Doctor Who

Brother None said:
Sander said:
No. John Hurt is the Time War doctor, which brings us to 12. And Peter Capaldi is then the thirteenth doctor, not the fourteenth.

[spoiler:a474f5996f]Nah, Capaldi's been introduced as the 12th by BBC. Hurt is something else, like the Valeyard or the like.[/spoiler:a474f5996f]


[spoiler:a474f5996f]Hurt's not "the Doctor", even if it's a regeneration of the Time Lord that calls himself the Doctor. That way they keep the same numbering.[/spoiler:a474f5996f]

It's all a bit messy anyway, with Tennant half-regenerating in the finale of his 4th season (doesn't that count? I guess it doesn't), and the specifics of regeneration varying wildly between writers. It was never established exactly how it works, and I wouldn't be surprised if their explanation for the Doctor regenerating after 12/13 will be something along the lines of Neil Gaiman's proposed (non-canon) explanation.

P.S. : Interestingly, according to Neil Gaiman, a black actor was offered the part of the Doctor at some point, which, if true, is a minor but heartening signal that the execs aren't only looking at white dudes. That might have been before Moffat's time as showrunner, though.
There are a few ways to go about the regeneration limit. But I do hope they do something to explain it then just pretending it isn't there. You could have River giving regenerations be the explanation, say that the limit got reset at the start of the time war, you could have trying to get more regenerations be a story arc.

Anyway Capaldi was good in things I've seen him in. It is a bit strange that he was in both Doctor Who and Torchwood already but whatever. He'll probably be good at portraying The Doctor, just going to have to wait and see.
It makes perfect sense for Hurt to be the incarnation that ended the time war,but if that's true, then that means that him ending the time war was his biggest secret.

That's got to be the worst kept secret in the universe.

Anyway, I love Peter Capaldi and I'm thrilled to see him be the Doctor, I think he's gonna be fantastic.

Also, what was the importance of the crack on the TARDIS window?

As a final note, does anyone know of someplace where I can watch the entirety of the old series? I very much want to watch it, but netflix doesn't have all of the episodes and I don't feel like buying the DVD's to all of them.
You'll never catch the entirety of the classic series since the BBC used to wipe tapes some time after broadcast. A good amount of Hartnell's episodes were lost that way and even more of Troughton's.

There have been some animated restorations though, for example when they have four of six serials, they may animate the missing two using audio that has survived.
I was aware of that, but I was asking where I can watch every available serial.

I very much want to catch up on Classic Who.
I recently started watching the series, I'm enjoying it quite a far. I'm currently at the end of season 2 (so I have a lot of catching up to do :P), god, the LINDA episode was terrible. >_> I hope it's not a sign of things to come.
Josan said:
You'll never catch the entirety of the classic series since the BBC used to wipe tapes some time after broadcast. A good amount of Hartnell's episodes were lost that way and even more of Troughton's.

A good deal of the original reels were lost in a warehouse fire, too. Wiki synopses are going to have to suffice.
AlphaPromethean said:
I was aware of that, but I was asking where I can watch every available serial.

I very much want to catch up on Classic Who.
Short of buying all the DVDs, you can't legally. And we don't allow illegal/shady links or talk on this website. Sorry.
It's okay, I found a source.

I'm finding Harntells run tough to watch, I like Unearthly Child but The Daleks was just them being captured, getting free and then captured again, I found it very boring.

I was told things speed up with Troughton a bit,so I watched Dalek Invasion of Earth and then The Tenth Planet.

I liked the Tenth Planet quite a lot, and the Cybermen were pretty cool, I like the way they look like they've just left surgery, emphasizes the Cyborg part, unlike RTD's brain in a box ( though Moffat made their design a little more interesting in The Pandorica Opens.)

I didn't really like the first Doctor though, he kind of just sat there in the background, for a while it felt like the Ian and Barbra show, not Doctor Who.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
I recently started watching the series, I'm enjoying it quite a far. I'm currently at the end of season 2 (so I have a lot of catching up to do :P), god, the LINDA episode was terrible. >_> I hope it's not a sign of things to come.
There's the occasional episode that is absolutely abysmal. Like the Season 4 Christmas episode I recently watched. It usually gets better after a low point.
AlphaPromethean said:
I didn't really like the first Doctor though, he kind of just sat there in the background, for a while it felt like the Ian and Barbra show, not Doctor Who.

I believe it's because the original plan was to have the show focus on Ian and Barbra, and the Doctor would be at best some grumpy old gentleman who just got them into these situations. That changed as the Doctor was the more popular character. I might be wrong, though, seeing as my source was TV Tropes. Some shows suffer from early episode weirdness, maybe it was a case of that.
I liked the Second Doctor, but the pacing and most other things had the same problems, so I only watched Tomb Of The Cybermen and The War Games.

I'm really liking Pertwee's show though, it's fixed alot of the problems, even if I don't like his Doctor as much.

I can't wait to get to Baker.

EDIT:So, apparently, the 50th has a title:The Day of the Doctor

The Name of the Doctor followed by the Day of the Doctor makes me think the Christmas special will be called The X of the Doctor, to make it a trilogy of sorts.

I'm willing to bet it'll either be The Fall of the Doctor or maybe The Enemy of the Doctor.

Also, Cybermen confirmed to be in the Christmas special (leaked by an extra on twitter, it was soon deleted.)

Having the Cybermen be the villain would be rather fitting, seeing as they were the enemy in the first doctors final episode, and this is the 50th year.
Anybody going to buy Big Finish Audio's Light at the End? it's their Doctor Who 50th Anniversary audio, and unlike the televised version, it will have all the classic Doctors in it.

Including the best Doctor, Eight.

For those who don't know, Big Finish do audio stories centered around classic doctors (and the Eighth mainly) with the Doctors actually being voiced by their respected actors.

Damn,who is still watching 60' 80' years movies.
Doctor who,was funny till season 4,then it all got random,no Daleks,no cybermen.I wonder when they re-write storyline,because since eleven doctor it all got f*Ed up(i mean the storyline)

They should make a return of the daleks ,or an Gallifrey scenery(i know there was one but i want the second one)