Doctor Who

Brother None said:
The old show had its up and downs and its stinkers too. The reboot still hasn't gotten as bad as Time and the Rani. And besides, the show always differed in attitude, style of the Doctor and overall style. The reboot has its flaws, sure, but it's still not close to as bad as 6th-to-early-7th. You seem to assume anyone who has seen the original series must hate the new one, but I've seen both, and I love the reboot. I'm mystified as to why you persist in watching it through.
6th and 7th doesn't accurately represent the old show. 6th and 7th is the reason the old show died. 1st through early 5th is what I'm talking about.

I subjected myself to this season because it just happened to be on at a convenient time right before another show I watch, and because I have an ongoing discussion about it with a friend of mine. Also because it's fairly new to me. I never watched it until about a year and a half ago.

In everything else you say you could replace "show" with "game" and "Doctor" with "Fallout" and you'd be indistinguishable from one of the many people who thought Fallout 3 was great.

If you want to enjoy the new show, knock yourself out. But it's nothing like the old show in spirit or mind. Doctor Who was never meant to be about how many flirty tarts a Time Lord can juggle simultaneously. The Doctor was never meant to be a superhero; the Cybermen were never supposed to be the Borg; the Ice Warriors were never supposed to be Aliens; the Daleks were never supposed to be...whatever the hell they've turned them into. It's just sad.
UniversalWolf said:
6th and 7th doesn't accurately represent the old show. 6th and 7th is the reason the old show died. 1st through early 5th is what I'm talking about.

Right, so when you conveniently ignore parts of the old show, then the new show is an outrage to the old show. Got it.

UniversalWolf said:
In everything else you say you could replace "show" with "game" and "Doctor" with "Fallout" and you'd be indistinguishable from one of the many people who thought Fallout 3 was great.

If you mean Fallout 3 as in Van Buren, then yes: it's a follow-up much later to a series that already struggled with consistency, trying to find its own tone but still retaining the core. There were a lot of people who criticized Van Buren, me among them, and I can certainly see criticizing it on points, but Van Buren was still a Fallout.

In your analogy, the movie is probably Bethesda's Fallout 3.

UniversalWolf said:
If you want to enjoy the new show, knock yourself out.
Thanks, I will.

Looks like Matt Smith is leaving.


Above is a something regarding the 2013 Christmas special. It was announced today by the BBC so I am not sure that it is a spoiler but marking it just in case....
You hardly need to spoiler something that had an official press release.

Yes, Smith is leaving. Interesting too considering it had recently been announced that he was confirmed for Series 8. I wonder if the rumours of Smith and Moffat having a falling out are true. I would have liked to see what Smith could have done with the Doctor with someone other than that arrogant asshat, Moffat, running things.

And I'm amused that some of you are calling modern DW a reboot. It's not. Revived yes. Rebooted, no.
This season has been brilliant, well, 7b anyway.

The Cybermen need to change in tone and personality anyway, there are too many who villains who's main thing is that they're slow and deadly,Personally I love the new direction the Cybermen are going, and I am looking forward to seeing them in future episodes.

To the person who is insulting the new series and revering the old as if it were some shining beacon of television all should look up to, you must remember, nearly all of seven and sixes run was complete horseshit, and yet as Brother None was saying, you conveniently ignore that part.

I'm looking forward to the 50th, and I'm going to call it now, Matt Smiths last words will be "Geronimo"
It feels like it's time for Matt Smith. I enjoyed him as a Doctor but his hyper-active style does wear thin. Would've liked to see him under another producer though.

At least Clara stays. I like her best!

The special should be great. Fingers crossed!
i really enjoyed matt smith, i absolutely love the first episode of him with pond and prisoner zero.

and i also like the 2 parter with the pandorica.

not much a fan of the 2 parter with river song and where its the same time the whole time and ends with the marriage.

i did enjoy the episode with the silence. not so much the last ones, but the initial 1-2 episodes.
I grew very tired of River Song very quickly.

I don't know what I grew tired of first. River Song or Steven Moffat.

Shame Smith is leaving and Moffat is staying. I'd have liked seeing it the other way around.
I really wish the Sun hadn't gone and revealed it, bloody ruining it for everyone, if they hadn't done that, the BBC wouldn't mention it and 11's death would have come as a complete surprise to everyone, especially since they led us on with Matt mentioning in an Interview he was staying on for another season.

I hate that cumstain of a newspaper.
Lot of interesting tidbits from Moffat here. Sounds like he's getting ready to round up a lot of plot-threads in the upcoming specials.

But more importantly: he feels like River Song's story has been told and he's ready to let the character be! YES! YEEEEEEESSSSSSSS! No more Song! The glory!!! Ceeeleeebrate good times c'mon!

Well, she might still be back for a cameo or episode or two but whatever, she's done! YES!

I'm really looking forward to the specials. Haven't been this excited about Who since the 10th left. I even bought some of the 50th anniversary books, haha. Don't expect them to be good but I want some more Who.
ok WTF...

they announced the new dr who and there is a serious issue with who it is...

Torchwood happens within the same "universe" as Dr Who.

the problem is the new doctor was one of the main actors in the Children of Earth mini-series from Torchwood.

this requires quite a break.
He played the patriarch of the family Doc 10 and Donna saved from The Fires of Pompeii, too, which means not only has he met himself, he's literally worshipped himself. (Kind of a fitting parallel for Moffat. Zing!)

There's promise here though, real promise. Even if he flounders, it'll be kind of nice to move things away from young and saucy. Smith certainly wasn't playing Tennant's Doctor, especially as time wore on, but I felt at times that there was a little too much overlap where there shouldn't have been and I was afraid that was going to become a trend with the character, given that the more recently minted Whovians have never had much else to go on.
I might start watching Doctor Who now, Capaldi is awesome.
I actually don't mind the Doctor now being played by an older actor.

To be honest when I read about the Doctor I immediately had this image of a somewhat old and wizened figure who rather than using his fists uses his brains, and knows how to play on other people's feeling and mind (but not to manipulate them in bad ways), leaving the action stuff for his companions.

The last Doctor sometimes felt like a jester with ADHD.
I love me some Peter Capaldi. No one can play a foul-mouthed civil servant Scotsman like him.

Just a little disappointed it is once again a white dude.

TheWesDude said:
ok WTF...

they announced the new dr who and there is a serious issue with who it is...

Torchwood happens within the same "universe" as Dr Who.

the problem is the new doctor was one of the main actors in the Children of Earth mini-series from Torchwood.

this requires quite a break.
Actors playing multiple roles, years apart? Why, what a disaster! How can we possibly explain this!

Oh yeah, wait, they're actors. And Doctor Who has done this quite frequently with companions, too. Whatever.
Colin Baker appeared in a 5th Doctor story before he was cast as 6th. And of course, there are multiple instances of actors being recast in other roles in Who/Torchwood.

Will have to echo Sander's sentiment: it's a bit of a lost opportunity to cast another white guy, though at least they're casting a pretty good middle-age actor. Unfortunately I'm unfamiliar with The Thick of It.. guess I'm gonna have to get up to speed with it before I start to see Capaldi as the Doctor.

P.S. : Great to know that Moffat thinks the Doctor being a woman is like having a guy playing the Queen. That explains a lot of how he's written his female companions.
Props to Moffat for not picking another attractive young dude just to appeal to fangirls.

Kind of disappointed it wasn't a woman though.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Sander said:
I love me some Peter Capaldi. No one can play a foul-mouthed civil servant Scotsman like him.

Just a little disappointed it is once again a white dude.

Agreed. I was hoping for Idris Elba.

I had my hopes pinned on Chiwetel Ejiofor, even if he wasn't an odds-on favorite (and for good or for ill, I actually had a fever dream last night in which The Doctor was played by Mos Def). In light of the increasingly Twitter-gif-friendly direction the series and the character have been taking as time's worn on, I'm perfectly willing to settle for old, moderately weathered, and not glaringly "adorkable."