Deus Ex on hiatus

I can't say, I am surprised. Deus Ex Mandkind Divided was a huge letdown, so instead of trying to push the franchise they decided to put it on hiatus.

Honestly, that's the best they could do. I mean, it is better to take a break than push the franchises towards the direction nobody wants.

That way, the team can try something new for once and the players at least know they will not go down Call of Duty or bethesda's route.
I, on the other hand, want the ending to the trilogy they promised. My problem wasn't with the way the franchise was going, my problem was the fact the franchise stopped mid-sentence.

This just exaggerates the problem.

Mankind Divided was given a 5/10 by me when I finished it but the reason was because it was half of a 10/10 game. Also, microtransactions. I might have given it higher if they hadn't cracked the game to remove Desperate Measures and System Rift.
You know if they didn't get fucked with by SquareEnix (what with that awful augment your pre-order and them breaking the game up behind dlc and forcing a multiplayer mode) we might have had an actually decent complete game with solid sales and a sequel greenlight by now.
You know if they didn't get fucked with by SquareEnix (what with that awful augment your pre-order and them breaking the game up behind dlc and forcing a multiplayer mode) we might have had an actually decent complete game with solid sales and a sequel greenlight by now.

The strange thing is I've heard the third installment was done. They were working on it and part 2 simultaneously.
This is what happens with badly handled games. Maybe it is for the better, though. All those "Deus Ex Universe" or what ever the fuck it was called plans sounded retarded, overconfident and greedy.
Not to mention they had no idea why that game was popular.


I thought they were already slightly on the wrong track with HR (due to certain design decisions that I'm still a bit bitter of).

I don't want any Marvel games. :(

There's way too much "Marvel" and "DC" going on in the entertainment business to begin with.

I wish they'd stop.

At least for a while.
Which decisions were those?

The biggest was the character and augmentation system being merged into what to me felt boring, unnecessary (change) and not very well thought out. The original Deus Ex felt way more satisfying and impactful charactersystem-wise even with all of the control clumsiness, they should've built upon that and improve it, not change it something... "less".
Can't say I'm sad to see this. I still haven't played Mankind Divided, but I lost all will to do so once I learned about all the bullshit they tried to pull with the micro-transactions and dlc. On top of that, I was kinda sick of Adam Jensen and the new direction of Deus Ex already after playing HR twice. I liked that game, it was a decent revival of the franchise, even though it has some major issues and lacked a lot of what made the original game great (it's easily in my top 5). But it was fine for a one-off. Didn't really care to see more of Adam and his story.
No surprise, really. MKD is a shell of a game compared to Human Revolution. Execs most likely wanted a business model similar to Hitman and didn't realize the DE storyline involving complicated, illuminati shadow-orgs isn't the best candidate for chopping up into pieces.

What a shame.
Can't say I'm sad to see this. I still haven't played Mankind Divided, but I lost all will to do so once I learned about all the bullshit they tried to pull with the micro-transactions and dlc. On top of that, I was kinda sick of Adam Jensen and the new direction of Deus Ex already after playing HR twice. I liked that game, it was a decent revival of the franchise, even though it has some major issues and lacked a lot of what made the original game great (it's easily in my top 5). But it was fine for a one-off. Didn't really care to see more of Adam and his story.

By contrast, I only want Adam Jensen as a protagonist. I just felt the storytelling was extremely disjointed. If they wanted to do "Half-Life" and do Episodes of Adam Jensen, fine, but at least let us know when you're doing it and why.
MKD was good but nowhere near as great as HR (my personal favorite in the series) or DX the first. It had many disappointments. Plus corporate bullshit seeping into it.

Give them some time think what their next move is, doesn't mean DX is dead.