't have anything against digital format, mind you - majority of the music I listen is in FLAC, since I'm rarely at home and don't have plenty of opportunities to listen to my records/CDs, but I hate when I see compression destroying good music. Nothing beats the physical format for me, no, but if I'm forced to listen to the music on my computer, why shouldn't I enjoy it best way possible? Not like it takes *much* more space on my drive, that is.
I don't think iPod accepts FLAC though. Those things are shit.
I know what you mean. Although I DO have a bit of an issue with digital formats. For me, it's not music that I take issue with, but games and movies. I treasure my DVD and CD and Bluray collection, and when I hear people talking about "digital is the future" is just makes me sick. I always loved seeing movies being "updated" for modern formats and the fact that the original film being in such perfect quality is the reason WHY they were able to do that. But could they reverse the process? Take that digital video and make it into that printed representation of an image based on light? Not even remotely. When I was taking classes that worked with pictures, I learned firsthand how crappy digital images really are, and I took that lesson to heart. I don't USUALLY hear the difference in most of the music I listen to, but sometimes I can tell. I hate looking for certain songs and only finding low quality versions. I love MP3s, but I can't deny that... sometimes it's really hard to find a good quality copy of a song. =/