the demon hunter I played was a female, my Barbarian male. The reason for this, is because I simply believe that it fits the role. Just as how the Assasin in D2 was female and the paladin/barb male. Call it a stereotype. Thats fine for me. But honestly, could you imagine Conan as something else then a strong male fighter? ~ I am aware about the existance of Sonja, but Sonja is NOT Conan, you get what I am saying, she's a different personality/character. There are simply certain roles that I asociate with a certain type of person if you want so. The Barb was always a male warrior for me, and yeah the female barb looks and sounds like shit, but thats a totally different problem. A lot of the hype around the DH was also involving the female version, like promo art and videos. Just as how they used the male Barb. So even Blizzard is aware abou this "gender role" thing.
To be fair though, I think the male DH looks pretty badass. And his voice acting is very appropriate to the desired role. So I would never say that the devs just dropped him as the non-preferred gender or whatever.
Huh, I actually couldn't find any great ones, and most weren't holding a bow. Odd. Anyway, I did a fair amount of transmogrifying in-game with my DH and you can make them look really fucking cool.