Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill

Murdoch said:

In the past few days the government as been much more forthcoming about explaining their involvement, culminating in Obama's press conference today. From what I've heard I'm much more content with the job it's done and the explanations given after the recent media offensive. I'm willing to give them it benefit of the doubt that what it says is what it's actually doing and that it's not just recently made up window dressing.
I think that's actually at me but yeah. They definitely made some big mistakes (not measuring the flow and not letting independent scientists in) but their response to the spill seemed standard with the main problem being that the methods and technology used to stop spills hasn't advanced in the past 30 years, probably because the oil industry has been uninterested in it.
and technology used to stop spills hasn't advanced in the past 30 years, probably because the oil industry has been uninterested in it.

That and the fact that it doesn't happen every day. You know that safety measures and procedures are put in place after an event takes place, that is what happens almost all the time.

After this spill, the strategy will probably change, up until the next spill which will be totally different and the methods devised for this one will not work.
Blakut said:
and technology used to stop spills hasn't advanced in the past 30 years, probably because the oil industry has been uninterested in it.

That and the fact that it doesn't happen every day. You know that safety measures and procedures are put in place after an event takes place, that is what happens almost all the time.

After this spill, the strategy will probably change, up until the next spill which will be totally different and the methods devised for this one will not work.
after the bigest oil distaster in the US history you would expect that they put some damn new measures and procedures in place. Would be about damn time.

Though what ever they decide now for the future the dissaster already happed. Sadly. And it seems BP is doing pretty much everything to restrict reporters (at least thats what they say here) in their work. They do not get much chance talking to the helpers from BP nor do they let them enter the places where animals get cleaned with the explenation its to much stress for them. Hard for me to believe that. Anyway. They also mention a lot of corruption inside the authorities for control of oil drilling and regarding the oil companies.
Crni Vuk said:
after the bigest oil distaster in the US history you would expect that they put some damn new measures and procedures in place. Would be about damn time.
Considering the amount of "campaign contributions" they so magnanimously provide our fine, upstanding legislators, I wouldn't expect them to rush into any hasty, frivolous legislation that would tie their bedfellow's hands.

Hopefully Tiger Woods has another mistress come out so the media can focus it's attention on more pressing concerns than this little spill.
lidle spill ? Why not asking the fishers of Louisana. I bet they would agree with calling it that.

On the other side:

It seems BP is doing everything possible to stop investigativen by journalists around the area and it seems even the coast guard is doing their part to it.

"When CBS News tried to reach the beach, covered in oil, a boat of BP contractors with two Coast Guard officers on board told us to turn around under threat of arrest. Coast Guard officials said they are looking into the incident."
Heavy Sludge Oozes into Marshes of Louisiana
Crni Vuk said:
lidle spill ? Why not asking the fishers of Louisana. I bet they would agree with calling it that.

On the other side:

It seems BP is doing everything possible to stop investigativen by journalists around the area and it seems even the coast guard is doing their part to it.

"When CBS News tried to reach the beach, covered in oil, a boat of BP contractors with two Coast Guard officers on board told us to turn around under threat of arrest. Coast Guard officials said they are looking into the incident."
Heavy Sludge Oozes into Marshes of Louisiana

Have we talked about the unfortunate and unneeded loss of human life during this as well?
I believe little spill was sarcasm, making fun of the fact that the media would indeed switch their focus from the oil spill quickly if a celebrity did ANYTHING.
Really sounds like a plan B the directors of BP would come up with.

"Quickly, hire a celebrity and make them pull of some stupid stunt in public, anything!"

And knowing John Q Public, they would automatically fall for it.

Americans, or Westerners are complaining sometimes that they aren't taken serious anymore, perhaps they should investigate why that is being said instead of complaining.
Sephis said:
Have we talked about the unfortunate and unneeded loss of human life during this as well?
I believe little spill was sarcasm, making fun of the fact that the media would indeed switch their focus from the oil spill quickly if a celebrity did ANYTHING.
Right. If seen that way thats true. But we have to wait and see time will tell if we will see really changes here particularly in the attitude of the population or if things just continue like before.

There is also as well still that chinese ship leaking oil near australians coast close to the Great Barrier Reef.

I am actualy asking my self what has to happen so that changes and most important new standarts and a certain change in the attitude happens. Oil catastrophe infront of wasthington or New York or something ? Maybe London.
Crni Vuk said:
I am actualy asking my self what has to happen so that changes and most important new standarts and a certain change in the attitude happens.

Nature will happen.
The idea that humans will stop this madness anytime soon is ridiculous. Just look at yourself. Just go look in the bathroom mirror and tell me if anything good can be expected from a being that looks and behaves like that.
I hate to admit it, but I am always thoroughly amused by these catastrophies. I hope the amount of oil that got spilled into the ocean is much, much bigger than what the most pessimistic of scientists have estimated so far. I hope the coral reefs cave in. I hope some species that was fighting extinction, loses the battle. I hope a whole new generation of happy go lucky Florida kids are diagnosed with cancer from eating polluted fish. I know that sounds sick and bad, but it's what we deserve.
I'm sick of people and their ways. I'm sick of fake politicians, kneeling down on the beach (watch those trousers, el presidente!), fingering tar, pointing out to the sea, telling their voters that some really precious fauna (two dolphins, for crying out loud) is apparently doing a-okay. Fuck you, mister Change. I ain't seen much change so far. You're just the goddamn butler of BP and other multinationals.

I hope that in less than five years, we will see big ass drill ships moving out to Antarctica to fuck up yet another continent. 'Cause oil spills on an icy continent, how beautiful that must be. I hope peak oil is true, I hope peak phosphorus is true, I hope peak copper is true, I hope peak everything is true. 'Cause that's where our salvation lies: when no more options are available. Hell, I know this mechanism myself: the only time I don't smoke pot is when I have no cash for pot or when my dealer has no stock. When there are no more options, the problem solves itself.

I've stopped watching the news some time ago. I've stopped reading the papers and I've muted the radio with a pair of stockings some bitch left at my place one day. I grab a vid from YouTube if I'm really interested, but that rarely happens nowadays.
"The worst thing you can do to evil," said Thoreau, "is to ignore it."
I disagree.
"The worst thing you can do the evil, is to welcome it."
'Cause evil is people. And if they feel like eliminating themselves, then all I have to say to that is this: go right ahead. There is nothing here that I will miss.
I agree...we will reap what we sow…the faster humans die out the faster the planet will recover.

Fuck that... since when is the Planet a separate entity? And why should it be more important than humans? The Planet doesn't give a damn about humans.

I agree we should preserve our planet, for the purpose of living on it. The only reason we preserve the planet and the environment is to preserve our health, our resources...and to sometimes bolster our ego. But that's it. So i don't see how human disappearing would be a good thing for the planet.
Let's nuke the oil spill, says the Russians.


Homo Sapiens... :roll:
BP tried to drink their milkshake, but they speeelled their drink in the drink.
So when is that hole expected to stop leaking oil naturally? Shouldn't that just stop at a certain point, shouldn't the pressure drop? How long does that take?
alec said:
So when is that hole expected to stop leaking oil naturally? Shouldn't that just stop at a certain point, shouldn't the pressure drop? How long does that take?
Well, I'm no expert, but to easily pump it up, they pump gas down to pump the oil out more easily.
Now, once the pipe is above oil level in the drill pit, it'll be sucking gas and stop leaking oil, maybe.

But I think something worse will happen, actually. Since there are multiple leaks and oil is lighter than water... It'll all leak out (connected vessels & all that jazz), until the leaking points collapse naturally and are sealed. Now that's hard to do if your leaking point is a manmade pipe... :roll: