Devil May Cry

Yeah its sounding worse and worse by the second. Plus my demo is taking abou 1000 years to download.
For the western standards of action gaming it looks like a solid game.

It's inferior to pretty much every single DMC title except 2, though, and honestly, I think I even enjoyed Darksiders 2's combat system more.

Also, for all the talk Capcom made about hiring Ninja Theory for being master storyteller, the writing is cringeworthy. It's stilted at best and laughably bad at worst.
WorstUsernameEver said:
Also, for all the talk Capcom made about hiring Ninja Theory for being master storyteller, the writing is cringeworthy. It's stilted at best and laughably bad at worst.

Who's up for some hot demon sex?

WorstUsernameEver said:
Also, for all the talk Capcom made about hiring Ninja Theory for being master storyteller, the writing is cringeworthy. It's stilted at best and laughably bad at worst.

Well, no point in pretending that writing in any other DMC games was anything but.

Now, are they going to release a PC version, or what?
Ausdoerrt said:
Well, no point in pretending that writing in any other DMC games was anything but.

It was fine for what it was, instead DmC gives me a strong pretentious vibe. YMMV I guess.

Now, are they going to release a PC version, or what?

Yes, ten days after the console version. It will be 60fps and on Steam you can preored it for 60 bucks with DMC3 and 4 included.
Ausdoerrt said:
Well, no point in pretending that writing in any other DMC games was anything but.
I haven't beaten DMC4 yet (need to get around to that) but the first three were fine because they were increasingly tongue in cheek. It doesn't make the writing great but when the writing pokes fun at itself it makes the audience open to laughter which can get them past the unintentionally bad parts. Don't get me wrong, I really wish that they would get witty writers who could bring out the best of the series but I'm doubtful. This is just one clip and I haven't played the new game at all so I can't really speak to how well the new game does but it doesn't bode well.

Capcom shot themselves in the foot when they closed Clover Studios and if I were them I would approach Platinum Games to see if they, particularly Hideki Kamiya, has any interest in taking a shot at it.
UncannyGarlic said:
Capcom shot themselves in the foot when they closed Clover Studios and if I were them I would approach Platinum Games to see if they, particularly Hideki Kamiya, has any interest in taking a shot at it.

Kamiya answered wether he'd do a DMC game on twitter saying "I want to do what the fans want" and "Ask Capcom".

But frankly I doubt it would ever happen. Their games seems to be in a niche that nowadays most companies don't want to fill.
I finally got a chance to try the demo. I actually kinda enjoyed the action, besides the guns being completely useless. Although seeing Dante an Virgil having a peaceful conversation ruined the story already for me.
Ausdoerrt said:
Well, no point in pretending that writing in any other DMC games was anything but.

Now, are they going to release a PC version, or what?

And you'd expect someone hired specifically to make a better story to elevate the storytelling, right? Except in many ways this is actually worse. It's pretentious, it's joyless, and it's tasteless in a way that not even the "cleavage and exploitation everywhere" designs of DMC4 were. And we got worse gameplay to boot!

Anyway, yeah, they're going to release a PC version. A couple of 60 fps videos are actually out already, and are much more visually pleasing than the console versions.
The final proof that this DmC is worse is in the fact that, ME, being terrible in the previous DMC games (I don't even like them that much), managed to get S ranks multiple times ON HARD. Yeah.... no.
Why can't we have shit like this anymore?

Or this?


Sadly having a serious tone seems to be considered inherently superior to tongue-in-cheek/light hearted entertainment. :|
Since when did games need to be fucking social commentary, anyway? Like, fuck, I'd enjoy a game that can explore society in a smart way and not like Bioshock and GTA's hamfisted attempts at it, but I don't want every game to be like that.

Also, fun fact. In one scene of DmC, Donte has a white and long-haired wig fall on his head out of nowhere, and he sees himself in a mirror and goes, "Not in a million years..." and throws it off. Because mocking the series your reboot is based off of is fucking hilarious. Of course, it's gonna get 9/10's fucking everywhere because journos have no taste or scruples, so go figure.

I guess that the one review that scored 7.5 and was taken off the net wasn't genuine.
It's genuine in the sense that, "We genuinely gave them free shit and they genuinely gave us a good review."
Nah, in all fairness, they mean genuine as in "we gave them review copies of our title". Of course, non-genuine reviews don't necessarily need to be fakes in the age of the internet and piracy.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
But frankly I doubt it would ever happen. Their games seems to be in a niche that nowadays most companies don't want to fill.
I'm not sure how niche DMC games are, I mean third person hack-n-slash action games seem to be pretty popular (DMC, God of War, Darksiders). I think the bigger problem is making the games feel fresh and play well. Sequelitis is a rampant problem, with copy and pasting gameplay (Zelda has been particularly bad about that) being particularly problematic in that arena.
UncannyGarlic said:
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
But frankly I doubt it would ever happen. Their games seems to be in a niche that nowadays most companies don't want to fill.
I'm not sure how niche DMC games are, I mean third person hack-n-slash action games seem to be pretty popular (DMC, God of War, Darksiders).

Oh, no, I'm talking of the kind of games Platinum Games does. Not afraid of being japanese, with more emphasis on depth and gameplay and less on passive spectacles. Not that they don't try to find a compromise (see Bayonetta) but their games have a very old school feel to it and the market doesn't seem to care for that anymore. I mean, their biggest success so far is Bayonetta, which has sold less than the mediocre GoW rip-off Dante's Inferno. All their other games have sold less than a 1 million. :|

I'm curious to see how much Metal Gear Rising will sell.
I'd guess that marketing is part of their problem given the high review scores of Bayonetta vs. it's sales. We'll see how well Bayonetta 2 does on the Wii U but I'm guessing that Metal Gear Rising will sell well if it's executed to their standards. Hell, even with an average execution I bet that it would sell well.

That said, I think you're right that they seem to make games that are either niche (Infinite Space) or put some consumers off (Bayonetta & Mad World).