Diablo 3 - Talk shop, stroke e-peen, gear fap, etc

I'm surprised anyone had time to notice whether the storyline was good or not. 100% of the people I played with online would speed through the game, completely ignoring anything even resembling story content. This was even true with, for example, people playing Act V their very first time after the expansion got released.

Was this the same with players in Diablo II? I wouldn't know as I never played that on Battle.net (i.e. Go through game as fast as possible, ignoring all story elements and focus only on kill/loot/progress/repeat.)

After completing 75% of total Achievements after RoS released, I can say for absolute certainty that for me, playing the game slower and actually experiencing all the story content is a more enjoyable game experience. As well as playing on Normal so that I can kill stuff really easily ;) There's definitely some pleasure in powerleveling and achievements and all that, but I think playing the game normal in both senses, is a better plan.

It is now, they have bots that fight and kill the bosses over and over to gain levels. But when the game was very first released, there were people who payed attention to the Story Line. The was what though, fuckin' 2000 (basically the 90's still)? Gamers have changed since then.

Also you still didn't explain much about Adria. I wanted to know what her true role in all of it was. Even the Book of Cain and Book of Tyrael doesn't give much in the way as to telling us what she really hoped to gain by fucking Diablo and then having the Lord of Terror's kid. Was she a profound follower of Diablo? Or did she give a shit less about Diablo, and just wanted power (which she thought she would get through Leah). From what the Book of Tyrael tells us, she was in some pretty fucked up cults when she was younger. Cults that did shit like worship demonic entities. This leads me to believe that she may have been a follower of Diablo (and maybe the other Lords of Hell). But then she completely betray's her cult and their leader in order to take over. Now I'm thinking, "maybe she could care less about Diablo, and simply wants power?".\

I'm also not going to say I DIDN'T like Diablo III since I would be lying, but they definitely took out the dark-medieval-gothic feel out of the game. They took out the feel like you really had something to be afraid of, like you weren't to sure if you wanted to know what was around the next corner. In Diablo III, Diablo kind of went from being the Lord of Terror to the Lord of AWESOMEUBERNESS. The music/soundtrack change from Diablo II to Diablo III is a way to get a good idea on what I'm talking about.
It kind of went from being dark and grimy Diablo to being fun and adventurous Ultima (or something of the sort). Kind of like they implemented to much WoW ethics into the game.

Alright, one more EDIT. Gaming has definitely took a strange turn since the 90's, or even early 2000's. Not saying gaming took a bad turn, it just seems like they focus on different things now then the old developers used to. Whatever did happen to the guys that made Diablo I and II?

EDIT: Figured out what happened to the creators of the Diablo series. Blizzard screwed them and now they are here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runic_Games and formerly here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flagship_Studios Though I get the feeling many of the original D and D2 crew didn't follow them to remake their studio as Runic Games. Wonder where they are at now?

EDIT: Alright, being way past my one last edit, I just wanted to say I found this for anyone else who cares for Diablo Lore;

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I don't really have an opinion about Adria, I think others are better equipped to answer/speculate on that.
I think gaming simply has become a business, a "true" profession that you follow. So naturally you have a lot of peopl working in the industry which do it only for the money, just like any other job, the difference between a gamedeveloper, car manfucature or illustrator dont exist anymore. You do it for the bills. Thats not as bad as it sounds. Its simply the reality. So a game like Diablo 3 will be always seen as product first and every decision during the development will be made with that in mind, while for example some independed team might say "screw this! I am an artist! I am not going to sell my soul". Both extreme cases yes, the reality is more in the midle. But I think you get the point. So with saying that, its pretty much impossible for a future Diablo game to ever gain the feel of previous Diablo games, even if the teams would really want it, they simply cant, because the market has changed. I believe that Diablo 2 was more some kind of accident. Brevik once said, if I remember correctly, that he and his team wanted to simply make a game they wanted to play. That was their biggest priority. When I am looking at Diablo 3 then I feel that is a very polished product with high quality concepts behind it, but that is made like a product with the idea "what would sell on the market" rather then a game that was made with a vision in mind. This also explains why Blizzard "flip flops" with their decisions all the time, like with the auction house.
I didn't care much for the story line, though I didn't skip any of the dialogue or anything.

As for playing online, yeah, people will always skip the dialogue. Most of the time everyone has already beaten the game at least once on normal mode, so there's no reason to hold up the 3 other people in your group if you haven't seen the story. I play private games with friends if I don't want to skip dialogue and all that.
well it took Blizzard only 2 years and some overpriced [strike]DLC[/strike] Expansion to give people the ability to play the game without the story. Something that D2 had as default ...
These gamers today would have HATED playing Diablo 1 online. Everytime you talked to Deckard Cain, he had like fuckin 50 boxes of dialogue to tell you. Even back then this eventually started to make Gamers hate Cain.

So when Diablo II came out, the developers made Cain say "Stay awhile and listen" as kind of a joke for people who played the first Diablo. They also locked Deckard Cain up in a cage (if you remember the burning of Tristram in D2 and rescuing him), because people on the forums back then were repeatedly saying they would "lock him away and leave him for dead", or "lock him in a cage" if they could. The devs did this to give Diablo I players the justice (and possibly revenge) they so longed for.

They also shortened his dialogue to an insanely smaller version than his Diablo I self. I remember watching a fan made spoof video about Deckard Cain in D1, where these two guys in Tristram are competing/boasting about great, honorable, or crazy things they had did. Eventually it gets to a part where one of them says "Yeah, well I defeated the Lord of Terror underneath the Cathedral and jammed his soulstone into my skull to contain him!", and then the other guy says "Yeah!?! I once sat half way through a Deckard Cain conversation", in which it flashes back to the guy sitting down in a chair, with Deckard Cain also sitting across from him babbling on and on about random crap and Diablo Universe Lore. Eventually, in Cain's mid-sentence, the guy sitting down immediately stands up (interrupting Cain in mid-sentence), lifts his arms up and shouts "Done!", and then walks out the tavern (or whatever they were in). Afterward the scene switches back to the two guys and the other guy says "Yeah! Well... well, well I... I once...... ok I can't match that".
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Huh, I've never heard that before, as far as people hating Cain. I didn't play on Battle.net much though, but personally he never bothered me. Those people sound like whiny little impatient kids that should/would probably be playing Call Of Duty and Minecraft, if it were fast-forwarded a decade, unless there's something I'm missing.

Diablo was great, and the conversations were interesting. If they didn't like the dialogs, they could skip past them. What's the problem?
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I've been coming back to D3 with the lack of good new releases, and I'm starting to really like my Crusader. The new buffs have made him a real powerhouse; I use Justice and Blessed Hammer to great medium-range effect, with Heaven's Fury to spruce up the DPS and good old Akarat's Champion for uniques. Stuff just dies, and unlike with my barbarian I don't need to run around all the time chasing every monster and having to waste a passive slot to make sure my resource generation doesn't utterly suck.
I've been coming back to D3 with the lack of good new releases, and I'm starting to really like my Crusader. The new buffs have made him a real powerhouse; I use Justice and Blessed Hammer to great medium-range effect, with Heaven's Fury to spruce up the DPS and good old Akarat's Champion for uniques. Stuff just dies, and unlike with my barbarian I don't need to run around all the time chasing every monster and having to waste a passive slot to make sure my resource generation doesn't utterly suck.

Yeah, Crusader is really powerful. I laughed hard when I saw the first two skills: "300-something% weapon damage" and "700-something% weapon damage". I was like "Huh, this oughta be easy" :shock:

Cains a boss. Enough of the trash talk :look:

Love this video. :D "You opened a portal from HELL to our town?!"

It's so funny when videos/comedians look at things we all took for granted and say "Dude, this is CRAZY, check it out."
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Those people sound like whiny little impatient kids that should/would probably be playing Call Of Duty and Minecraft

I like Minecraft...

Just bought Diablo 1 and it's hellfire expansion. Will be here in two days.

Nice, good call.

Have you not played them before?

Nope, not yet. Always wanted to though. I've beat the hell out of Diablo 2 on single player, and had a shitload of character builds on multiplayer. For Diablo 2 (Multipayer/B.Net), I had:

• PVP Build (lvl 72)
• PVM Build (lvl 59) ... (PVM = Player Versus Mobs. This is the Char I'd use to power level friends and what not)
• Buffer Build (lvl 50) ... (Never have to get Barb buffers past 50 really since by that time you'll have maxed most/all your needed buff skills.

• Bowazon (lvl 52)
• Javazon (lvl 23) :(

• Bone Mancer (lvl 92) ... My favorite, first (After I knew what I was doing with the builds), and highest level character
• Skelemancer aka Summon Mancer (lvl 64)
• Cursemancer (lvl 52) ... Good for parties, severly weakens enemy mobs making them extremely easy to kill. Team this guy up with a PVM Barbarian, and they will be unstoppable

• Hammerdin (lvl 50)
• Smiter (lvl 22) ... Never really got to build this guy, but I had all his high level gear
• Zealer (lvl 30)
• FotH aka Fist of the Heavens (lvl 71)

• MF Sorc aka Magic Finder (lvl 52)
• Ice-Blizz Sorc (lvl 60)
• Fire Sorce (lvl 85)
• Lightning Sorc (lvl 15) :(
• Meteorb Sorc (lvl 27)

• Claw Sin - Tiger Style (lvl 62) ... (Uses Hands)
• Claw Sin - Dragon Style (lvl 74) ... (Uses Legs)
• Tap Sin aka Trapper (lvl 51) ... (Uses Traps)

• Elemental Druid - Wind (lvl 41)
• Elemental Druid - Fire (lvl 37)
• Beastmaster Druid (lvl 55) ... (Druid that turns into werebear/werewolf)
• Summoner Druid (lvl 39) ... (Druid that summons animals)

By now your probably wondering,... what the hell? To back this information up, I played Diablo II online for nearly five to six years building these characters up. On my free time, after school (and later in my life work) I would spend hours and hours doing nothing but grinding or doing Baal and Diablo runs for items, mainly with my Magic Finder (MFer) Sorceress who I would then have a trusted friend trade the items to whatever of my characters needed it.
Just bought Diablo 1 and it's hellfire expansion. Will be here in two days.
I can see what you see not; vision milky, then eyes rot.
When you turn they will be gone, whispering their hidden song.
Then you see what cannot be, shadows move where light should be.
Out of darkness, out of mind, cast down into the halls of the blind.

Enjoy ;)
well because Diablo games are pure timesinks. Farming and all that stuff. Its more that they are simply good games. :V
@BigBoss I did not mean offense; I always forget that Minecraft is played by many demographics, because my first experiences of it were preteens and they spent hours watching stupid videos of people playing the game. I have a probably-irrational dislike of the game due to that. More recently, young children want to tell me all about their Minecraft experiences and I truly don't care. What ever happened to Legos? I just don't accept the 21st-Century "everyone can be creative" thing that people are embracing with Minecraft. I disagree with the whole concept. If everyone is made to feel Special and Accomplished and Creative, isn't that the same as given Participation Awards and such, in real life? It makes people feel good, but it's not a wise practice.

Anyway, nice list of D2 characters :) I never did grinding to find items like Baal and such; always found that really boring. But I modded the game a bit and played many characters. Fun game :)

P.S. You should definitely get The Hell mod for Diablo 1 once it arrives. True, it makes the game more difficulty, infuriatingly-so at higher difficulty levels, but it adds so much to the game that I still highly recommend it. http://diablo.gamepedia.com/Download_(The_Hell)
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Man, I play Minecraft too. I even wear my Creeper Minecraft t-shirt out in public. Minecraftians, represent!
@BigBoss I just found out about another awesome Diablo1 mod literally a few minutes ago. Google "Diablo 1 HD Mod". Good times.

@Korin Not to worry, I own the ponies-and-clouds blue Diablo 3 shirt, so all is forgiven. ;) Plus, I know I'm just being a crotchety old grumpypants about Minecraft.
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