Desslock and Fallout combat/viewpoint

Sarkus said:
Desslock is a long-time reviewer and writer. He currently writes a regular RPG column for "PC Gamer" (US) magazine.
That's true. He's a journalist famous for his integrity and honesty. He gave Dungeon Siege 8.4 for being a first-rate tactical RPG.

He also wrote this:

"But the fact that more than a month after its release, Oblivion is still in the top two or three most popular games (among all upcoming and released) based upon GameSpot's traffic in both its PC and Xbox 360 sections (and 10,000 readers have taken the time to review them), and both versions are still at or near the top of the sales charts, says more about Oblivion than your silly embrace of a contrary attitude towards the game (which not-so-coincidentally long predates the actual release of it) ever could."

u say its a bad gaem? lol alot of people buy it, how could it be bad?

And that's coming from a game reviewer, mind you.

He apparently was given access to Fallout 3 and allowed to say a few things about it in his column but was presumably sworn to secrecy by Bethesda about what all he saw or was told.
Apparently? Is it a fact or your imagination playing tricks on you?

As a result he can't really say very much. I'm actually surprised that he made the statement he did.
Attention-whoring is one of his many weaknesses.
this just came to me (in no dream)... there is but one truly positive and certain thing Fallout3 will do / have .. it will make a small contingent of people curios of Fallout 1 & 2 ... this is at least certain ... the rest .. well ... i dont know where desslock is getting to .. there is too much confusion right now...
Kharn said:
That the design decision of FP/RT for Fallout 3 has been locked. Briosafreak was citing VDweller on that.

However, those are unsourced, unverifiable rumours, which might just as well be a bunch of Bethesda guys fucking with his head. I tend to believe VDweller over Desslock, but only because VDweller's unverifiability does not outweight Desslock's lack of professional neutrality. But to be honest, I believe neither one blindly.

Well although I take VDweller and Rosh's info very seriously, that's not the only info laying around. Talking with anyone in the industry that showed some interest in the game the words "first person", "real time" and "very different feel from Oblivion" are always muttered. This is the first time that someone says something different about the first couple of sentences, and it is the second person to admit that saw some of the work being prepared to Fallout3 (the first were French journalists from a mag called Joystick, and they only said the concept art was good), so it carries more weight. Still that sentence is so vague, it can say so many different things...

Sarkus at NMA said:
Desslock is a long-time reviewer and writer. He currently writes a regular RPG column for "PC Gamer" (US) magazine.

He apparently was given access to Fallout 3 and allowed to say a few things about it in his column but was presumably sworn to secrecy by Bethesda about what all he saw or was told. It's not uncommon for gaming media members to be given info and then be told to hold it until cleared to release it.

As a result he can't really say very much. I'm actually surprised that he made the statement he did.

Well I'm not that surprised, since my first post on that forum after registering there for a year and a half was in the context of a rush of several fora in order to get additional info on some things I'm tracking, he just opened new areas of research for us now, which was out of our expectations. A good days work.

And for the rest you are right in every thing you say.

Sarkus at QTB said:
This got noticed by NMA and posted as "news" on their site. As you would expect reactions are mixed but what is revealing is the suggestion that Desslock is flat-out lying, is a tool of Bethesda (they used stronger language), and can't be trusted because he liked Oblivion (which wasn't an RPG according to them.)

You didn't exactly reinforced the mixed thing there, instead choosing to reinforce the hysteria. That's ok, we're used to that, although your pals could have placed the links and full reasoning of the people they used the quotes.

Oh well when someone is that rabid as some of them are that's a hard thing to do, I suppose :)

And if they are indeed serious in creating an alternative fansite by Bethesda acritical fanboys and defenders that the fallout games should have been made with RT and pause combat then all the best, that already happened in the days of another game, with FallouteXtreme, so we're used to those things by now. They can check this place for ideas!

On a last note I don't personally dislike Desslock, I read his stuff for a few years now, and he seems a gamer first and generally a nice guy. He also made some interesting advices to Beth , and he's not one of the nauseating missionaries of the new orthodoxy about gaming and CRPGs like Kieron Gillen.

But in the end like we know GameSpy will hype and praise Fallout3 just to piss NMA and fallout fans in general, many of us also believe that he wouldn't get the chance to be the first guy talking about the game if there wasn't a real close relation of proximity between him and Beth, so for the other folks, that are shocked that a few put in question his partiality about Beth, just relax a bit and think if that's not how things work.

He's a smart guy, and I'm sure he'll do his best to try to stop Beth from doing many blunders with Fallout3, but in the end he will fall into the hype and praising even if things aren't right. And although others go even further in their judgement of the role and past of Desslock I won't go that way, but I remain proud of our independence and prefer our way of doing things.
Briosafreak said:
Well although I take VDweller and Rosh's info very seriously, that's not the only info laying around.
Indeed. is the second person to admit that saw some of the work being prepared to Fallout3...
Does he? Read the first paragraph of the article - "I haven't seen the build, the technology, the story, or the dialogues. I've only seen the concept art and this here coffee mug"

Sarkus at QTB said:
This got noticed by NMA and posted as "news" on their site. As you would expect reactions are mixed but what is revealing is the suggestion that Desslock is flat-out lying, is a tool of Bethesda (they used stronger language), and can't be trusted because he liked Oblivion (which wasn't an RPG according to them.)
Nobody gives a fuck that Desslock liked Oblivion. The problem is he misrepresented the game in his early impressions, so we are not talking about his likes/dislikes, but about credibility.
Anti-NMA?? Nay, good sir. It is naught but the one true source of Fallout 3 wisdom! I recommend you partake in the good charity and company of
When reading some of the posts in the QT3 thread, I was surprised to see that there are many unknown fans of Fallout - without ever playing it, of course. Instead playing Oblivion and taking this as a prototype for an optimized RPG design for Fallout 3 - scary.

The kiddies want action - the developement over the years has made them impatient. Bothered by dialogue, annoyed by hard puzzles, unwilling to invest some time into searching for someone or something, reducing roleplaying down to some stats boosting and reducing RPGs to hack&slash they are crying for help in forums immediately, if they have no success in something when trying for the first or second time.

If this is the target audience of the gaming industry, times of traditional RPGs are gone
- and I fear they are the target audience.

If this is the target audience of the gaming industry, times of traditional RPGs are gone
- and I fear they are the target audience.

You're right. The target audience is kids like my 9 year old nephew. Why? Because parents have plenty of cash/credit and are willing to spend it on anything junior wants.

I think if you guys want to see good RPGs again, you're going to have to start making your own, because the AAA's aren't going to do it.
Not really.
You may remember the cover of Radioactive Scrolls which I made one year ago. At that time it was a joke.
Now my nightmares are going to become true.

And with FIFE you're right, of cause. :D

Looks interesting. I'm going to make a test.
taxacaria said:
When reading some of the posts in the QT3 thread, I was surprised to see that there are many unknown fans of Fallout - without ever playing it, of course. Instead playing Oblivion and taking this as a prototype for an optimized RPG design for Fallout 3 - scary.

The kiddies want action - the developement over the years has made them impatient. Bothered by dialogue, annoyed by hard puzzles, unwilling to invest some time into searching for someone or something, reducing roleplaying down to some stats boosting and reducing RPGs to hack&slash they are crying for help in forums immediately, if they have no success in something when trying for the first or second time.

If this is the target audience of the gaming industry, times of traditional RPGs are gone
- and I fear they are the target audience.


fallout 3 will be rated M so it will not be for kids. In USA M stand for 17+ sau 18+?
Grotesque said:
fallout 3 will be rated M so it will not be for kids.

That doesn't mean it will be possible for me to shoot someones head off or put a dynamite on a child and watch a bodypart rain, does it?
xu said:
Grotesque said:
fallout 3 will be rated M so it will not be for kids.

That doesn't mean it will be possible for me to shoot someones head off or put a dynamite on a child and watch a bodypart rain, does it?

'M' doesn't say too much about violence - some ridiculous sexual themes are enough to rate 'M' in the US.
And European versions will not include the content you're asking for - in former versions childs have been removed because of complains from the UK- and today the EU doesn't give such things an ok.
The censor thing depends on the editor of the game. Usually in France we have very little censored things, compared to german version of the same game (blood removed or green blood, *bips* instead of *fuck*, etc). But the decision to make a censored version for European, or only some countries usually goes to the editor. Fallout 1 and 2 were some sort of exceptions in France (same censored game for all Europe), and I hope it won't happen again.
Fallout's censorship at the time had much to do with the fact that child-death was a hot-topic in the UK at the time, since the Dunblane Massacre had just happened.
Interplay was advised by its UK department to do something about the killable children. Tim Cain then had the choice of either making them unkillable, or just removing them. He did the latter.

I very much doubt there'd be a problem with putting killable children in games these days, but I think its become common practice to just leave them out.
Sander said:
Fallout's censorship at the time had much to do with the fact that child-death was a hot-topic in the UK at the time, since the Dunblane Massacre had just happened.
Interplay was advised by its UK department to do something about the killable children. Tim Cain then had the choice of either making them unkillable, or just removing them. He did the latter.
School massacres? Fallout's censorship?
What the hell is wrong with these people?

Sander said:
I very much doubt there'd be a problem with putting killable children in games these days, but I think its become common practice to just leave them out.
Well, I'll just limit buying cRPGs that don't feature killable children. I won't give my money to cowards.
Sorrow said:
Well, I'll just limit buying cRPGs that don't feature killable children. I won't give my money to cowards.

The quality of a game depends not on killable children.
It's more a question of taste. I don't need it personally.
On the other hand, ingame children can make a setting more realistic and more reliable.
some examples :
In Oblivion, which has no implemented children, you'll find sterile cities.
In JA2 you can kill children - but only with a few 'bad guy' mercenaries.
Doing this results in bad reputation. City life is more reliable here.