Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - 101 Trailer


Artanis "Altáriel" Nerwen Nos Finwe

looks cool, though now i know the reason why they delaying the games

because some of the graphci have been downgraded
Looks good, although, I´ve learn not to trust trailers. I don´t have a problem with the graphics has a long has the game is enjoyable.
So looking foward to this as an OG Deus Ex fan who enjoyed HR(Directors Cut) a lot. So psyched that a level hub will be set in Prague!
Too bad it probably won't be as good as the first Deus Ex(not Human Revolution).
I don't like how the trailer is showing more favor towards the non lethal route and rewarding you for that rather than rewarding you all the same regardless of playstyle and just allow diversity.
If it's anything like Human Revolution you'll probably get around x3 the XP for taking down enemies non lethally in a cinematic fashion(which is weird considering the limited arsenal at your disposal as apposed to going the lethal route).

Also what's up with the "inactive experimental augmentations secretly implanted in him" nonsense? It would've been more believable if he was simply upgraded with up to date technology by the current faction he's with to justify the reason the player will have no augmentations at the start of the game(I assume?).
I don't like how the trailer is showing more favor towards the non lethal route and rewarding you for that rather than rewarding you all the same regardless of playstyle and just allow diversity.
But in early demonstrations devs said that in the game you'll get worthy rewards for any of playstyle unlike HR. We'll see. Trailers are trailers, maybe to satisfy pacifists' curiosity.

Dumbing down graphics has it's advantages, it's not necessary to upgrade outdated PC.
If it's anything like Human Revolution you'll probably get around x3 the XP for taking down enemies non lethally in a cinematic fashion(which is weird considering the limited arsenal at your disposal as apposed to going the lethal route).

I believe why human revolution made non lethal take downs more rewarding was because of adam´s character, even with all those augmentations he was still human.

Also what's up with the "inactive experimental augmentations secretly implanted in him" nonsense?

Not exactly nonsense, adam didn´t have all his abilities at the start of hr, he needed to get praxis kits to unlock them, storywise he also nedded time for his body adjust to his augmentations and that´s just it, he didn´t have time to unlock all the abilities.
Dumbing down graphics has it's advantages, it's not necessary to upgrade outdated PC.
That's the whole point of adding graphics options...

I believe why human revolution made non lethal take downs more rewarding was because of adam´s character, even with all those augmentations he was still human.
Yeah we know he's still human but it makes no sense to favor a specific playstyle over another. We can still "define" his character in Human Revolution in a sense just like how we can "define" JC's character. A better idea is rewarding the player in different ways for performing different playstyles.

That's why I played as a pacifist in Human Revolution because it was more rewarding and they gave you loads of XP without even doing much besides knocking people out.

Not exactly nonsense, adam didn´t have all his abilities at the start of hr, he needed to get praxis kits to unlock them, storywise he also nedded time for his body adjust to his augmentations and that´s just it, he didn´t have time to unlock all the abilities.
It's nonsense because it's a poorly thought out reason to throw more new abilities your way in another augmentation system like Human Revolution's, if they wanted to put new augments in the game they could've just had the faction he had joined give him the latest augs and tech which in my opinion sounds more believable.
if they wanted to put new augments in the game they could've just had the faction he had joined give him the latest augs and tech which in my opinion sounds more believable.

Adam exprimental augs are already better than any other augs that they could offer, and duo to the anti-aug agenda in this game companies wouldn´t put much effort into making new bleeding edge augmentations.
Make them illegal then. Deus Ex 1 had also the topic of corporations performing ilegal experiments and developing questionable technologies. It would fitt nicely in to the theme. It could even go so far, as Jenson could risk his status or runing into trouble if he used some of those augs in public. Like, do things the hard way, and come out "clear", or use everything at your disposal, but risk runing into issues.
Would be awesome, if you had for example a mission, with civilians involved, where if you solved the task withiout using augmentations, everything is ok. But if you used augmentations, you would later realize that the civilians started a riot, maybe even killing some augmented people or something, because they saw an augmented person bullying someone or what ever.

Art direction looks on point again.
Despite the pre-order bollocks going on it's actually looking good.
On point with Human Revolution, ... not so much with the original Deus Ex 1. But I am ready to overlook that in regard of artistic liberty, as long it keeps the spirit of De1 and HR. Albeit, I hope, as prequel, it will have much closer ties to Deus Ex 1. I would like to see and learn a lot more about characters like Everett, Gunther, Page, the DuClaire family and such. Simply see some of the events which lead to what we saw in Deus Ex 1, like the NSF, Silhouette and UNATCO. Deus Ex HR, felt much more like a soft Rebot than a prequel in my opinion. And as Rebot, while it wasn't a bad game, it was still behind Deus Ex 1.

The biggest fear I have, is that they will sacrifice story elements and philosophical qustions, for action and fast paced sequences. Deus Ex:HR already suffered from that issue in some instances. I am really missing all of those smaller and bigger story moments and conversations that you could explore in Deus Ex 1, which had no reall ties to the progression of the game, but really made the world believable. Like the conversation between Denton and the prototype AI.
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On point with Human Revolution, ... not so much with the original Deus Ex 1. But I am ready to overlook that in regard of artistic liberty, as long it keeps the spirit of De1 and HR. Albeit, I hope, as prequel, it will have much closer ties to Deus Ex 1. I would like to see and learn a lot more about characters like Everett, Gunther, Page, the DuClaire family and such. Simply see some of the events which lead to what we saw in Deus Ex 1, like the NSF, Silhouette and UNATCO. Deus Ex HR, felt much more like a soft Rebot than a prequel in my opinion. And as Rebot, while it wasn't a bad game, it was still behind Deus Ex 1.
To be fair, DX1 was just stereotypical cyberpunk, and graphically limited. Not much to go for. Mankind Divided takes place directly after HR, so it's no surprise that they're not exactly at where world is in DX1.
And I already said, I am willing to overlook that in hinsight to artistic liberty/freedom :p
The graphical representation was never as important like the themes they explored anyway. Albeit, I always had the feeling Deus Ex 1 was like Johny Mnemonic - 80 Gigs of data? Man the guy really needs a new flash drive, kinda a mix of old and new. Graphicial limitations asside. Where as HR looks like it is set 100 years in the future.
Anyway, if Deus Ex:HD will have at least the same quality like Deus Ex:HR, I will be already extremly happy. Please, Please, Please Square Enix and Eidos, don't screw this up!
And I already said, I am willing to overlook that in hinsight to artistic liberty/freedom :p
The graphical representation was never as important like the themes they explored anyway. Albeit, I always had the feeling Deus Ex 1 was like Johny Mnemonic - 80 Gigs of data? Man the guy really needs a new flash drive, kinda a mix of old and new. Graphicial limitations asside. Where as HR looks like it is set 100 years in the future.
Anyway, if Deus Ex:HD will have at least the same quality like Deus Ex:HR, I will be already extremly happy. Please, Please, Please Square Enix and Eidos, don't screw this up!
The inevitable progress of technology... Personally, I wouldn't worry too much if the world of DX1 looks more advanced from the "modern series" perspective, as you said, it's not what's important about the game.
On point with Human Revolution, ... not so much with the original Deus Ex 1. But I am ready to overlook that in regard of artistic liberty, as long it keeps the spirit of De1 and HR. Albeit, I hope, as prequel, it will have much closer ties to Deus Ex 1. I would like to see and learn a lot more about characters like Everett, Gunther, Page, the DuClaire family and such. Simply see some of the events which lead to what we saw in Deus Ex 1, like the NSF, Silhouette and UNATCO. Deus Ex HR, felt much more like a soft Rebot than a prequel in my opinion. And as Rebot, while it wasn't a bad game, it was still behind Deus Ex 1.

gunther hermann (alright he's kinda missing his skull gun tho)


there we go, Joseph manderley, Beth Duclare, Lucius DeBeers, Walton "Sarcastic" Simon, morgan everett and Bob " :) " page himself

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gunther hermann (alright he's kinda missing his skull gun tho)


there we go, Joseph manderley, Beth Duclare, Lucius DeBeers, Walton Simon, morgan everett and Bob " :) " page himself

That's cool! But we have to wait and see. As far as I remember, Deus Ex:HR also showed Bob Page at some point, but the actual role he had in the game, was pretty much non existant. It mentioned characters here and there, but that was about it. I hope they will do more this time.
I loved Human Revolution, hopefully this one is even better.

Especially when it comes to combat. The sneaky path in HR was rewarding, the combat path... decidedly less so. Ideally all paths should be fun and rewarding in their own way.
I also hope HD will be more evenly designed. I liked HR but it definitely favored stealth and hacking over the more direction approach.
And a better tie into Deus Ex The Conspiracy is also appreciated as sometimes HR felt like it belonged in a different cyberpunk universe.

I hope the designs will also increase the variety in non humanoid opponents, introducing modified creatures similar to the transgenics in DE1.