Sephis said:
Nuclear fuel is more efficient then what powers most of our reactors.
But it requires a lot more knowledge, expertise and care compared to other resources. Oil, Gas and Coal can be stored pretty much anywhere without much issues. You have with Oil and Gas to keep the enviroment in mind but its not directly harmful or dangerous to people no one will die from a drop of oil on his hand or clothes. Coal can be stored in your cellar without issues for example.
Try doing that with Uranium and Plutonium. It needs a lot of well worked out savety standarts and other kinds of complex measures which makes a transport and storage for example quite complicated. Remember radioctive material can many times cause other material to become radioctive as well. And the real danger is long time exposure to radiation which is causing a lot of issues to people.
To remove some power plant based on gas, oil or coal is actualy not much of an issue (not much more then with other chemical or industral fascilities). Doing the same with nuclear plants. Not so much. It takes literaly centuries before they can be removed completely and the area is as safe again like before. Hence why the German gouvernement decided to not build any new nuclear plants anymore. Its really difficult to get them away in the future ... and they are very expensive.
So you see. Efficieny is not simply more energy output. And even that is not THAT high with nuclear energy like one might think. You get from urnium ore eventualy more energy then from oil or coal in the same weight. But Uranium is also as said more complex in handling. Hence why its not the most used source of energy today. Nuclear energy can be usefull but its not THE most usefull energy source:
The Economics of Nuclear Power
It depends on many different factors. I am neither a friend of nuclear energy nor do I dismiss it. I just try to be objective about the subject. And hence why I didnt even mentioned Tschernobyl here since that is situation which would require a topic on its own and is NOT fair to bring up in a critical discussion about nuclear energy.
In the very long run though (aprox 100 years from now on) Its a dead end just like coal, oil and gas. If we really want to find a energy source in the future it has to be a lot more ecologically. Or we should at least try to aim for more diversity. A lot more. Including resources like Coal, Oil, Uranium ~ Plutonium (and other nuclear materials) but as well all other resources available like wood, most important the sun and wind. There is still a lot of room for improvements here. In both cities and individual households.
Sephis said:
Nuclear waste becomes less dangerous overtime, unlike oil and coal.
Depending on the used radioctive material we are talking here about a timeframe that is pretty much negigible. With 10 000 years of half life for some isiotopes I doubt really matters that it becomes less dangerous over time. So that point is moot. It will stay dangerous for a very long period of time (usualy).
Sephis said:
IT IS clean. Radioactive material is stored so radiation does not leak outward. Compared to what sources is nuclear energy actually dirtier?
The production of energy of course not and it will do less damage compared to Coal for example. Sometimes modern plants still prove to be some issue for the enviorment though depending on the cycle and technology they use. If the cooling water is used from a lake or river nearby and if it is again released in the nature. The heat of the water can cause the lake to colapse its not so good for a lake if the temperature suddenly is increasing a few degrees. But as said it depends much on the used system. The issue in the end is that you trade one problem with another one.
The waste is pretty much dirtier compared to oil, gas and most important coal. Otherwise I would have to ask you if you would feel fine with storing nuclear waste in the back of your garden. I mean it will become less dangerous after time
To be more serious the storage of nuclear waste is still an unsolved problem. Many do simply sell their waste (thats what Germany did in the past ...) and you know where it ends sometimes ? Russia. But thats actualy no solution for the future. Pretty much every solution we have now are short term solutions. Not for the long term.
And some people are worried what happens in 100, 1000 or 10 000 years with the waste when its STILL radioctive. I could prove a problem for generations in the future digging somewhere without any clue what is in the earth. Could be one of your descendant even (for the case you care).
Sephis said:
And with all the money spent into renewable energy. Why can't we put more money into recycling High level radioactives? Use a resource we already have and improve upon it.
We have already proven the planet can't cope with what is being put into the air and water so don't tell me it can.
Because its a dead end. That simple. Spending more energy and time on improving it is like doing it with coal or oil.