This ghoul has seen it all

Well thsi is gonna be a simple topic, like the title says, in what order do you think the DLCs should be played? not release order I mean, but how do you think the experience would feel more natural? and why?
This is my Order:
Honest Hearts, it's the mroe stad alone one, but it gives you a hint about Ulysses.
Then Old World Blues,I haven't to purchased it yet but as far as I know it has a lto of references to Dead Money, even Christine making an appeareance in audio logs, and you get more hints about Ulysses, and you kind of Start the ELijah arc
The Dead Money, you close the Elijah Arc, and get the first mention of the Battle with Ulysses.
And of Course, The Lonesome Road is last for obviosu resons.
This is my Order:
Honest Hearts, it's the mroe stad alone one, but it gives you a hint about Ulysses.
Then Old World Blues,I haven't to purchased it yet but as far as I know it has a lto of references to Dead Money, even Christine making an appeareance in audio logs, and you get more hints about Ulysses, and you kind of Start the ELijah arc
The Dead Money, you close the Elijah Arc, and get the first mention of the Battle with Ulysses.
And of Course, The Lonesome Road is last for obviosu resons.