Your Local Scrub
I'm surprised anyone had time to notice whether the storyline was good or not. 100% of the people I played with online would speed through the game, completely ignoring anything even resembling story content. This was even true with, for example, people playing Act V their very first time after the expansion got released.
Was this the same with players in Diablo II? I wouldn't know as I never played that on (i.e. Go through game as fast as possible, ignoring all story elements and focus only on kill/loot/progress/repeat.)
After completing 75% of total Achievements after RoS released, I can say for absolute certainty that for me, playing the game slower and actually experiencing all the story content is a more enjoyable game experience. As well as playing on Normal so that I can kill stuff really easily There's definitely some pleasure in powerleveling and achievements and all that, but I think playing the game normal in both senses, is a better plan.
It is now, they have bots that fight and kill the bosses over and over to gain levels. But when the game was very first released, there were people who payed attention to the Story Line. The was what though, fuckin' 2000 (basically the 90's still)? Gamers have changed since then.
Also you still didn't explain much about Adria. I wanted to know what her true role in all of it was. Even the Book of Cain and Book of Tyrael doesn't give much in the way as to telling us what she really hoped to gain by fucking Diablo and then having the Lord of Terror's kid. Was she a profound follower of Diablo? Or did she give a shit less about Diablo, and just wanted power (which she thought she would get through Leah). From what the Book of Tyrael tells us, she was in some pretty fucked up cults when she was younger. Cults that did shit like worship demonic entities. This leads me to believe that she may have been a follower of Diablo (and maybe the other Lords of Hell). But then she completely betray's her cult and their leader in order to take over. Now I'm thinking, "maybe she could care less about Diablo, and simply wants power?".\
I'm also not going to say I DIDN'T like Diablo III since I would be lying, but they definitely took out the dark-medieval-gothic feel out of the game. They took out the feel like you really had something to be afraid of, like you weren't to sure if you wanted to know what was around the next corner. In Diablo III, Diablo kind of went from being the Lord of Terror to the Lord of AWESOMEUBERNESS. The music/soundtrack change from Diablo II to Diablo III is a way to get a good idea on what I'm talking about.
It kind of went from being dark and grimy Diablo to being fun and adventurous Ultima (or something of the sort). Kind of like they implemented to much WoW ethics into the game.
Alright, one more EDIT. Gaming has definitely took a strange turn since the 90's, or even early 2000's. Not saying gaming took a bad turn, it just seems like they focus on different things now then the old developers used to. Whatever did happen to the guys that made Diablo I and II?
EDIT: Figured out what happened to the creators of the Diablo series. Blizzard screwed them and now they are here: and formerly here Though I get the feeling many of the original D and D2 crew didn't follow them to remake their studio as Runic Games. Wonder where they are at now?
EDIT: Alright, being way past my one last edit, I just wanted to say I found this for anyone else who cares for Diablo Lore;
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